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The Fun Q & A Post

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Posts: 2809
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A: You probably looked it up.

Q: Played Secret Rings, yet? Liked it?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A: Yea, but i've had to sneak and play it, so I haven't gotten a real feel of the game. Just got passed the tutorial world, place. The cutscenes are Pure.Greatness. Erazor Djinn's voice is a bit of a letdown though. =/ But what am I saying i've gotten in less than an hour of gameplay.

Q: Ursa Minor translated is.... (lol)

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: ...Little Bear.

Q: Do you like to look at the stars?

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

A: Nope. Nor do I like to look at the supporting actors, the directors, the camera crew...

Q: How much of PiE do you have memorized right now?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A: Unfortunately all of it...and it's making me hungry. Bu ti know I don't need it, it's track season. =P

Q: Nelly Furtado or Nelly(the rapper)?

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

A: ...Who?

Q: Which one is more fun to watch... Kittens getting decapitated, or kittens being set on fire?

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

A: I was going to say neither, but if I had to say one, I'd go with decapitation. Because it reminded me of this old thing.

Q: Anyone else here planning to buy or at least check out Armored Core 4 next month? And if so, for which system?

Posts: 489
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A: i would love to, since i've been following the series since it began, but i dont have a new console to play it on. I might buy it just to hang onto though.

Q: do you think cards that sing or talk or make sounds when you open them is going a bit too far?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A: No way dude Hallmark has begun a new craze. Those things own. lol =P

Q: "Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night..."

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

A: Physical need, no. Emotional need...yes. I've had sleepless nights from this. I'm not so willing to say much about this subject.

Q: Who's your favorite artist (for drawing)?

Posts: 489
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A: A few i watch on deviant art. Although i cant make up my mind.

Q: If they invented a machine that could reduce the gravity on earth, would you allow it to be used?

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

A: Hell yes! Then I've be able to jump 50-foot walls.

Q: Who's knife is that...the one sticking out of your chest?

Posts: 489
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A: Mother Teresa's

Q: Do you like root beer?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: Yuck, no, I hate it!

Q: Coke products or Pepsi products?

Posts: 489
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A: I like Coke, but i like Mtn. Dew just as much. SO um... both?

Q: Is it raining?

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

A: Not where I live

Q: Ice cream or cake?

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

A: Cheesecake.

Q: What is twelve divided by zero?

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

A: Ask an accountant and he would say, "I don't have time!"

Q: Is public transport reliable?

Posts: 489
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A: only if you have money!

Q: do you think aliens like our music?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: Well, if they exist, I'm sure they like at least some of it. Of course their favorite would be Southern Gospel.:p (my personal favorite)

Q: Do you or have you ever listen to Christian music, either classic, for lack of a better term, or contemporary,i.e. Christian rock, rap, etc.?

Posts: 489
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A: yes, my roomate and 2nd cousins in ohio listen to Christian stuff.

Q: How did we go from oldies that sang about silly things (like ooh-mau-mau and Yakety yak) to songs about sex and things pertaining to something sexual? Where has all the love gone?

Posts: 429
Reputable Member

A: Because our culture has evolved (or devolved) to a point where we think either sex = love, or sex and love are two totally different concepts and it's socially acceptable to get poon whenever you want and have one night stands with no string attached. Just look at what popular culture was in the '50s and where it is now. </minirant>

A philosophical question: personally, does the popular media (music, television, internet, movies) you consume determine who you are, or does who you are determine what popular media you consume? (Be honest.)

Posts: 489
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A: I think both play a part in someones upbringing. I mean look at most of us on the board, we all love the sonic stuff in some way, so most of us are reasonable people (no idea where im going with that) but at the same time, where and how you were brought up totally effects who you are as well.

Q: Is there an easy way to make dogs stop farting? (seriously... )

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: Kill it. (seriously) Assuming you want the dog alive, which I'm sure you do, maybe try changing it's diet. Maybe the food it eats now is causing the dog's gas; if that doesn't work, call a vet maybe they may have an easy answer.

Q: Do you have a fairly good sense of humor?

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

I'd like to think I do. I make my friends laugh and I find their jokes funny, so yeah.

Question: Favorite Band / Artist?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Can't decide. Too many one hit wonders, new artists, classics, blah, blah, blah.

Q: How long will this go ON??!

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: Until judgment day!

Q: Viva la topic?

Posts: 2610
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Question: Muerte la topic?

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

That really depends on the opinion on the general populace of the forum.

What's your computer's operating system?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A: Microsoft! :p

Q: Is it possible that someone is posting and answering at the same time as you are, and so the last two posts didn't make any sense?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: It's been known to happen before.

Q: Has it happen to you before?

Posts: 38
Eminent Member

A: Yes it has and its annoying.

Q: What is the meaning of life? :^^

Posts: 141
Estimable Member


Have you ever dreamt that you were a Mobian (Whether it be an official character or one of your own ones)?

Posts: 489
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A: Yes i have, only dreams are hard to remember because i store them in my short term memory so i'll need a new dream to replace it.

Q: How many countries have you been to?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: One and that's the country I live in. :p

Q: How many states, providences, etc. have been to?

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Counting foreign ones, I'd say about 25 or so.

Which religion (or lack thereof) do you associate yourself with?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

What do you expect from a Hispanic. =P

Q: What race are you?

Posts: 182
Estimable Member

A: Jamaican/African american (surprise surprise!)

Q:how long can you stand on your head?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: A negative hour.

Q: Got any special skills, i.e., limberness, boarding, etc.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

I'm smart (got accepted to Johns Hopkins University) and I'm probably the luckiest 13/Capitalism/Gin Rummy player there is. Aside from those, I can't really think of any.

What's the strangest piece of food you've ever eaten?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A: Mexican Mole. I have no idea what's in that stuff.

Q: Anybody ever tried it?

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

A: No.

Q: Anyone have interest in joining the Navy?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: None at all nor in any other millitary arm. I think there is plenty in the armed forces right now, but would fight if I had to.

Q: Are you willing to die for your country?

Posts: 489
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A: I was when I was in the air force. =P

Q: Did chaos create government, or vice versa?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A: Both, its a vicious cycle

Q: What was the last video game you had played in front of someone?

Posts: 489
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A: Phantasy Star Universe (has been addicted since its release)

Q: wha is your favorite musical instrument?

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Guitar (Acoustic or electric).

What kind of wallpaper do you have on your computer desktop at the moment?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A: A picture of my bird who previoulsy flew away. :(

Q: What/(How many) pets did/do you own?

Posts: 489
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A: owned... 3. currently own 3. well i dont own them... but they're there.

Q: prefered pet?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: Dog because they're loyal and let you pet them longer than cats.

Q: Are you an animal lover?

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