Truly and utterly epic, Donald voice aside.
Mang, I wish they released Final Mix Stateside... even if it'd be paying full retail for something I already own, I wanted to fight the rest of the Super Happy Fun Group...
Three Sephiroths?!
That's thrice as many as one Sephiroth! :O
And that's terrible?
Why, I did it. <_
'Course I maxed out my stats, but...
~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper
Roxas and Axel vid is SO MUCH LOVE.
Roxas is harder to play as than it looks. You only can equip certain abilities or it crashes.
Plus you can't use Reaction Commands in those special fights. o.o
Sora/Mickey vs. Saix/Sephiroth
Sora/Leon/Cloud vs. Sephiroth (EPIC)
Sora/Riku/Mickey vs. Xemnas (ALSO EPIC)
Sora/Leon vs. Demyx/Axel (LOL @ beginning)
Sora vs. Roxas/Axel (<3 @ 3:05)
Sora/Mickey/Riku vs. Roxas
Okay I'm done. o.o
**lowers brick** Okay then. o.o
I saw these months ago, so you won't be getting reactions out of meh!