I'm not a Misturugi man! I still like him, but he's not my perfered character! The two characters I mostly play as are Nightmare and Tira(or Yshimistsu if I'm playing SC 2)!
Oh and as for your question peaches, Only Sometimes!
Nice Mitsurugi avatar, Peaches.
That doesn't make up for my act of stupidity of posting this topic twice.
So I'm going to assume you play as Mitsurugi a lot.
I only play the CPU version of him in SC2 but do you think he has any weaknesses to speak of?
Seriously, all his attacks are powerful and come out fast to boot; plus his grabs aren't too bad anymore so I'm anxious while guarding, too...
...Plus his moves sometimes shift between High, Low, Mid and S.Mid in the same attack chain. So, Yeah... it's pretty hard... for me, anyway.
Mitsurugi is badass. I almost always play as him in Soul Calibur 1 and 2. Lizard Man is extremely badass too.
I like Lizardman, too, but I mostly play as Mistsurugi. He's my favorite character of all in the Soul Caliber series. Plus, like CT said, he's pretty much unstoppable with his speed and power. Though they evened out all the characters in 4, he's still a force to be reckoned with. I like Nightmare too.
Yoshimitsu is awesome, too.
Cervantes did the Scorpion thing. You know. With his face.
I usually play Ivy and Sophitia... I play other characters, too, but not as much.
When I'm Ivy I just keep my distance and when he rushes in I do my best to kick him out again.
When I play as Sophitia, however, that's when I run into some problems, lol.
I sort of wish the subsequent SoulCaliburs had opening music that awesome. Kind of reminds me of an anime, lol.
That gives me an idea.
I always play as either Taki or Sigfried/Nightmare.
Yoshimitsu is awesome, too.
Yoshimitsu kicks ass, but I personally prefer him in the Tekken series. That's just me, I guess. Like you though, Mitsurugi is my all-time favourite character in the Soul Calibur series. He was also the first character I ever played as when I played Soul Calibur for the first time on my Dreamcast. Good times! That reminds me, I gotta remove the dust from my ol' Dreamcast and play it again one of these days.....
Complete nostalgia.
I play as yoshimitsu and kilik on soul calibur. Embrace of souls is just fun to look at. and yoshimitsu is the awesomest thing since the awesomest thing since awesome on tekken. on i side note i name every zangoose i see on pokemon kilik
I play as yoshimitsu and kilik on soul calibur. Embrace of souls is just fun to look at. and yoshimitsu is the awesomest thing since the awesomest thing since awesome on tekken. on i side note i name every zangoose i see on pokemon kilik
Kilik = best character with a palindromic name ever
Angry Husband=Domestic Violence
Its true. Well not all the time, but you get the idea.
NOOOOOOOO!!! Shiny Pidgey=Domestic Violence!