Arr! This thread be the ship! Ye swabs best not let it sink arr!
In b4 Marine
What be that?
We need Kaze here STAT
Let's have a picnic! I'll get the vast quantaties of butter!
*we hit an iceburg and the ship sinks*
*The end*
Mah Boi!
Is'nt marine that racoon that can control water?
I geuss they needed a water elemental... (Sonic is Wind, Knuckles is Earth, Blaze is Fire and Marine is Water)
...but I thought they already had Chaos for that!
-_- CT is confused...
I'm talkin' 'bout this chick right here. I was hoping I'd get to play as her sooner or later...
... but alas. ; _ ;
She doesn't even know how to swim...
Or a voice actor.
No, Bad End.
I'm not sure if this boat is sinking or sailing.
I specifically saw her fire a blast of water at The Egg Wizard at the end of Sonic Rush Adventure using her Hydrokinetic powers!
Only there was no indication of any sort of super power prior to that momentary "What the hell was that" moment.
...Someone said she has Hydrokinetic powers and I'll believe in that person to the bitter end!
...Like Phoenix does with Larry and Miles.
They said she was hiding her powers! ...I'm not sure, but I'm just going to stick with that person`s theory.
Beats having another character with the ability to fly/levitate/glide.
You swabs is not here to talk about marine, you is ere to stop us from sinking. arr! shiver me timbers.
*Strides onto deck with the distictive clunky walk of her peg, and surveys all, glaring unimpressed*
What in tha' name o' Redbeard's razor do ye load o' filthy beggers think ye be playin' at?! I be wantin' this ship spick an' span enough ta lick my rum offa before lunchtime, or I'll cut ye all outa tha loot and cut yeah all outa havin' children ta boot! Do ye be hearin' me ye spineless seacucumbers?!
My ship sails in the morning
I wonder what's for BREAKFAST
She doesn't even know how to swim...
Nani? 0.o
*pulls a flotation device out of her Hair of Holding & flings it at Marine*
I've been waiting to see the world reknowned Hair of Holding.
P.S. its a wig
Holy ship!
MoKat's not old enough to be wearing wigs!
I imagine she's like, 30... or so.
What a load of ship this thread is.
I love puns.
I came in here expecting character shipping. I could sue you for false advertising.
I came in here expecting character shipping. I could sue you for false advertising.
crisis averted (b^o^)b
Topic has become massive collection of wrong.
I came in here expecting character shipping. I could sue you for false advertising.
crisis averted (b^o^)b
...You....that... I hate you. Time to join in on the fun with a few works from the infamous... Satanic... cosmic horror
know only as.....

*XD @ pics*
Awesome, pure awesome.
Alright, I guess I won't sue.
...this time.
Topic has become massive collection of wrong.
It was bound to happen once I mentioned that kind of ship. This forum is driven by almost nothing but preteen hormones.
Some of the pictures I can tolerate... but... after playing Earthbound, Ness is one of my favorite characters and that Foxy yiffing business just crawled into bed with my emotions and made them hate themselves...
It was bound to happen once I mentioned that kind of ship. This forum is driven by almost nothing but preteen hormones.
Don't forget the Tartersauce.
Character shipping? *facepalms*
Sailor Metal reporting on deck, captaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigtgjhfsdtujzsrjtsjha5rekjttzyk! *sweeps all the shippers off the ship by windmilling*
*falls in the water*
*glares at Sailor Metal*
That wasn't nice!
*isn't a sailor*
But I am!
I'm just in my civilian form.
We should infect Ramza with the Sailorness virus.
And then I would become! Sailor Ramza!!! But do I really have to be naked in my transformation?
Wer'e sinking! you swabs better set it right or you all be walking the plank. And also this ship is bound for japan by the way. Arr!
Oh dear Geddy Lee, I did not need to see that Lila and Olga art. You've ruined everything forever!
Now go find Kyon/Yuki or Kyon/Sasaki to make it right. Yuki/Sasaki will earn you extra credit, but for the love of Ged don't do it.
Geddy Lee/Belldandy is also acceptable.
I'm feling an increasing urge to puff.
*eyes the nearest Jigglypuff* Hey, how you doin'?
Jigglypuff: *Scoots away slowly...*
CT: *Scoots toward the Jigglypuff with a sleazy smile, puts arms around the puff*
Jigglypuff: O_O Jiggly! *ZIP!*
CT: *falls over* oof! >_<
Is it possible to puffpuff a Jigglypuff. Or is a Jigglypuff just one puff in a puffpuff. Would you need two Jigglypuffs to puffpuff?
My ship sails in the morning
I wonder what's for BREAKFAST