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The Fun Q & A Post

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Posts: 489
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A: love is such a strong word to use... XD but i like them, however i dont want to take the responsibility of owning them.

Q: when you think airplanes, what is the first one that comes to mind?

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

A: snakes

b: when you thin john travolta, what movie first comes to mind?

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

A: ...I have no idea. I guess the Punisher is the closest.

Q: Kirby Cheat?

Posts: 13
Active Member

A: Kirby loves only one.

Q: Why does this forum have an 'infamous newbie thread', which has nothing to do with introductions, or newbies per-se...but older members who comment on how newbies post introductions there and a wealth of introductions which almost seem like the thread was for it, but it wasn't. Explain?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: It doesn't have an "infamous newbie thread," it has a "The infamous 'Hi, I'm New!'" thread. It was created by Arik when she was new. It was her intro topic; she called it infamous because there is so many "Hi," "Howdie," "I'm new," etc. threads out there that that's how she decided to title her topic. At the time, it had very much to the with the then-newbie Arik. She posted it in MF Central and when a topic gets too long there, or at least when it was in hybrid format, it gets sent here.

The reason why it has so many intros from other newbies is because they thought, by the title, it was a thread for all newbies to post intros and didn't bother to read the whole thread to see that it was written as an intro for, once again, the then-newbie Arik.

Q: Did that explain it?

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

A: I believe that explained it thoroughly, my friend.

Q: Whne?

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Answer: NAOW

Question: Current weather/temperature? And what is your favorite temp/weather?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A: Currently, 90; Fav., would be when it's not hot.

Q: Why were all of these topics moved in the first place? o.o

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Answer: Read plox

Question: On a scale of 1 to 100 how bored are you?

Off Topic: =o @ how much more activity this thread will get now that it's in the SPA.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

A: 85% =D Still buzzing about LFoDH

Q: Do you use coasters?

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

A: Always. Tables tend to get wet if I don't.

Q: Whodunnit?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: Colonel Mustard with the poker in the library.

Q: Have you ever played Clue? I haven't.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A: Yes, ....


That's all I have to say about it.

Q: What was your favorite board game?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

A: I don't really have one, but I do love me a game or two of UNO.

Q: What's your favorite indoor, non-video game, game?

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

A: That would be perhaps checkers. Monopoly was also fun until I couldn't win anymore.

Q: Ready for the fall and why?

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

A: Yes, because the Shark God is gonna come. =D

Q: Do you agree that Samus has nice tilts?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A) Depends which version you are asking about.

Q) Would you rather have the original American enterpertation of Megaman in Brawl or CD-I Link appearing instead, given a hard choice between the two?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A: XDXD! American interpretation of MM is priceless. He wins. lol

Q: What movie are you looking forward to seeing in theaters in the coming months?

Posts: 981
Noble Member


A: Not really looking forward into any movie right now. Don't know what to say, just bumping up this thread. >_>

Q: Your favorite summer movie.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A: I didn't really watch any of the summer movies.

Q: Video game movie?

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

A: They don't exist to me.

Q: Are you a bad enough dude to save the president?

Posts: 489
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Topic starter

A: Oh, i think the answer is: already done.

Q: Should super heroes be allowed to get married?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

A: As Ultimate Spider-Man has proven, it causes less "ohnos my gurlfrend got chucked off a bridge!" scenarios as the married superhero can defend themselves.

However. Head in a refrigerator syndrome shall befall any married female.

A: Does "Santa With Muscles" sound like the best Hulk Hogan movie ever?

Posts: 1104
Noble Member

A: D:

Q: Dynamite Headdy?

Posts: 2417
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Posts: 489
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A: Ummmmm.... Yes.

Q: If the air had a color, would we be blind?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A: Nope, everything would be in a tint, like GREEN KRYPTONITE FOG

Q: Answer?

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

A: Question!!

Q: Person who posts next: Do you at all mind if I hit you repeatedly with this tire iron?

Posts: 489
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A: only if you let me scooter your daisy heads.

Q: WHERE will it occur?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A: On the control panel in a certain secret lair.

Q: What secret lair are we talking about?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

A: Ron DeLite's.

Q: Wasn't this thread in MF2?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A: Yes, but it was sent here to die a watery grave because theres a big conspiracy going around trying to say that MFcentral was never a place where forum games were located ever.

Q: Did she blind you with science?

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

A: No, but I rocked her Amadeus.

Q: Who was the second cousin of the emperor of the colony of New Hampshireville, France?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

A: Clyde.
Q: I know you are, but what am I?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A: Shadow Hog

Q: Which way to the panic room? Which way to the picnic room?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A: You're IN the panic room. ^.^

Q: Do you like the panic room?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

A) No.

Q) You didn't answer the picnic room question.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


Q) Where is the picnic room? Where is the nitpick room?

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

A) The picnic room is on one side of the panic room. The nitpick room is on the other side.

Q) How much chuck could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A) One search in the address box yields results to even that question

Q) Zombie Ristar vs. Zombie Dynamite Headdy, who would win?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A: Zombie Ristar duh.

Q: Any Heroes fans here? That show just gets better and better. Good gosh!

Posts: 489
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A: No, and I will never again be a slave to prime time telivision.

Q: what is your favorite cartoon?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

A: easy, ECCO the Dolphin =D

...okay, I made that one up. Its just your question got me thinking if they made more corny video game cartoons back in the genesis era what would be the least likely and funniest. I have its hypothetical cartoon theme song stuck in my head (a nonmatching upbeat surfer theme with lyrics)

For real, there are many cartoons I like. I'll just say Tiny Toons/Animaniacs/Freakazoid as an example and move on.

Q: What other video game franchise would have been unlikely as an 80s-90s cartoon series?

Posts: 1104
Noble Member

A: Golden Axe...?

Q: Sweet or savory?

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

A: Sweet and Sour. Crap, now I'm hungry.

Q: Would you like fries with that?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

A) Of course.

Q) Are you being attitude for gains?

Posts: 489
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A: only when it counts.

Q: do you remember the show M.A.S.K.?

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

A: Only the toys, really... ._.;;


Posts: 2354
Noble Member

A: LEFT CHU LEFT CHU UP CHU CHU!! (unless I have to reverse left and right which it would be RIGHT CHU RIGHT CHU UP CHU CHU!!)

Q: Can you dance a song only using UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT CHU and HEY? (It's more of a dare, really).

Posts: 489
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Topic starter

A: wtf are you talking about? O.o

Q: What kind of weather depresses you the most?

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