How do some people post paragraphs? Every time I press enter twice Yuku considers it a paragraph AND br's.
Hmm maybe it is any text that is formatted.
Testing Testing Testing Testing
Testing Testing Testing Testing
There we go. If I format any text with codes OR HTML it goes br crazy.
I shall now attempt some testing.
TESTING! TESTING. Testing! One must understand that green and purple balls in an urn have a probabilistic scenario attached to them, where their color is FORFEIT! When the Shawshank Redemption went to Cowboy SEASON TWO it was Whiskers who for Uzumaki Ichigo Son Goku. The Sony Wii had a DVD of touched by Team Ninja, so Aaragorn and Calvin Klein couldn't help but endure a vicious vacuuming by Downey and Tom Hanks.
(waits to see the paragraph)
I shall now attempt some testing.
TESTING! TESTING. Testing! One must understand that green and purple balls in an urn have a probabilistic scenario attached to them, where their color is FORFEIT! When the Shawshank Redemption went to Cowboy SEASON TWO it was Whiskers who for Uzumaki Ichigo Son Goku. The Sony Wii had a DVD of touched by Team Ninja, so Aaragorn and Calvin Klein couldn't help but endure a vicious vacuuming by Downey and Tom Hanks.
(waits to see the paragraph)
Fexusfan, is that you?
... Exactly what I was thinking. XD