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Which movie did you see last?

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So, all these LJ posts about MoFo Drama becoming unbarable have awoken me from my slumber, plus of course my work backlog is clear for the first time in months and I have time to do stuff. I decided to be the resident cheer fairy, as... well, darn it all, I'm a happy guy and for some reason you people respond to me. Don't know why, now clam you darn angst muffins. We're going to play a fun game!

Basically "which movie did you see last"

Can be you lazily typing a single word, could be a full on review of it with replies agreeing and disagreeing. Let it shadow the "What Game are you playing" thread.

It'll be fun, right gang? Tricia! Back me up here! We need smiles, STAT!

Last movie I saw:

Casablanca. VERY good little movie. I'm suprised with how many people know it's a classic and yet have never seen it. The quotes pile on huge and the acting is superb.

I read that it was based on a play which was never produced, which is amazing, to say that one of our world's most memorable movies could be inspired from something which was rejected for the theatre.

Check it out if you can stand the black and white.


Now... my friends, get a'postin'!

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Last move in theater? Eragon. Short summary: It raped the book it was based on.

Last movie period? Parts of The House of Flying Daggers.

God I love Chinese movies.

Posts: 428
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Last complete movie: Snakes on Some Sort of a Metal Bird.
Last parts of a movie: Wild Wild West (T'was on the telly yesterday, and I was bored.)
Last movie in the theatre: Er... I really don't remember, it was last summer, I think o.o

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Stomp the Yard

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Hrm. Emofodrama? xD That's absurd.


Last Movie in Theater: Apocalypto
Last DVD movie (in full): Fearless. Jet Li roxorz
Last DVD movie (partial): Seven Swords
Last TV movie (full) The Beast. If ANYONE remembers that movie-they get a large pie.
Last TV movie (partial): Titanic and Terminator II. Both on last night, so I kept flicking...

Yeah..I watch alot of movies...

Posts: 2016
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Last movie I saw in cinemas?
Happy Feet! =D

Last movie I saw on DVD?
Monster House! =D

Last movie I saw on TV?
The Pink Panther! =D - original version, folks. =3

Posts: 2232
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Actually, what the heezy DID I see last?!

I think it was Dream Team actually, cause it's several kinds of escaped lunitic awsome.

Posts: 235
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The last movie I saw was Epic Movie.

The last movie I enjoyed seeing was Silence of the Lambs.

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Someone either has high standards or doesn't watch any movies.

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Last movie I saw in cinemas: I think it was Xmen 3....yeah....haven't been to the cinema since.....though not due to the quality of the movie.
The movie was a decent action film, Magneto being his alround badass self and Beast being absolutely perfect to the comic book version, however, as someone who grew up reading Uncany Xmen (or Amazing Xmen as the UK version was called for some reason) and the Xmen cartoon in the 90s, I was quite disappointed and annoyed at the film in many areas.

Last movie I saw periode: Superman Returns. Absolutely loved it, though it was more of a Lois Lane and Lex Luthor film in my opinion, but still very good.

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Last in Theater: Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith
Last on DVD/VHS (Full): Transformers The Movie 20th Anniversary Edition
Last on DVD/VHS (Partial): Saving Private Ryan
Last on TV (Full): The Pink Panther (the original)
Last on TV (Partial): The Decline of Western Civilization II
Last on Comcast OnDemand: Monty Python & The Holy Grail

Posts: 462
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Last Movie I Saw (DVD): The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby. My bro sent me a copy for my B-Day. A few months late but y'know the thought was there. A bit crude but funny. Reminded me of home.
Last Movie I Saw (Theatre): Superman Returns. Not as bad a comic book adapt as say, The Hulk, but still a step down in quality from the original. Music is good though largely recycled (but its John Williams so why complain?), opening credits while visually striking would be a pain to see on small screen. Kevin Spacey never quite managed to be a serious threat, Jimmy Olsen spot-on, Superkid a bit of a scene hogger, Lois' new love very bland perhaps more so than Supes *gasp* And CGI Brando was just surreal. Plotwise I guess the confusin' bits canceled out the boring ones. Theatre was nice tho- buttery popcorn and AC. Good times.

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Saw 3

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Last Movie on Theaters: Pan's Labyrinth. Good film, if not iffy. Wanted more fantasy the movie is based around and less of that durn spanish war built around it.

Last Movie on DVD: The Iron Giant. Brad Bird is a feckin' genius. Saw this on theaters back in 1998, loved it. Got the SE DVD a year back, loved it still, and still rewatch it. Great movie, fetching animation, wonderful story.

Last Movie on TV: Simon Birch. I've always loved this movie. There's something very cute about the leading character Simon when he's being cocky and I generally don't like cocky characters.

Posts: 262
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Last movie in Theaters: Spidey 2. Yeah it was a long time ago.

Last Movie on DVD: The Incredibles. Saw it last year. The child in me liked it.

