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Which movie did you see last?

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Posts: 5035
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Just got back from seeing "This Christmas" with my mom. Very good movie. Warm and heartfelt. Would watch it again, and again.

Wow...saw Hitman tonight. I really enjoyed it. Makes me want to play the games so bad. I must admit the guy they got to play "47" looks a good deal like the one in the games[or from the cover art atleast lol]. Has anyone else seen Hitman, what did you think of it?

Posts: 1396
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Watched Superman 2: The Richard Donner Cut. It's very good, and nice to see how things were originally planned, although I think I prefer the original releases ending, made a little more sense. 😛

Posts: 3756
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lol I didn't go to the IMAX; IMAX has a sneak preview of TDK's openning, but normal theatrical releases should have this trailer.

Posts: 5035
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Watched Stardust at a friend's. Wow...much better than I expected. Like it much, I did. 😛

Posts: 1367
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I watched Knocked Up recently. Except for seeing way more than I needed to see near the end, it was a pretty good flick--definitely better than Superbad. Seriously, Superbad isn't that great. Get over it.

Posts: 2116
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Given the amount of Superbad hype getting plastered all over everywhere and the demographic it seemed to be aiming at, I can't say hat that surprises me, Wes. I'm always wary of films which think that you can't find out their positive qualities without their help - even without them playing to the lowest common denominator crowd.

What was your problem with it?

Posts: 1367
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My biggest problem with it? It was just a bunch of penis jokes. Seriously. Sure, some parts were mildly amusing, but it's not the "funniest movie ever" like most people in my age group seem to think. Don't get me wrong, it's not a terrible film--I've seen much worse--I just don't understand all the praise it's getting. But hey, opinions.

Posts: 2116
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That sounds pretty much like what I'd suspected it was going to be.

Posts: 300
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I think the "next movie I'll see last" will probably be the 1st Potter film.

Since I've always steered clear of all things Potter, though I am reminded of a comment Sam once told me about Cj and Harry, so that steers me a little.

Posts: 2016
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Watched TMNT last night.

I lol'd. But was disappointed. It could've been longer.

Posts: 1367
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Most kid-oriented films these days are pretty short.

Posts: 2116
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I think that the definition of "pretty short" has changed, though. It's not that long since ninety minutes was pretty much the standard length for a blockbuster - it's only in the last five years or so that things've swung back towards epic.

Posts: 220
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I watched Edward Scissorhands last night with the girlfriend. I honestly missed that movie.

Lately I've watched the new Dark Knight trailer enough to make it a movie, though...

Posts: 1396
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Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Superb, as the fourth Ghibli movie I've seen I can safely say that they are worth every penny they charge for the DVDs, more so! Every time I've watched one of their movies I felt inspired to draw more...the characters and worlds are beautiful and more creative than anything Hollywood will dare to go to these days...

My only complaint would be how practically every problem is sorted in the end, but this is their first movie, and I probably wouldn't have a problem if Disney hadn't done it about 50 times already. 😛

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind...hmmm kinda sound familar. Maybe...? As for me...I saw P.S. I Love You last night. So, so good. I love Hilary Swank. <3 Haven't read the book, but I hear the movie took a different approach[go figure, right lol]. If you're looking for a date movie...i'd say this is a good one. A great one. :)

Posts: 2915
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Just watched BLADE RUNNER: THE FINAL CUT. I liked it. It's not one of those movies you just watch. It requires some thinking.

This was the first version of BR I have seen. After reading Wiki, I must say, I like the changes. Especially the one at the end... It adds a lot of questions...

Posts: 220
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I saw Alien Vs Predator last night. It was insanely dumb. And why did I see it? Because my theatre didn't have Sweeny Todd. :[

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

AVP-R wasn't good? Dang...I want to see that really bad too. Maybe i'll hold off on that one. 😛 As for me...I saw The Great Debaters. Very good, very good. :)

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What a coincidence, that's exactly what I watched yesterday =O

Posts: 1367
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Blade Runner is a great flick.

Anyway, on Christmas Eve the old man and I went to see Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. Very, very funny. Even my dad, who I hardly ever see laugh, was cracking up at parts.

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Live Free or Die Hard.

The implementation of hacking in this movie was absolutely ridiculous and stupid and dumb. But Apple Guy's acting was lmao worthy and the action was still badass.

Posts: 679
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The tail-end of Rocky & Bullwinkle *cheers for June Foray* and the entirety of George of the Jungle. BBC seemed to be having a Jay Ward afternoon today, but failed to capitalise on it by showing Dudley Do-Right. Mind you, this was possible for the best...


Posts: 113
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Two nights ago I watch 'Almost Famous'...Not a bad movie but it was just s-l-o-w to have anything really happen (-_-) However, I stayed with it and kept of watching in hopes of something which came really at the end of it. Oh well.

Posts: 4607
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Enchanted. Quite funny movie, that.

