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Which movie did you see last?

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I just finished watching K-911 & K-9: PI. Say what you like about the plot, but it had a cute & fluffy police dog in it, so I was happy. One day I will win the lottery, quit my job and buy a German Shepherd dog and a big house to let it run around in.


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Casablanca, for the first time ever. Dunno why I'd thought there was a boat sequence in it, as there clearly wasn't, but...

Anyway, I liked it, but I was expecting a bit... eh, more. Dunno why, really, as it was quite fine, but...

Posts: 3756
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To be fair, Wesu, anyone who's watched a movie like I Am Legend before would know the moment we met the dog it was a goner.

Watched Cloverfield Friday. It was awesome. =D

Posts: 1396
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Last night I saw Nightwatch followed by its sequel, Daywatch.

Both are very, very good, and Nightwatch has a fantastic ending. However, I can't decide which I liked more....

The lead character of both is pretty cool, plus the interactions between the leaders of the Dark and Light Ones feels like an awesome parody of Charles Xavier and Magneto at times.

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Cloverfield, and it was incredible.

I'm slightly in love with it.

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The adventures of the invincible Camera Redux!

What ..its a real movie. Oh, you people on Earth call it Cloverfield-again.

That video camera man. Made of alien tech XD.

Posts: 679
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"The Brothers Grimm". I saw it in the cinema back when it was out, then forgot about it. Amazon sales ftw. I rather like it - in style & feel, "Pan's Labyrinth" is reminiscent of it, although, being a Terry Gilliam film, "The Brothers Grimm" has more comedy-type moments. Monica Bellucci rocks as always and the evil spells are actually surprisingly creepy. The enchanted forest seems to be entirely populated by evil Ents, which is always a plus.


EDITED for not knowing Monica Bellucci's surname! I think I was thinking of an Italian ex-president or something...

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Just watched Terminator 2: Judgement Day... The Extended Special Edition.

It's a pretty decent flicko

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Austin Powers in Gold Member

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I watched Death Sentence recently. I really wasn't expecting much, considering it was from the guy who made Saw and Dead Silence, but I was surprised that it was actually a pretty good film.

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Green Street Hooligans. Wow, i'd never even heard of this, but my gosh. That movie rocked. Reminded me of City of God for some reason. 😛

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Sydney White w/Amanda Bynes. Better than I expected.

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The Kingdom.

Any fans ofthe genre need to see this movie. It's very well-done. According to Dad, who's been to Saudi Arabia several times, the accuracy isn't horribly Hollywood, either.

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Step up 2 the streets:

Before ANYONE goes badmouthing it, I'm gonna say this.

Plot=Better than most dance movies, especially for a sequel.

Still not saying its a even remotely good storyline, its just better than expected.

Choreography/actual dancing: PHE-NOM-EN-AL. I'm still trying to figure out how one guy did a certain move about 3/4ths through >> Just bananas.

And no, wasn't pressured into seeing it, it was my choice, cause yeah, that movie looked awesome from the first trailer.

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Finally snagged American Beauty on DVD. Masterpiece, that movie is.

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Willy Wonker..the newer one...It was aiight.

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Just saw Be Kind Rewind last night. I'll admit, it didn't meet my lofty expectations of the trailer, but it was okay. Could have focused less on the generally weak plot and more on the "Swede'ed" movies.

Also watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail a couple of days ago. It's definitely in my top 10 greatest films of all time =)

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What a coincidence, I also saw Be Kind Rewind last night. I thought it was alright, I knew that they were going to focus less and less on their remakes as the movie went on, but man, Ghostbusters was hilarious.

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I'm back after all those years with a new account!

Well, the movies I saw last.

Bambi II and thereafter Silence of the Lambs.

Posts: 1396
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Watched one of my favourite movies yesterday, Batman Begins.

Was showing it to a friend who hadn't seen it before to prove how good it is, he was worried it was just gonna hype the second movie, but was glad to see it was self contained bar the final scene.

Seeing it again after about a year allowed me to enjoy it a lot more for the dialogue rather than just the story, pretty witty I find.

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Just got done watching "MORTAL COMBAT!!!111"

Also, I watched Afro Samurai earlier.

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I've been on a long movie break, trying to catch up with videogames, recently. Still, took time out to watch Austin Powers and didn't laugh, then Kill Bill and didn't enjoy as much.

I fear I may be losing something.

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Watching Street Fighter 2 animated movie.

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Speaking of movies in a movie topic...

How did your movie count fare for 2007, Craig? I know you beat your intended goal but do you happen to know what the end total was?

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365 exactly. Finished the final movie shortly before midnight on New Years Eve. I could have got more in, but decided that hitting the exact number would be more epic.

I'm too lazy to write the things which I wanted to about it. So, yeah... just did my thing and then rented videogames.

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Pulp Fiction

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What was the final movie, Craig?

Also, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly and Hang 'Em High, with Clint Eastwood. Classics.

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No Country for Old Men
Deserved its oscars far more than most- best film I've seen theatrically in quite a long time.

Posts: 571
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I watched A Scanner Darkly earlier today.

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Final movie was Amadeus.

As for the last movie I watched. Was watching Rambo earlier today.

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Ernest Goes To Africa x_X

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O.o I just saw Gone Baby Gone, We Own the Night and Resident Evil: Extinction. RE: E was utter crap.

The other two were pretty good.


Ima take that back.

GBG was Epic win.
WOTN was almost Epic win. Almost cause they needed to kill Eva Mendez, she's ANNOYING!