Last movie on TV: Most of Dawn of the Dead (remake) Was on last night. It was enjoyable really.

Posts: 808
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Hmm, I don't usually watch movies all that much for some reason.

Last movie I saw in a theater: Cars.

Last movie I saw on DVD: Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (with Pirates 1 just prior to that). Got both DVDs for Christmas, yay.

Posts: 348
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Last movie in theatre: Talledega Night: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Last movie on DVD: Robin Hood (animated Disney version)

Last movie on TV: Grendel (Sci-Fi original, complete with unnecessary crap that wasn't in the original story)

Posts: 917
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Craig, I'm glad to hear some Casablanca love. So many people praise it or knock it, but if you ask them if they saw it, they come up blank.

The last movie I saw in theaters was Casino Royale. The best thing to happen to the Bond franchise since Goldeney.

The last movie I saw on TV was 12 Monkeys. People have been bugging me for ages to check this out saying I'd love it. It had potential, but I hated the ending.

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Big Trouble in Little China (didn't see the whole thing)
I've seen other movies, but this is the only one I feel that I should mention. For some reason, my dad loves this film, and I have no idea what he likes about it. For the parts that I saw, I have to say that it was really random, and I have close to no idea what was going on.

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Ultimate Avengers, watched it on my comp a few hours ago, it's pretty decent, expecially considering it's a direct to video animation and the last animated Avengers series was pretty poor, but good fun all in all.

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Steeb, that's what's so f*cking AWESOME about it.
Plus, Lo Pan <3

Anyhoo, Pulp Fiction was just on the local college television station twice, once normally and once chronologically (They did this with Memento a while back, too) So I watcheded that.

Last movie I saw in theaters was Casino Royale, although I'll be going in the next coupla days to see another movie with a lady friend =)

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Mannnn, I got a movie fixation. Just ask Troy. His is worse though, he needs to shoot up a gram of straight Eastwood an hour ot live.

Last one I saw was Smokin' Aces. It was an awesome movie, and I'd love to elaborate but i must flee.

Posts: 955
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Mm... Let's see. Last movie I saw in theaters was "Snakes on a Plane". Yes, it was that long ago. ^^; Ah well.

Last movie I saw on DVD was not Cars, because I am an idiot. It was, in fact, "Contact". A recommendation from Craig and a movie we started watching in Astronomy but never finished. Mom and I bought it and watched it the other day, and it was amazing :D

Last movie I saw on TV was Men In Black 2, as it was on in the hotel I stayed at. I feel like sharing my moment of stupidity - as I walked in the room, all I saw was a couple of guys in suits driving, talking about crime, so I asked my roommate watching, "Are you watching Law and Order?" The look she gave me was awesome, even though I felt horribly stupid. >3

Anyway, rambling aside. Uh.... yeah, that's about it **shrug**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1758
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Cinema: Happy Feet (AWESOME movie)
DVD: Lady in the Water (anticlimactic ending, AWESOME soundtrack and atmosphere, interesting plot and characters)

Posts: 383
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Theater: Eragon. I'm glad I didn't read the book, because it seems that I wouldn't have enjoyed the movie if I had.

DVD: The Illusionist. Win. Just, Win.

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Theater: Happy Feet, I think.
DVD: South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.
TV: Damned if I know. I know my little brother was kinda-sorta watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame when I last swung by the house to pick crap up, but I didn't watch much of it.

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DVD: Lady in the Water

lulz M. Night Shamalamyamalanmanlanam twist endings lulz

Posts: 428
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Turns out the last movie I saw in theatres was Cars, which was some time ago, but I enjoyed it.

Posts: 3756
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Last theatre movie I saw was Happy Feet, which had some promise but the ending shot it to hell.

I just watched Raiders of the Lost Ark last night on DVD.

I can't remember the last TV movie.

Also, I'm watching Battlestar Galactica right now. o.o @ "fracking". Is that term replaceable for ALL uses of the F-word?

Posts: 2398
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Crud, I had to read this now.

Serenity. >.>;

I was BORED! *slinks off*


Posts: 808
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Also, I'm watching Battlestar Galactica right now. o.o @ "fracking". Is that term replaceable for ALL uses of the F-word?

Yeah, as far as I've been able to tell. o_O

Posts: 1758
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lulz M. Night Shamalamyamalanmanlanam twist endings lulz

Lasy in the Water doesn't have a twist ending OMGSHOCK.

Posts: 2016
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Lasy in the Water doesn't have a twist ending OMGSHOCK.


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Happy Feet
I thought it was a nice little movie, I could understand most of the stuff that was going on even if it was in Greek. The songs were nice.

Posts: 61
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Last movie I saw on DVD was not Cars, because I am an idiot. It was, in fact, "Contact". A recommendation from Craig and a movie we started watching in Astronomy but never finished. Mom and I bought it and watched it the other day, and it was amazing

You should read the novel by Carl Sagan - it's better than the film (which itself is decent).

