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Posts: 1694
Noble Member



I haven't seen you around for a while.

Myself, I've always been a Sailor Mars fan, but that's mainly because as an Arian, and Aries is ruled by Mars. And I've always had a fascination for fire.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member
Topic starter

As a Scorpio, I don't know who to relate to most...

They switched Saturn and Pluto's planets (or planet and comet, -_- around so that the Scorpio girl's associated with Capricorn themes and the Capricorn girl's associated with Scorpio themes.

If you want elaboration look here:

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

no way mercury rules! dont let me use goku on you!

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Posts: 2438
Famed Member

*sigh*  Now you've done it, Kayla.  By claiming Sailors Mars, you've started a...flame war.

*giggles profusely as he ducks for cover from rotten tomatoes* It was worth it all worth it!

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

this thread completely reinforces why I dislike anime

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

*dramatically points at Terg* HOLD IT!

I am the bigger Mercury fanboy here. There can be only one. You know what this means. We shall change into our sailor scout forms and fight with pillows, so we can settle this like men.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

*sigh*  Now you've done it, Kayla.  By claiming Sailors Mars, you've started a...flame war.

*giggles profusely as he ducks for cover from rotten tomatoes* It was worth it all worth it!

Then as the Sailor Suited Bringer of Chaos, my work is complete.  MWAHAHAHAHA!!! 

Love the pun, by the way.

*dramatically points at Terg* HOLD IT!

I am the bigger Mercury fanboy
here. There can be only one. You know what this means. We shall change
into our sailor scout forms and fight with pillows, so we can settle
this like men.

Ooh, a fight!

*pulls up a chair and grabs a bag of popcorn*

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

... what is that ASCII image supposed to be of? @ Mada

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

It's supposed to represent a picture of Goku from Dragon Ball Z powering up.

*engages in pillow fight with Rapid and loses*

Wow.  Anti-climactic.  Sorry for making you spend ten bucks on popcorn, viewers!

Posts: 663
Honorable Member



I haven't seen you around for a while.

*tacklehugged!* XD  thanks^^

Still around; just seem to have a tendency to do way more lurking than actual posting.  Perhaps I'll find a way to get myself to break that habit someday


nice!^^@additional Sailor theme options 

Never watched the series myself, but I've heard bits and pieces about it over the years, so not completely in the dark about it either...though admittedly not by all that much^^;  (Due to forum browsing and whatnot, I'm probably actually more familiar with stuff related to the Pretty Sailor Soldier Sickness than I am with the actual Sailor Moon series itself! )

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

*engages in pillow fight with Rapid and loses*

Wow. Anti-climactic. Sorry for making you spend ten bucks on popcorn, viewers!

I demand a refund!

Still around; just seem to have a tendency to do way more lurking than actual posting.

Understood. I'm not posting as often as I used to, either.

Posts: 20
Eminent Member

*keeps popcorn money and gives no refunds* MWAHAHAHA

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Sailor Evil!!!

*tacklehugs Evil*

I definitely haven't seen you around. Where you been hiding?  How's your Wrath?

Posts: 44
Trusted Member

Well I suppose if all the other sisters are gathering.... ^^

~Sailor Spirit Sage

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

It's a Sailor family reunion!

*tacklehugs Spirit Sage*

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

"Family" reunion?  The only thing these girls have in common is the approximate length of the skirt!

Posts: 1694
Noble Member


...the skirt is one of the family traits!

Posts: 1
New Member

This is really an awesome theme that I just happened to notice. There are some anime Senshi missing themes though: Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi-Moon, Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor Chibi Chibi, Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Aluminum Siren, Sailor Iron Mouse, and Sailor Tin Nyanko. 😀

It's been a very long time since I used this account. This was my original "Sailor" form. I never did create a separate account for my updated form of "Sailor Roja" (or a "Sailor Azul" one for Rad Blue).

As someone who usually gets annoyed by "stereotypes," I'll admit that I never saw the mini-skirts that the Senshi wore as a problem. It never bothered me--and I know the reason it didn't was because that was never an emphasis during the show itself (nor the manga when I read it).

I'm another one for the Sailor Mercury fan club.

Oh, and Tuxedo Mask was not a representation of the sun. Tuxedo Mask was the "Earth"-senshi of sorts. He was definitely a lot more powerful in the manga than the anime in general.

Love this theme a lot though ^_^

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Oh, and Tuxedo Mask was not a representation of the sun. Tuxedo Mask was the "Earth"-senshi of sorts. He was definitely a lot more powerful in the manga than the anime in general.

Yah. I do believe that Takeuchi actually came out and said that Tuxedo Mask was in possession of Earth's star seed but that he wasn't a Senshi because he was male.

We also need some Sailor Kakyuu and the Starlights.

It's too bad Takeuchi never did any designs for Sailor Chuu, Sailor Mau, Sailor Mermaid, and Sailor Cocoon, and we only saw Sailor Coronis in silhouette.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member
Topic starter

I just said TM was associated with the sun because most Sailor Senshi have an associated Western Zodiac sign and I read somewhere that his was Leo's...

...Not every sign has a  Senshi that I know of, though... I wonder if those Scouts Cancer Star mentioned was supposed to fill them or something?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member



Posts: 1694
Noble Member

I just said TM was associated with the sun because most Sailor Senshi have an associated Western Zodiac sign and I read somewhere that his was Leo's...

...Not every sign has a  Senshi that I know of, though... I wonder if those Scouts Cancer Star mentioned was supposed to fill them or something?

Iron Mouse, Aluminum Siren, Tin Nyanko, and Lead Crow definitely aren't. 

The story behind them is that, in exchange for the power granted to them by Sailor Galaxia, they killed the Senshi of their home planets and took their star seeds.  Iron Mouse killed the Senshi of Chuu, Lead Crow killed the Senshi of Coronis, Tin Nyanko killed the Senshi of Mau, and Aluminum Siren killed the Senshi of Mermaid.  In the manga, Coronis was the home planet of Rei's crows Phobos and Deimos, and Mau was the home planet of Luna and Artemis.

The manga really fleshes out the Sailor Wars much better than the anime does.

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