Posts: 2915
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Saw "Vantage Point" tonight... It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. The viewing the events from different perspectives was cool... the first 2 times... third time is was meh... by the fourth time I wanted to shout "GET ON WITH IT". Interesting concepts behind the attempt, but about as far fetched as 'Live Free or Die Hard' 's plot (but no where near as cool). 3 out of 5 stars.

Also viewed American Gangster for a second time... Just as awesome as before. Both Russel and Washington did amazing jobs.

3:10 to Yuma, No Country for Old Men, Live Free or Die Hard, American Gangster, Ocean's 13, Juno, I Am Legend, PotC 3, SuperBad, 300, Transformers, Gone Baby Gone, The Bourne Ultimatum, Evan Almighty, Ratatouille... Is it just me, or was 2007 an AWESOME year for movies? 2008 might be able to top it though, with both The Dark Knight and Indiana Jones 4 coming out =)

Posts: 931
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The Dark Knight and Indiana Jones will be inferior to Iron Man, which in turn will be inferior to Hellboy 2.
This is not wild speculation, but word-of-mouth from people who've visited the Hellboy 2 sets and seen the Iron Man previews.
People with an excellent track record on this kind of thing.

Posts: 1376
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o.O The fact that people are stating that Hellboy is even good mind-boggles me.

>> Personally--the movie season starts next weekend with 10000 BC, and sweeps through with May having Iron Man, Prince Caspian and Indy IV. I'm really wondering what the heck is coming out next.

Posts: 2915
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OOOH, I forgot about Prince Caspian

oh, and that 21 movie looks interesting.

Posts: 1396
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Just watched the latest DC animated movie, Justice League: The New Frontier.

It's set in the 1950s and uses the characters' Golden Age designs, being based on a comic series currently running of the same name and setting.

The main cast of heroes are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern/Hal Jordan, and Martian Manhunter, with Flash, GL, and MM taken the main focus. This is something I'm quite glad for, it could have easily just shone the limelight on Bruce and Clark like most would, and even though they do get a good degree of the story, neither are THE heroes of it.

The animation, music, and acting is superb, and the Golden Age setting is a breath of fresh air. This is a great movie and I recommend it whole heartedly to any comic or superhero fan. It's more than just a filler for The Dark Knight, but it will make the wait more bearable.

Posts: 2232
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Mhm, New Frontier is indeed rather classy in animation form, unfortunatly it's not quite as good as the mini-series of comics, and suffers from not having the JLU voice actors throughout.

Both Hellboy II and Iron Man look top notch balls to the wall awesomeness, and I'm really looking forward to them.

As for the last movie I watched... uh... tough question. I watched The Last Starfighter again about a month back. An old favourite of mine.

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Ah! It's out now?

A podcast I listen to had a preview copy a month back and when I heard their review I knew I needed it. *steal now, buy later*

Posts: 1367
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On Saturday, a couple friends and I had a movie night. We watched 30 Days of Night, which I thought was an excellent film--definitely one of the better horror films to be shat out of Hollywood's bloated rear end as of late.

However, the highlight of the night was watching the independent film Night of the Dead. I can without doubt say that that was simultaneously the greatest and the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. I'll need to borrow it and rip some of the more comedic moments for all of the internet to enjoy.

Posts: 2116
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I watched New Frontier before Christmas. For me, they got the art style of the original series dead on, but they chopped around the narrative and the dialogue so much that it just came off as disjointed and lost a lot of power.

I had a feeling from seeing how they handled the villain of the piece in the first scene (avoiding spoilers for the sake of CRaig) that it was going to go that way, though.

Posts: 800
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I finally got around to watching Akira on Saturday... Damn good movie, I hear they're doing a real-live version, which will most probably be crap. I now, on the other hand, intend to read all of the manga, as I hear it's somewhat amazing.

Posts: 14
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The Others
Barbie as the Island Princess
Bambi II
Silence of the Lambs

Posts: 220
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Blades of Glory, man.
Will Ferrel was once again the only funny thing in this movie.

Posts: 1396
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I watched New Frontier before Christmas. For me, they got the art style of the original series dead on, but they chopped around the narrative and the dialogue so much that it just came off as disjointed and lost a lot of power.

I had a feeling from seeing how they handled the villain of the piece in the first scene (avoiding spoilers for the sake of CRaig) that it was going to go that way, though.

To be fair to the creators, they only get 70 minutes to make these movies, because they're animated direct to DVD features, which is why a lot had to be chopped from The Death of Superman arch when making Superman Doomsday.

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I agree - although I still think that they managed more coherence and feel from the original story from Doomsday. I was genuinely surprised that they picked up New Frontier at all, for that exact reason - it just seemed too epic (and often just too contrroversial) to tinker with. Another thing about Doomsday was that it felt for me as though it could stand alone from its source - New Frontier'd been so hacked about as far as I was concerned that if I hadn't read the original, I'd have had trouble following it at all.

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Saw 10,000 BC. It was pretty good. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad.

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Forgot to mention. I watched The Prestige again on Friday. Love the movie =)... Probably helps that the mains from Batman Begins...

Posts: 220
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The new Mute Team skate video on Youtube.

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Me and my parents saw College Road Trip this afternoon and it was really good. Considering it's my first year in college, it was quite a tear jerker at certain points. Seriously though...where does the time go? =/ But OH MY GOSH!!! The Forbidden Kingdom...has anyone here heard of this movie? GOOD LORD!!! Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Madness Insanity!!! On a side note...what happened to Fearless being Jet Li's last martial arts film[considering that's all he does...his last film pretty much]?

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