yeah its cool but i dont see why tails has to die... o.O
Tails has to die because no self-respecting fanfic writer could POSSIBLY like Tails.
I mean, leik, he's Sonic's best friend, and that can't be right! The ultra cool original character's have to be sonic's best friends because leik, they're cool, y'dig?
Priceless. And wow, that guy does a pretty mean Sonic.
yeah, his sonic is pretty good. ^^ (a shame some of the voices are a bit quieter then the others, i had to turn my sound way up. oo; )
i've read some fics with stories just like that, not in whole, but it's like several combined together. it's scary what some fans will write. oo;
Gold, pure classic comedy gold.
This is what every fan needs to see before they make a fanfic. And they need to see it every time they think of updating, adding a new chapter, and finishing the damn thing.
my fanfic is betterer like a goodly
I'll post a real reply when I can breathe more bettererer.
or not.
I love the facial expressions...and the voices...and the truth of it all. (collapses) Oh, and before I forget, "F*** TAILS!!!" }:O
To say I laughed would be a understatement, that was utterly hilarious and I even laughed the second time. I mean that was priceless, and Sega should hire that guy to be Sonic's voice, he was awesome!^_^
That is amazing, Trud. When Cosby started speaking I nearly keeled over.
It's no Half-Life: Full-Life Consequences, but then again what is?