Who would win in an battle between Sonic the Hedgehog and your Avatar? (from the left of your post ) To be clear. By the 'Avatar' I do necessarily mean your current one. Since your Avatar is actually changed over and over you can count them all as seperate beings. So to put it simpler. Sonic against the complete strength of your Avatar.
Sonic can go Super. Avatars can go into the "really awesome state"
Well, on this site my avatar is Sonic since I have just the MoFo default. On other sites, I have varies incarnations of my primary role-play character who could make quick work of the hedgehog.
My avatar is basically Super Sonic UNLEASHED so I'd have to say a tie. <_
Does SadGavin hafta kill a foo'?
Nagato would just format Sonic
Sonic vs. Bomberman? 😮
Tough call. I'm really not sure who would win.
Nothing can withstand the might of the cockcannon.
As for previous avatars, Slayer would totally melt Sonic's face off with the power of thrash.
The blue hedgehog may be good at taking out flying fortresses, but I doubt he could handle the Great Unmaker and Planet Devourer. Especially since this one is "UNLEASHED!".
*hasn't got an avatar yet* ;-;
Hmm. Sonic versus a massively overpowered nigh-on demi-god? Utterly no contest =P SS wins it.
obviously everyone's going to answer with their avatar. you could replace "sonic" with "god" and everyone who would answer a poll like this would still answer with their avatar. no one wants to admit that that precious little icon they've picked for themselves just isn't that awesome.
just so you know, weegee wins.
He I voted for Sonic. Vibri doesn't really do anything except jump through hoops on a never ending musical line.
My avatar could pwn Sonic, but It'd be hard pressed to beat Knuckles.
My fan character Spark (in my avatar) was designed to be a match for Sonic (from an unofficial series), but nothing more than that. So I said a tie. But now that he's UNLEASHED... who knows?
Fire-up from bomberman versus Sonic?
Sonic'd win
Mine would win the first bout with an impressive array of tactics and skill, but would eventually be overcome by Sonic's natural talents in the deciding match. Angry at losing to an upstart, she'll cry foul and proclaim that Sonic used Debug Mode to gain the advantage.
Later, her spiritual mentor begins acting distant and uncouth, and she will be forced to seek out Sonic's help to get to the root of the problem. After a few battles and one or two close shaves, she starts to develop a sense of admiration for the hedgehog... and perhaps something else.
The cat in my avatar's just a kid. He's being used in an RP, so the character is still in development of sorts. As of this moment, though, he's completely normal.
With me unleashed, I don't think anyone could stop me.
... she starts to develop a sense of admiration for the hedgehog... and perhaps something else.
Not another Sonic 2k6, please!
Mine would win the first bout with an impressive array of tactics and skill, but would eventually be overcome by Sonic's natural talents in the deciding match. Angry at losing to an upstart, she'll cry foul and proclaim that Sonic used Debug Mode to gain the advantage.
Later, her spiritual mentor begins acting distant and uncouth, and she will be forced to seek out Sonic's help to get to the root of the problem. After a few battles and one or two close shaves, she starts to develop a sense of admiration for the hedgehog... and perhaps something else.
and then sonic said hey go out with me and jane said YES ILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND and was happy! they dated and they went to a movie then they went home and had a very good time and in the morning jane got up and OH NO! i feel sick! so jane rushed to the bathroom and was sick and sonic came into the bathroom and said you feel sick? and pat her on the head for he was sad that she was sick after such a fun night and jane said yes, we need to see a doctor and they went to the doctor and he said jane, you are PREGNET. jane was oh no that's bad and sonic said he was proud to be a daddy and so jane was okay with it and they kept the baby.
9 months later jane dropped her glass OH NO SONIC THE BABY IS COMING and sonic picked her up and run real fast and they go to the doctor and she had the baby and they called her jewel because sonic said she had her mothers eyes which were as prettier then any chaos emerald and jane was oh no she look like her daddy she has his smile and they were happy and jewel growed up up be a happy girl and lived happily ever after. 🙂
Becca is possessed by Kio
Also Psx why isn't that your avatar
Sonic, a blue hedgehog with the speed of a thousand suns
Cari, a blue-haired mortal goddess with water power by her side?
Considering Sonic can't swim, I'ma go with Cari. :3
~Shadowed Spirit Sage
Emblems can't do much...unless they are attached to gigantic robots or airships just to mock you!
But we all know how Sonic decimates those things.
My avatar is a hedgie who can summon and control heartless. Sonic would win, hands down.
Actually it's a female Eggperson.
My avatar is a hedgie who can summon and control heartless. Sonic would win, hands down.
