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WHAT THE HELL is going on here

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Posts: 1986
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HOW THE HELL do you put two top buns on a kfc honey bbq sandwich

no bottom buns, just two top ones

what the  **** i don't even

this is complete anarchy

what the hell am i gonna do now

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You're going to...

Watch some ponies!!!!

Posts: 1986
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i don't think so

ponies don't have anything to do with fixing my broken honey bbq sandwich from kfc

Posts: 980
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Are you kidding? They had EVERYTHING to do with it! :3

You just don't see the bigger picture!

Posts: 5772
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Can't you see that this man is distraught!? 😮

HOW THE HELL do you put two top buns on a kfc honey bbq sandwich

no bottom buns, just two top ones

what the  **** i don't even

this is complete anarchy

what the hell am i gonna do now

You just know that somewhere, out there, is a sandwich w/ two bottoms.

Posts: 1986
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Are you kidding? They had EVERYTHING to do with it! :3

You just don't see the bigger picture!

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one time i got a sandwish with everything in it but the chicken. i had to wait for them to fry it and give it to me 0__0 it was soooooo annoying when everyone is eatting and you look at your sandwich and cant eat it... and then you eat after them all alone and you see them all bored and ready to go and telling you to hurry up >____< 

but you know i dont like to eat 2 buns of a burger, i gain weight easy so i always throw away the top bun of the burger before i eat it. so health wise its not so bad what happened to your sandwich.

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Hukos always seems to hate every SPA theme change on here.

All I know is, that he'll eventually get used to it with time.

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how is that relevant

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It's the SPA...irrelevance is kinda the point! 😛

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my sandwich


Posts: 2438
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Was the sandwich otherwise cooked to perfection?  Two of the same bun would be insult to injury if it didn't taste good or was undercooked, after all.  But if not, be grateful that's all that went wrong!

...oh, that's kind of defusing the whole point of the thread, isn't it?

VIVA LA REVOLUCION!  We must fight to end the tyranny of mismatching sammich buns!

Posts: 1656
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its been over a day just eat the darn thing already!

Posts: 1986
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you know who eats a kfc honey bbq sandwich with two top buns?

no one

that's who

Posts: 1656
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you threw it away? 0___0 food is holy how could you!!

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I'd eat that.

Posts: 1986
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I'd eat that.

well if you're one of those people I suppose you would

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the normal ones?

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the normal ones?

I seriously LOL'd at this, good call Sonicsfan.

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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you   it comes and goes

Posts: 841
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Two top buns on a sandwich is amazing.

KFC is less so.

Posts: 1986
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the brits have kfc


Posts: 1191
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I figured it be something like Liverpool Fried Chicken.

Posts: 1986
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then that would be lfc

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Nope, we do indeed have KFC. 😛

Posts: 1191
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then that would be lfc

Aren't you so perceptive.

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That would be the abbreviations for Liverpool Football Club, so the irony is probably lost. XD

Posts: 5772
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Any true red-blooded lover of honey-roasted pulled poultry meat would have stomped back to that KFC and given the minimum-wage earning lowly employees a good berating for their incompetence.

Hukos dropped the ball, unfortunately. Maybe next time!

Posts: 1656
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each country mcdonalds and kfc are in has a special dish for that coutnry for example sweeden's mcdonalds serves meatball stew <swear its real i'm not making this up> sooooooooo i wonder what the british KFC serves as a special dish.... fish and ships bucket? english muffins???

Posts: 1986
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Any true red-blooded lover of honey-roasted pulled poultry meat would have stomped back to that KFC and given the minimum-wage earning lowly employees a good berating for their incompetence.

Hukos dropped the ball, unfortunately. Maybe next time!

I had an excuse

a damn good one

Posts: 841
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....well I know McDonalds do a breakfast muffin but I never figured it was a UK exclusive thing. Had one the other day when I finished a night shift, if was rediculously expensive I swear.

Don't think KFC do anything special.

Liverpool fried chicken??? Gross!

Posts: 1986
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I very rarely go to mcdonalds so I dunno how much their breakfast muffins are over here.


real talk bros

Posts: 1982
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Yeah well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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McDonald's breakfasts have always been better than their regular menus. If only for their hash browns.

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Can't forget the Pancake/Sausage Breakfast meals!

Posts: 1656
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....well I know McDonalds do a breakfast muffin but I never figured it was a UK exclusive thing. Had one the other day when I finished a night shift, if was rediculously expensive I swear.

that could be it i dont know, you might want to ask or pay attention to the menu it should have a britsh dish name. my country has one that's really good i think its cause we love certain spices that we mostly order the mcdonald's special. though we dont have a mcdonald's breakfast, mcdonald's and all resteraunts here open after 12pm. only 2 have breakfastes.. one is a local dinner chain the other is quissneo (i dont know how to spell that but its like subway and i'm sure its american). 
and to be honest my favorite fast food place is hardeez XD i love those san fransisco sandwiches... and the hotdogs are awsome too.

Posts: 5772
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the other is quissneo (i dont know how to spell that but its like subway and i'm sure its american)


Posts: 119
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We have KFC. What you might find interesting is that a while back there was some controversy about a KFC in the UK switching to halal food preparation.

Halal being the Muslim guidelines for making sanitary and edible food that doesn't break Muslim law.

What they often overlooked was the fact that the local area was overwhelmingly Muslim.

oh you UK n_n

Posts: 1656
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that's just sweating the small stuff really...  eatting none "hala" to muslims is the same rank as lying, if god was going to throw people in hell for that no one is going to heaven. i noticed this for a long time but there's a priority problem in muslim faith.   though they wont listen to a woman about stuff like that, i'm just a breeding object with no will,  in their minds.

also i find it racist to not eat what other people make, i mean what does that mean even? i never got that.

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i disagree

Posts: 1656
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i disagree

-___________- this is all that's left of the debating spirit that once echoed freely in the mofo...  great counter posts have now turned into a short sentence. 

Posts: 1986
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i disagree

-___________- this is all that's left of the debating spirit that once echoed freely in the mofo...  great counter posts have now turned into a short sentence. 

i have plenty of debating spirit

i just spend it on hating everyone

Posts: 1656
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you dont hate me though right?

Posts: 1986
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literally, no

figuratively, i hate everyone equally

Posts: 1656
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waaaaaaa you love me <hugs and kisses> thank you

(curse test):

weird why is the offensive one not censored and the normal one is.

Posts: 2438
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Oh, so is you saying "hooptie" just you trying to say a cussword and it being censored?

Darn.  EDIT: Nope looks like you weren't saying hooptie.

My guess was that "hooptie" was just some kind of local cuss word from where you're from.

EDIT 2: ...wait, did it just censor me saying whatever it was I said in my first edited line?  How odd.

Posts: 2232
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Screw KFC, Texas Chicken is where it's at.

Posts: 1656
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hooptie hooptie dee!  okay i cant make it sound funny... and yeah i was curse testing this thing.

i'd choose kfc over southren chicken ... but i'm not eatting fast foods anymore.
btw anyone saw the 4 meat patty mac from mcdonald's???  its called a mega mac 0_____0  that thing will kill people!

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