Posts: 2915
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Just got back from a day of Thai food, gambling, Mongolian BBQ, and Juno...

It was really an awesome movie. It took on a whole mess of issues... And it was funny. It sends out a powerful message about what true love is and also reminds you that nothing is ever 'perfect'. The actors and the soundtrack were awesome.

I think my only complaint is there was Dwight's short role... I mean, his lines were brilliant! "That ain't an etch-a-sketch homeskillet... That's one doodle you can't undo"

EDIT: Crap, I forgot to mention something >< Diablo Cody is a writer from the Twin Cities... The Target where she wrote the script is actually only 2 or so blocks from my old elementary school 8O... One of the highlights was hearing Minnesota cities and landmarks mentioned =) My favorite was the reference to the Ridgedale Mall's water fountain. I used to go there all the time when I was little lol

Posts: 113
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Is it? It got released on Boxing Day....I think I will wait for it to come out on DVD before I see it...It's got one of the women from Bones in it near the end (aparently).

Posts: 2915
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hmmm. Just finished watching The Sound of Music on TV... Might be in my top 10 "holiday" movies... Still like "It's a Wonderful Life" better though.

Last night I saw Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story... skip it if you know what's good for you. Sure, some of the "Cox" jokes were funny, and the rip they did at rappers using old songs in their music videos was funny... but that was it. Jenna Fischer was hot, but she was more so in Blades Of Glory.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Saw Nat'l Treasure 2 tonight. I really liked it. I must say though everytime I see one of the Nat'l makes me feel like i'm a bad American or something. Like seriously...I never know like...5% of what they're talking about. XD

Then yesterday night I saw Alvin and the Chipmunks. I don't care what anyone says, that movie is good. Very good. I loved it. :D

Posts: 2116
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Funnily enough, I was watching the original National Treasure last. Having gone into it with no to low expectations, I found it a solid enough, knockabout little romp. Nothing too memorable, but I didn't want my viewing time back afterwards.

Posts: 2915
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Just watched "What About Bob?"... It was funny. It was a movie my grandma loved =)

Posts: 5035
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AVP-R. I liked it quite a bit to be honest. Better than the first I thought. Could've been better sure....but what can't.

Posts: 2915
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I watched Kill Bill vol 1 on Friday night and vol 2 tonight. I'm not sure which one I like better... v1 has tons more action... but I like how v2 ties everything together. All in all, they combine to form an awesome movie.

Posts: 60
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Watched Shooter and, The Bourne Ultimatum last night. Loved them both.

Posts: 571
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V For Vendetta. Finally seen it and loved it. Such an amazing movie.

Posts: 2016
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Watched I Am Legend last night at the movies.

I almost cried when the dog died. D:

Posts: 874
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Eastern Promises is truly amazing. It was so good I didn't even mind Viggo's nekkidness during the spa fight (which is one of the most brutal and nasty fights I've seen in years).

I better not see any 'In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Siege Tale' posts in this thread. No money should ever go towards Uwe Boll. EVER.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

With a week between the two, I saw:

Sweeny Todd - Goth murder musical with absurd amounts of fake blood and gore ftw.

Charlie Wilson's War - I'm still marvaling at the facts that that Charlie Wilson dude exists & the stuff he did was for real.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


I better not see any 'In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Siege Tale' posts in this thread. No money should ever go towards Uwe Boll. EVER.

Oh you mean...that LotR, 300, [insert other epic movie name here] ripoff. I'd never even heard of that movie til last night. Ha! and some friends watched "Lost In Translation" a few days ago. It was really good. Weird sure...but I enjoyed it. Scarlett is a super babe. *meows*

Posts: 2915
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I went to 2 movies this weekend.

The first was "Charlie Wilson's War". It wasn't a movie that I would choose to go see... but I did like it. Very well done. Kinda scary how one man was able to do all that.

The other film I went to see was that new Veggie Tales movie. Yes, of course I went with the kids lol. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing either. Had a few funny parts, but not enough to warrant a rental when it comes out on DVD.

Posts: 1367
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Anyway, I saw Hitman recently. It was terrible and I want my money and the time I spent watching it back.

Posts: 530
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Transformers. theater.

...Yeah, I don't watch movies much.

Posts: 874
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Cloverfield is great. It is so great that I hope they never make a sequel to it and cheapen what they've accomplished with the first one.

WARNING: People with motion sickness should either not go or pop a Dramamine before the show.

Posts: 1396
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It's a hell of a big improvement over the previous AVP, much more exciting and action filled, and I was surprised at how gruesome it got at times.

However, it's far from perfect. A lot of the action was too hard to see in the dark, much like the last one, and many other films lately. While I thought the acting was great, I found the music made the scenes seem far too epic for what they were.

Nevertheless, it was a good action/horror/crossover movie, and much better than the previous attempt.

Now, where's my Jason V Freddy V Ash from Evil Dead?!

