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I shall never settle on a name =(

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while (1)
echo newname;

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I forgot how to change my custom title =x

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can you change your own on yuku? o.o i've never had to. otherwise you'll need to post in the evc thread

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JAVA @ THS' first post...

That or C, which is >>> Assembly Language

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I'm pretty sure I did it before on my other account

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actually it's a horrific combination of php and pseudocode.

wait so java is similar to php in structure? awesome. i might be able to get my knowledge up to a workable state over summer on it, then.

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10 change name
20 goto 10

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i started a conversation about programming languages!

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Yes @ THS

And if you learn Java you've basically learned C... there are some differences, but they are very similar.

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you intiated it

now we are all propogating it

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10 print "hay guyz delphi sucks
20 print "no c is for nerds
30 print " basic is the best"
40 goto 10

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import random
while 1 == 1:
namechangedecider == random.randint(0, 1)
if namechangedecider == 1:
rename name
print name
print name

Python! kinda

Posts: 3666
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visual #!#%$+@ basic =( such an ugly programming language. it's all we do in computing, too. i'm thinking of dropping it next year tho. it's the lesson that gives me the least standing to get into computer science at cambridge, anyway. ...ironically.

lolmg i completely forgot we shouldn't swear here. irc and creoland is spoiling me~ ah well, auto censor caught it anyway

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if date= tib_namechange+7
set name= (Random)

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I am an exciting and interesting individual

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Public Sub cmdRenameTib_Click()


End Sub

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Don't tempt me with something like that one

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The other day the school's PA system came on and was all ONE ZERO ONE ONE ZERO TWO

I called it trinary and only the people in my Computer Information Systems class got it =

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I shall deliver this morsel of information to my CIS class posthaste

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Posts: 3666
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what an awkward numeral system

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My belief is that that number system was made just to be an ass and irritate people

Posts: 2232
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I fear you have used this name before. Thus I shall call you spanky.

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This one is worse

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I haven't used it before.

BUT it was a custom title for The Impossible Box!

Posts: 2232
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Hush, Spanky.

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cry cry the tears of woe

where do they flow

nobody knows

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I still like you tib. Just not as much as before.

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*cry more*

Posts: 4607
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Programming languages, huh?


Oh, and does anyone know what happened to TheCycle? Guess he finally got tired of us. Oh well.

Posts: 713
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SH give me some of your posts D:

Posts: 2915
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Oh, and does anyone know what happened to TheCycle? Guess he finally got tired of us. Oh well.

yeah, damn those people who just up and leave and don't even say good bye!

but seriously, no I haven't heard anything about Cyc =

Posts: 488
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Open your EYES, Domoshi Katzu!

The Cycle has been surrounding us this entire time! He may have died physically, but his spirit still runs among us, and it fills me with great power!



Posts: 2915
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D: @ Rabid... you said you were going to bed 10 min ago... or at least that was your excuse for quitting... don't you like us =

Posts: 488
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you know I can't quit you.

Posts: 2915
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but you did =

Posts: 899
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Programming languages, huh?


Oh, and does anyone know what happened to TheCycle? Guess he finally got tired of us. Oh well.

That's exactly what I thought this topic was about,heh. But I have noticed that he seemed to just kind of fade out.

"The Cycle has been surrounding us this entire time! He may have died physically, but his spirit still runs among us, and it fills me with great power!"

You cannot grasp the true form of The Cycle's attack?

Posts: 2232
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I think the Fresh Prince button eventually got the better of him. Now he does nothing but watch Will Smith.

Posts: 2398
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Cyke was sucked into MG and digested.


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*compiles a criminal report on this "Impossible Box" character, including all known aliases*

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Someone see how many they can name and I'll tell you if you missed any =D

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Thecycle got in one little fight and his mom got scared, said "yo moving with your auntie and uncle in bel air"

Unfortunately there is no internet in bel air

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