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Which movie did you see last?

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I just saw Rambo. You know, the new one. The one where he kills all the people. Okay, the one where he kills all the people while wearing a bloated corpse face that is not a mask but his real face. Criticism of Stallone's facial-lumpiness aside, I saw the new movie.

My opinion? Good movie. Short, though, but I'll give it credit for going "Why the hell do you need backstory when there's a human herd that needs culling?"

And cull the human herd it does. The climactic shootout on it's own is 10 straight minutes of subsonic point-five-oh flesh-rending with the occasional grenade explosion and machete-carving. It's a 10-minute overture of body-destruction in a 90-minute symphony about one man's (and a supporting mercenary team's) mission of mercy slaughter. I'll let Nick Nunziata from (language warning at the link) describe it for you.

"People don't die in their sleep in Rambo. They are shredded. They are hewn. They explode. They are perforated and they are incinerated. The amount of open casket funerals to be had in Burma following John Rambo's vacation can be counted on one badly bandaged war stump, likely attached to the torso of a soldier whose last memory is of a veined Italian man shooting an arrow through his soccer teammate's jaw."

Granted, if you aren't a fan of the ol' ultraviolence, this movie will lose you and lose you FAST. There's very little in the way of meaningful dialog, the characters are pretty much all archetypes and expendable and pretty much everything in the movie is a stepping stone to move it towards the summit of Mount Gorefest. This is not a good movie in the sense that you empathize with characters and get dialog that snaps. There's snapping, alright, but it's necks, not the dialog. It's merely a well-filmed progression of action-pause-action-pause-ACTION ACTION ACTION-end. This one is purely for the action junkies and the gorehounds.

Although I will give the movie this much credit: if people haven't figured out that Burma/Myanmar is a big ol' country of screwed from the cyclone aid nonsense, some of the special features on the real life situation there on the DVD will help drive the revelation right into their skulls.

This movie gets 4 exploded faces and a pulped jeep driver out of five from me.

Posts: 2232
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Just watched Kung Fu Panda.

Yeah, on one side, this movie is horrible, a plot that can be mapped out from scene one, including all the jokes, which for the most part are badly written and kinda flop (excepting some of the slapstick and some of the little Yoda-looking dude's lines.)

On the other paw, it's wonderfully animated and downright beutifully directed and choreofraphed, with some devestatingly awesome action scenes.

So yeah, I'm confused as what to think about this one.

Posts: 1104
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I'm probably going to go see Kung Fu Panda with my lady friend, because she's big into the furries

Today though, I watched Indiana Jones 1&3, and Thank You For Smoking

Good times

Posts: 2016
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Iron Man, which was ****in' amazing.

And finished off at a mate's place with Vegas, Baby! That movie was so much comedic win.

Posts: 1396
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Just watched Street Fighter Alpha: Generations, though I'm hard pressed to call it a movie as it's just under 45 minutes long.

Now, if you don't know, I hate this movie, now normally with bad movies, or any movie, the memories can often be worse than the experience itself. Sometimes this is out of logic, like Transformers 2007, Spiderman 3, Super Mario Bros even, I often go back and find something to like or make up for the short comings, like Prime being a badass, Spidey being the closest to his comic book personality of all the movies, or finding all the little references in the Mario movie. Batman was an exception in that it was still a good movie, just overshadowed by Batman Begins like nothing else. Generations is another exception, however, I remember hating it for many problems, but I seemed to have made up redeeming features...none of which are there.

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie is a fan's dream come real, slick animation, great art, fighting that contains both realism and fantasy, and great characterization of the lead characters, and the animated appearance of entire cast of 17 Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo characters. Separate from Street Fighter, it probably wouldn't be considered good other than that it is very well made.

Street Fighter Alpha is decent, it's got very good animation, consistent art which is also very good, a deeper story, however the fight scenes were mostly close ups of facial expressions, the badguy is a completely new character, and the story. while deeper, is confusing and puts it into naive fans' minds that Akuma is Ryu's also had a decent number of character cameos, including Guy and Sodom.

Now, lets start off...this film features 9 characters in total, only four of which are playable Street Fighter characters, Ryu, Ken, Akuma/Gouki, and Sakura, and to those who don't know, these are the infamous shotoclones, so diversity is out. The new characters are Fuka, who's a woman about Ryu's age, and her grandfather, Old Man, who I'll get to. The story is just bizarre, all setting up for the fight between Ryu and Akuma, which is talked over anyway, and also to further push the idea that Akuma is Ryu's father. I'll simplify things for you.