Shoe! weba. Eggwoman would confuse sonic
shoe's avatar has already confused me. oo;
Oh, i remember her awesome cosplay, it's the fact that she's claiming she's a hedgehog at the same time that's confusing. 😛
XD that could be a very elaborate band leader costume.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
XD that could be a very elaborate band leader costume.
I've gotten this from several people, actually. o.o And thank you for the webaz! I love you guys.
Sorry for the confusion. XD I interpreted "avatar" as "fursona". Sonic would definitely win against my fursona, but against the Eggwoman... Yeah, I guess he'd just be too durn confuzzled to do anything. XD
{Kinda off-topic, but I'll be at A-kon as Eggwoman this weekend. Also considering taking my Monarch cosplay, if I can brave the painful boots. (Speaking of which, I hope I'll make it home on Sunday in time to watch season 3 of Venture Brothers premiere. x.x Major fan I am.)}
how could you confuse your avatar image with one of your characters? ^^;
What I mean is, when I read "avatar" my brain went to my hoghedge character, since an avatar usually means what you use to represent yourself. I was wrong in my assumption. I sorry.
I prefer the term "sidepic", myself.
Because I don't think my online pictorial representative being an amply-endowed kunoichi to be all that accurate. Plus it changes like every other month.
ohh, that's what you ment. oo; i always mean avatar as your posting image, didn't know it had other meanings online.
she's a ninja too? drat, i should've added some throwing stars.
Only 3 more days until Venture Brothers Season 3 premier W00T!!!
Well, as much as my current avvie would only be able to stave in Sonic's head with a french stick if Sonic stood still, Shadsie did say the combined strength... and I've got like fifty gazjillio avvies, most of them Crim, so it'll be the worlds biggest dog pile!
That's not what I would call it. :3
she's a ninja too?
She's, um well... Alkaid's character class Twin Swords resembles a ninja. I just didn't want to get into the dot.hack terminology.
With me unleashed, I don't think anyone could stop me.
A wall could stop you.
Depends what the wall's made of. A paper wall, for example, ain't stopping nobody.
Also if we're using avatar in the sense of online representation rather than forum avatar, then I doubt any of mine have the reflexes necessary to react to something that moves at the speed of sound. Although the original version of Nuchtos from back when he was a Sonic fan character might've stood a chance, but that's because we was ludicrously overpowered & mary-sue-ish.
Sonic vs Green and Seven Force? Green, easy. Most bosses Sonic fights are only capable of 6-12 hits. Seven Force has, like, several hundred hit points... PER FORM!
Plus, I have a massive yaoi-fan-boy style crush on Green. <3
Pretty sure Sonic would spin-dash my face into a bloody pile. And all that could stall him would be flashes from my camera...
Well, I do believe I now need a new pair of pants.
why? did HPA steal your old pair? o.o
No, I just realized that I wasn't wearing any.
Because HPA stole them.
Sonic vs Green and Seven Force? Green, easy. Most bosses Sonic fights are only capable of 6-12 hits. Seven Force has, like, several hundred hit points... PER
FORM!Plus, I have a massive yaoi-fan-boy style crush on Green. <3
This is a match-up I've been pondering myself, actually. Generally when we're going into this fight, I have Sonic turn Super prior to it... that way, he actually stands a chance. Even then, if the player lacks good enough reflexes, Seven Force has enough firepower to keep Super far enough away so that he never actually connects.
Of course, I've been thinking of them in the context of crappy fanfiction, in which Golden Silver has been using Seven Force as a crutch as he attempts to regain the power he lost in Guardian Heroes. He starts off at Force v1 and gains a level every time he's defeated, until he works his way up to Force v7 (Seven Force). Note that Forces v1 through v6 only have one form.
Anyway, in the context of the fanfiction, Eggman's gone missing and Metal Sonic takes his place; he uses Golden Silver's power to sap other's energy to try and wreak havoc on a distant island. Sonic eventually ends up stopping them and revealing that Eggman was behind it all, and, Sonic having fought Forces v1 through v6, Eggman just unleashes Seven Force on the poor 'hog (since Golden Silver is subservient to whomever he deems his "master" at this point). Sonic breaks Seven Force, finally unleashing the full fury of Golden Silver. Who eventually winds up tapping into the Chaos Emeralds through chance, and goes completely insane, leading to the Golden Silver seen in Gunstar Heroes. Sonic, being separated from the Emeralds, and Dr. Brown (the old guy in the level selection screen of Gunstar, not Christopher Lloyd) take him down. Ultimately his remains are transported to the moon to rot, until Emperor Grey and Smash Daisaku seek to revive them.
...yeah, you get all that? If not, then, well, I told you it was crappy.
Sonic vs Dedede Unleashed? Hm.
Poor Sonic.
What about Sonic vs. a bucket?