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So, let me tell you...
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So, let me tell you a little bit about my job.

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It sucks, for many reasons. But the first reason I'm going to tell you about, is the co-workers. You wouldn't believe the crap I put up with when it comes to these losers I work with. I mean, here's this stuck-up chick who thinks she's better than every woman on the world even though she's dumb as a rock and going nowhere in life. She considers herself fashionable, but her clothes look like they came out of the 70's... I mean, a purple sweater? LEG WARMERS? What the hell? Nothing irritates me more than someone who is arrogant and has no reason to be. Alright, so onto the next annoying co-worker. This one's brilliant- and I mean SUPER-BRILLIANT! She could have so many career opportunities, but instead she stays with us? What's wrong with her? I mean, she's gotta be the smartest chick I know. I hate her because she chose a job where she makes little to no money when she could be the next Oprah. And I mean it. Alright, lastly... the STONER. I mean he always comes to work SUPER-HIGH and even his DOG, which he brings to work for no reason, which also sounds like it's trying to TALK, comes half-baked just from the weed smoke it inhales from the dude's bong. He never does anything useful, is cared of pretty much everything, and EATS. ALOT. EVEN HIS DOG! They just eat, and eat, and eat. If I brought the gang to McDonalds and ordered the food, it'd be in this guy's stomach before everyone else could even reach the food. But enough about those people. Anyways, see, we drive around in this van and solve mysteries and ++#%. 

Posts: 1656
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too late epi,  someone else posted this joke before.

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What are you talking about?

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