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Up-Across-Down Game
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Up-Across-Down Game

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Posts: 45
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< is posting with an alt
v is not posting with an alt

Posts: 1573
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^ Wrong.
< *is posting with an alt*
V *is also posting with an alt*

Posts: 45
Eminent Member

< like, you know, whatever 😀
v 'sup, yo

Posts: 1573
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^ 'Sup.
< Word!
V For shizzle?

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^ *smack*
< Dad's coming back today. *stress*
V Thinks it's odd that the stress is when the parent is RETURNING from Baghdad, instead of when hte parent is LEAVING for said city. o.o

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^ eh, yeah, in most cases
< still needs the wireless adapter for my 360
V is ready for Christmas

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^ Is wrong.
< My christmas already happened. All that's left to do nowis explain - again - to Mom why I'm ignoring her constant phone calls.
V Merry Christmas!

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^ Merry Christmas!
< God bless us...
V ...everyone!

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^ YOU SAID GOD I'M OFFENDED *makes millions via lawsuit*
< *swims in money because of said lawsuit*
V D: Politically Correct

Posts: 1573
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< Actually wrote an essay on political correctness for English Comp.
V is not politically correct and proud of it

Posts: 2809
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^ darn right
< doesn't care if Midgets want to be called dwarfs; they're midgets, dang it and that's what I'll call them.
V calls midgets, midgets

Posts: 1573
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^ Yep.
< We're off the see the Wizard
V The wonderful Wizard of Oz

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^ Mentally Hilarious
< Special-Needs Individual
V Vertically Challenged

Posts: 2809
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^ No U...are
< had a good Christmas
V had a mostly good Christmas

Posts: 1573
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^ Yep.
< Had a great Christmas
V Also had a great Christmas

Posts: 2809
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^ yep
< Christmas is my favorite holiday
V got what they wanted

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^ 32" LCD TV. PS3 coming.
< Also...Had to talk to Mom. Merry F*cking Christmas. At least she flipped out at me so the call was short.
V MythBusters!

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^ Who we should not imitate
< They are what are called "professionals"
V Yeah right.

Posts: 2809
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^ uh, sure
< nevair watched zee Mythbustairs before
V loves the Mythbuster's commercial with the French Bigfoot

Posts: 1573
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^ Nope.
< Never seen it.
V Merry Day-After-Christmas!

Posts: 3468
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^ Mmm. Our pool table arrived today.
< Didn't know just how heavy parts of a pool table were cC
V Hiya!

Posts: 1573
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^ Hi!
< Hi!
V Hi!

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^ Hiya! *pounce*
< *burp*
V La! ^_^

Posts: 2417
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^ Doh
< Reh
V Meh

Posts: 2809
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^ GT
< Ray
V not me

Posts: 1573
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^ Not me either
< Me!
V Next poster

Posts: 2417
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^ Blushing toaster power!
< curl up with a good book...about me!
v Mentioning Elise posters are -forbidden- =D

Posts: 1573
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^ is curled up with a good book
< got a new book today
V did not get a new book today

Posts: 2809
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^ indeed
< does not care much for reading, except Sonic and Sonic X comics
V doesn't read much either

Posts: 1573
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^ is wrong
< loves to read
V also loves to read

Posts: 2809
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^ not really
< but when I got to read I want a book I can get into
V has a book report?

Posts: 3468
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^ Wrong
< Writing AoW finally. o.o

Posts: 1573
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^ How about not.
< Doesn't want to be shot
V See above

Posts: 3468
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^ *sees above*
V O_o

Posts: 1573
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^ You know.
< I know.
V You know.

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^ Knows
< Is in Psychology I this semester. o.o
V How does that make you feel?

Posts: 1573
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^ Amused.
< Mainly because I took Psychology last semester.
V *needs a psychologist*

Posts: 3468
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^ It's not what I think. What do you think?
< *gets paid an insane amount of money to repeat a uestion back and doodle on a notepad*
V bankdeath

Posts: 2723
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^ Umm... no
< I think I'll change avvies again. <<
v :p

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^ I don't like the Kirby avvie >> <>
< This < message is loading. please wait.

Posts: 2723
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^ *is holding an umbrella, thus shielding herself from SX's remains* :p
v doesn't watch Bleach

Posts: 2016
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^ Damn straight I don't
< lolz, iSpiner
v *Slaps an iPod to their back, claiming it to be an interdimensional transporter.*

Posts: 3756
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^: is somehow silhouetted except for the iPod
<: *appears in another universe where everybody's got zeppelins*
Wonderbat: smells

Posts: 2016
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^ Ew.
< *Can't believe that actually worked.*
v *Does it again.*

Posts: 3756
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lmao zeppelins as in large flying ships filled with hydrogen


^ *zapped to alternate earth where Dinosaurs evolved into people and became polititions*
< Is your father
v is your mother

Posts: 1573
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^ Am not!
< Mother of what?
V Them?

Posts: 2723
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^ beats me
< FINALLY, after 55 hours over the course of several months, my chao evolved into a Hero Chaos!! Last night, anyway. :)
v hello there young whippersnapper

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^ Doesn't know to just leave the chao garden on overnight a few days o.o @ several months
< Has four Chaos Chao, normal color one of each kind, and a clear blue Chaos 0 Chao
V ^_^

Posts: 1573
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^ ^_^
< -_-
V @_@

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^ @_@ *stare*
< *staaare*
V @__@

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