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The ship

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Posts: 2232
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Light X Wily.

Posts: 899
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This thread needs more swashbuckling.

Posts: 8
Active Member

Well, me matey Metal thar be gettin' us to a good start by gettin all yeh pervs offa deck. We can talk about tha later. Over rum.

So me fine crew, where shall we be raidin' first?

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1982
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*leaning back in a chair, wearing a vest, bandana, eyepatch and a single earring. Takes a swig of grog and falls over with the chair*


Posts: 1866
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*is now Sailor Ramza. Begins to dance in the sparkly colors*

Posts: 1702
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*hangs out in the crow's nest*

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Posts: 1982
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...She's not a tanuki, GT.

She's a racoon.

They have normal-sized testicles. I checked myself. (Via google, of course)

Posts: 2417
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And they didn't base Tails on a kitsune.

Posts: 1127
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Of course not, he's a genetic freak, it says so in the manuals.

Posts: 263
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Posts: 5772
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The poster digs your style!
You get a tip about the ability for
one of your items:
Normal Everyday T-shirt

P.S. ability is +1 warmth

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

I don't think he'd need that since those Green Fire Wings are prolly keeping him warm....

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

You'd think that but the onset of lukemia from the radiation is actually making him quite cold...

Posts: 89
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Topic starter

Right me crew we is raidin kyoto, and lets throw these pervs off.

Posts: 263
Reputable Member

Isn't throwing pervs onto the shores of Japan equivalent to trowing grapes at a fruit basket? *is thrown*

Posts: 1044
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Posts: 263
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Ugh! What is this? Why do you keep showing up, FalconPOOBuster?----> I will not be defeated!

Posts: 2723
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Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1702
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Now there's gonna be fur all in that keyboard.

Posts: 1866
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This is almost as bad as the fat pervert at the computer.

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Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I think we should all breathe a sigh of relief that his direct-linking failed.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I think we should all breathe a sigh of relief that his direct-linking failed.

It worked just a few minutes ago..... *facepalms*

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It's SO cache.

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

*breathes a sigh of relief, then continues to eat puddin' cups*

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