God - Good
Devil - Evil
Committee - Come To Tea
Tone - Note
Latent - Talent
penis-land = pen-island
Diamond - Die Mind
Interview - Inner View
Matrix - My Tricks
Pleas - Please
Season - See Sun
Father - Fought Her
Feminist - Flame A Nest
Woman - Woe Man
Silence - Psy Lens
Sword = S-Word
History - His Story
Atheist - A Theist
Impossible - I'm Possible
Hallucination - Hollow Citation
Gravity - Grave Tie
Science - Sigh Ends
Freaky - Free Key
Belief - Be Life
Atom - Ate Hum
Religion - Real Legion
Parasite - Pair A Site
Subtle - Shut Tell
Television - Tear A Vision
Dominion - Dumb Minion
Politics - Poly (Many) Ticks (Blood-Suckers)
Sorrow - So Low
Correction - Core Action
Fantasy - Fun To See
Parliament - Partial Men
Depend - Deep End
Marriage - More Rage
Nature - Not True
Genius - Gene In Us
Gratitude - Great Attitude
Untie - Unite
What's in Word? Oh, y'know, Cut, Copy, Paste, Bold, Italics, Underline, Indentation, Font, Font Size, Page Setup...
What's in Word? Oh, y'know, Cut, Copy, Paste, Bold, Italics, Underline, Indentation, Font, Font Size, Page Setup...
A Word =/= Microsoft Word
So many of these contain letters you randomly shoved in. I debate the value of your post.
Since when do posts have value in the SPA?
So many of these contain letters you randomly shoved in. I debate the value of your post.
This thread is not about anagrams. I debate the validity of your post.
Then what is it? Anagrams are the letters in a word, and I was even nice enough to let you use the same letter twice before scratching my head and thinking "the heck is this"
The Father/Fought Her one requires three letters not in the original word and one used twice.
Pressuming you wrote these yourself and not just C&P, explain how you managed to make such a hugeass stretch and make it so irrelevant to what a father is.
explain how you managed to make such a hugeass stretch and make it so irrelevant to what a father is.
That was sooo racist.
That was sooo racist.
Diamond = Die Mind
omg you're SO Austraaalian
still loves you though.
That was politically correct in every way, shape and form and I'm not being racist in saying this.
still loves you though.
time to remake thread via perestroika?
time to remake thread via perestroika?
*is here*
oh look, its ramza. were still missing something tho.... oh! i know!
oh look, its ramza. were still missing something tho.... oh! i know!
*is intrigued, and�still can't spell*
*wonders what the deal is with the weird symbols in last post*
^ Uh, what 'weird symbols' are you talking about?
That ones that were in my post.
ramza, there are many things that have been inside your posts, one of them being Rishi O.o
^ That sounds kinda wrong, dude.
I try to keep an open mind. That's why I carry an ax!