Last film I saw was the film that critics currently love to hate, the bizarre offspring of 2001 and the Solaris remake: The Fountain, which was released in the UK last weekend. I haven't seen the director's previous films, Pi and Requiem For A Dream, but I wanted to support the movie after its troubled production, despite not knowing much else about it. I liked it.

Posts: 20
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The last movie I saw in theaters was Rocky Balboa, and the last period was Final Fantasy VII Advent children. If you read my livejournal you know that this is part of my "100 movies in 2007" challenge. If not, here are my opinions on those movies.

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children:

Spoilers (Select To Read): Having never played Final Fantasy VII (or, in fact, any regular-series Final Fantasy game), I didn't really understand this movie all that well. Not much of what happened seemed to matter much to me, but the people I was with seemed to be terribly impressed by everything. Cloud Strife comes of as Shadow the Hedgehog, down to the motorcycle, obsession with a deceased love interest, and the fact that he's got the genetic material of an alien being who came to Earth via a comet. I think I was supposed to be impressed by Sephiroth, but he was so ridiculously bland and only appeared for like three minutes. The movie was VERY well animated with tons of eye-candy, although some of the nearly-identical characters confused me and even the attractive-looking characters looked fugly in some shots for some reason. Someday I will play FF7 and I will probably love this movie afterwards. Until then, Recommend: No, Unless you like FF7 or are pleased by seemingly random fight scenes which will be meaningless to the uninitiated.

Rocky Balboa:

Spoilers (Select To Read): I had never seen a Rocky film prior to this, ever. I saw it with The and Yams and Chris and Mike [note: these are some friends of mine. Duh?]. It didn't impress me. The fight was certainly impressive, and the premise was interesting and might have made a worthwhile movie. However, the film absolutely relied on the viewer already loving Rocky. Instead of selling the character, Stallone simply assumes that the character has already been sold. The film might have been better if it had been built around the conflict between Rocky and his son or his opponent, instead of his creepy pursuit of "Little Marie" as he follows her in his sketchy van. It wasn't even two hours but it felt much longer. The fight, as I said before, was enthralling. Recommend: No, because if you haven't already decided to see it then you probably aren't the kind of person who'd like it.

Posts: 162
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um...the last moive i saw was little man and it was funny

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I saw Total Recall with Arnold Swarzennegger a few days ago, kind of funny with some action; overall not too bad of a movie

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I saw Total Recall


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Movie in Theaters: Two, actually. I saw both Casino Royale and Night at the Museum.

I was actually surprised by both. Craig plays a much darker Bond, which is a great new direction for the series. The plot lacked the high tech gizmos, but still managed to do okay. NatM was decent too. A great family flick. Enough humor for all ages.

Movie @ Home: The Guardian. Yet again, another decent movie. Not great, not going to be one of my favorites, but definitely worth the $1 I paid to rent it from McDonalds... Yes, I did say McD's =) RedBox for the ultimate WIN!

And now for my 07 movies I'm looking forward to. 300 (based on Frank Miller's graphic novel), Pirates 3, Spiderman 3...that's all I know of for now.

Posts: 1241
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In theatre? Santa Claus 3 or Saw III. Both bored me to tears. Neither were picked by me. <<


On TV? Bugger knows. I haven't watched TV for ages.

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XD Own it. Love it-makes my bunghole tingle every time I see it though XD

Posts: 162
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The best MOVIE of the year was Jackass2 ROTF funny its a must see DVD oh and watch the special features (Not For The Weak Of Heart or the weak of stomach)

Posts: 25
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Last movie in theaters
Children of Men-- I have to admit, I was a little disapointed by this movie overall. I went there with such high expectations, and it didn't deliver the goods.

Last Movie I've seen outside the theater
Ghostbusters-- I was sick last Friday and stayed out of school and I just put something to pass the time. That being said, Ghostbusters still holds up as one of my favorite comedies.



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Watched Ladyhawke last night, it was a very decent little movie, showcasing the talent of a young Mathew Broderick as Mosue, who may become one of my favourite protagonists of all time due to his nature and constant habbit of talking to God.

I watched the film due to the long running rumour that Twilight Princess was based on it. Sadly it isn't, but it makes for a beautiful story. A pair of lovers who can never be together because of a wicked curse which makes one hawk by day, lady by night and one man by day and wolf by night.

Superb fantasy. Well worth a look.

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Last Movie in Theatre: Little Miss Sunshine
Last Movie on TV: Back to the Future

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Just seen Tarzan for the first time and, WOW, it's the last true Disney Classic. Alot better than I had ever hoped it would be.

Love the Phil Collins soundtrack, too.

Well done, Disney.

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Yeah, Tarzan rules. =D

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Yeah, the Disney Tarzan is good. I just bought the soundtrack to the Broadway version.

They made Terk male, made him an adult the entire play, and completely erased the elephants. =( In addition to that, the man playing Tarzan sounds like a woman when he sings.

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