Posts: 1376
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Jason V Freddy V Ash from Evil Dead?!<---Have you seen teh cover art for the comic Robo? Utterly gorgeous.

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Friend dragged me out to see AVP2 on Friday as a "welcome home, I missed our nights out" present. Wasn't expecting much, didn't get much. I had to laugh at the first 20 minutes or so just being a game of introduce the archtype. Cop, check. Badass rebel, check. Shia LaBeouf, check. Girl who dates jocks but ends up with the geek, check. Ripley and Newt ripoffs, check.

I had issues, but not enough invested into the movie to be bothered about them.

Also saw Sweeney on the night before flying home and loved it to pieces. I'll be dragging same friend to it after the UK release.

Posts: 2915
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Hmmm, I guess I've gotten behind in my movies watching.

I saw Sweeney too, albeit a camcorder version on some seedy website. It wasn't bad. Liked all the singing and such. I'm guessing the visuals look better than a cheap dv camcorder can capture. A little too dark for my tastes, but over all a decent, yet very sad, film.

Also watched Groundhog Day last night... Probably my favorite Bill Murray film. Kidnapping the groundhog ftw m/

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

The following comment on the cam version of Sweeney Todd that I managed to grab is an extract from an e-mail I sent to my usual ranting partner last week:

Having seen it in London about six years ago now, I was initially surprised at just how much of the darkness of both the plot and score of the original Sondheim production stayed intact.

Even if a few songs (including, I was admittedly quite surprised, the main theme), a reprise or two and one section of refrain're missing (and in the case of the refrain, there's an argument that it may have been removed for the sake of being overly careful in avoiding a reveal, rather than out of butchery), I'm still surprised at how much was left comparatively alone.

After all, we were just talking not so long ago about - in the era of acceptable torture porn - how difficult it seemed to actually get awarded an 18 certificate these days.

Particularly when dealing with someone like Tim Burton, whose appeal to barely pebescent Mansonette wannabes is well-known, that's a risk when you're dealing with an adaptation of comparatively "cult" (even though I dislike using the word in that sense, as you know) material in a genre which either seems to be seen as highbrow or the preserve of High School Musical fans, it feels as though that certificate could well alienate most of Burton's usual demographic.

Looking at the reaction on the IMDB boards, I wonder how many cinemas'll find that they're ejecting over-optimistic twelve year olds - or alternatively, how many won't bother.

Of course, after I'd stopped being impressed with how much of the original content'd survived, I reminded myself who this was a collaboration between. Burton's record on adaptations may be variable, but this is also dealing with Sondheim.

And that's the man who disowned West Side Story - regular winner of both critics' and audiences' awards for Best Ever Musical, and hardly ever out of the top three or so - because he reckoned that that because of pressure from Bernstein and the production company, it wasn't the show that he actually wanted to write. So he doesn't really want anything to do with it.

He's one of few genuine legends, and doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to. He can pick and choose to do his creations justice - or alternatively, afford a good enough lawyer to draw up a contract that won't put up with Hollywooodising.

In a lot of ways, I find Joss Whedon overrated and don't really understand the outright adulation he gets, even if he really does seem to strike gold when he gets it right. But I read a quote of his once, about how he'd rather create something that one hundred people need to see than one thousand people want to see, and I can respect that (even if a couple of the latter seasons of Buffy seem to leave a miasma of hypocrisy around the idea).

Sondheim operates in much the same fashion. I don't know if you've been looking at my post log in IMDB when I've occasionally wandered onto the Musicals board, but I'm a fan of Assassins, Follies, Company, Sunday in the Park with George and some of his other shows that might only get a revival once in every twenty years, but're genuinely warmly received when they do.

(That's as opposed to something like Phantom of the Opera, which whilst it's a decent show, is starting to feel more like a franchise or just another spot on a sightseeing tour of any city with a theatre, rather than a show - or any of the several dozen flashes in the pan which'll get average reviews, pack in the crowds for three months and never be heard from again.

Les Miserables is in a category somewhere by itself - but you knew that already. :))

You might even still remember me saying after watching Sweeney Todd come to London for the first time in twenty-five years that I felt fairly lucky to've been able to get to see it. Hence I was more than mildly surprised when Burton decided to take it on in the first place,

Posts: 131
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Thank You For Smoking. That's only because of film class.

Posts: 2915
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Just finished Batman Begins. It is, by far, my favorite superhero movie. It has an extremely dark mood to the film... and yet there are a lot of comedic moments. Definitely pumped for TDK... Hopefully Heath's death doesn't delay it =

Posts: 1376
Noble Member


>> See living in NYC, and watchng bad thngs happent o NYC,and then leaving a Movie theater, and realizing there's a fire at the building a block down, and then hearing a big boom down the street...

All 5 minutes AFTER THE MOVIE ENDED??!?!

>> Yeah, I was the guy running down the street going "OH *** CLOVERFIELD!!"

I saw about 40 heads turn with the "O_O" expression. Priceless.

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