Ryu: He's in it to fight Akuma.
Akuma: He's in it to fight Ryu.
Sakura: Is in it to get beaten up by Ryu.
Ken: Is in it to be beaten up by Old Man.
Fuka: Is in it to display a vague romantic interest in Ryu, and be as dull as a bit of wood.
Old Man: Is in it to explain everything.

What's more annoying is that they try to explain Ryu and Ken's fighting style as something ancient and almost tribal, where as the games explain that Goutetsu created the style, the Hadou, and the Dark Hadou, and taught the style to his two sons Akuma and Gouken...I don't see what's wrong with the games' take. What's even worse is that they explain this by having ancient ghosts popping up for no reason to reenact the whole origin!

Yeah...suddenly Jean Claude Van Dam seems much more forgivable.

Then there's the art and animation, they're very, very poor. The animation is very choppy and the art is very messy, the characters look more like cosplayers than the real deal, except Akuma, who looks more like The Thing from Fantastic Four with a wig at times. Basically it looks nothing like classic Street Fighter art.

Proportions seem to vary like they're made of jelly, everything looks ugly, badly drawn, low budget crap. Considering how incredible Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie was in it's day, and Alpha's quality being very good if not great, this is like they've tried to be awful.

I can't stand the special effects either, they just don't blend well with the animation. That said, the fight scenes are okay-ish...they're nothing special, and you'll get better out of Dragon Ball's early episodes.

And then we have the voice acting and music...I only remember one real bit of music, and that's the drum and base stuff at the end...nothing memorable either, it just seems slapped in which is why is leave any impression. The VA's were down right crap, all the previous VA's have been replaced and the new guys sound like they're from Manga Entertainments really early work...I'm talking stuff that makes SEGA's VAs more appreciative. I think Sakura had the best VA, only because I found her the least annoying.

And there we go...Street Fighter's worst least the live action movie is comically bad, and Raul Julia was awesome.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Street Fighter Alpha: Generations, huh? I've never seen it. I don't think I ever finished SFII:The Animated movie either. I don't believe I made it to the part with Akuma. Darn! Must get my copy of SFAC back and an 80GB PS3. =P

Anywho...I just got back from seeing The Incredible Hulk. Alright...usually I don't give reviews[and this one won't be a full one, beleve me], but I would like to shed some light on this movie. Possible spoilers ahead...maybe...I doubt. I'm not going to intentionally give anything away, but while i'm on this subject...Dr. Sterns. I want to know why that name rings a bell. we go.

No one can tell me that this movie was not a sequel to the much-disliked[excluding myself] 2003 Hulk release. I thought Hulk['03] ended in a [major]Spanish speaking South American country, but this movie begins in Brazil. Hmm...where to next. Oh yea...for all the other Liv Tyler lovers out don't see her until like...35 minutes or so in the movie[excluding the picture of her Bruce has]. Liv's adorable in this movie. Oh my gosh! Although I must say whenever I hear her whisper Bruce, I see her in that lakehouse in The Strangers. *shrugs* the Hulk. He looks good. Almost...too good. The facial capturing is evident for sure. Blonsky, as they call him[must admit I chuckled when Dr. Sterns speaks of an 'abomination'] ia freaky. Really bony...and stuff. Yuck. But yea it's good to actually see the Hulk have someone/something to fight instead of the hapless and helpless military[but they did have a sweet Shockwave machine thing].

Explosive. Entertaining. Electric. Enjoyable. I don't really want to try comparing it Iron Man...but, it's not quite as good as Iron Man. Maybe because we've seen The Hulk on the big screen before and while the newest installment is definitely one you want to see vs. Iron Man whom was new and fresh and totally kickass. And I must say this...I don't really know much about The Avengers and whatnot...but after seeing Iron Man and The Hulk this spring...I really would like to know what [super]villain, group of [super]villains, and or superheroes turned bad would be too much for Iron Man and the Hulk alone. Not even counting Spidey, Wolfy, Thor and Captain America. Come on now...really. I want to go buy a comic book store or something. lol

Bottomline: That Avengers seriously going to have to be like 7 hours long.

P.S. Be sure to get in your seats before previews get started, because I totally caught something new[which is why I love the previews so much] but now that I think about it...I do remembering hearing about a galaxy far, far away. =P

Posts: 4336
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The Incredible Hulk.

Make's Ang Lee's "The Hulk" seem like a distant memory. T'was AWESOME.

Posts: 2915
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Just watched The Bourne Ultimatum again... Way to much of the shaky cam though =|

Although that said, the ending is amazing. Hearing that music play sent chills through my spine =D

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Just saw The Incredible Hulk, and I loved it, completely makes up for the previous movie and I would rate it as Marvel's second best movie after Ironman.

Nice to see all the cameos and nods as well.

And HS, it isn't a sequel as they rewrite the origin in the opening flash back, it's more of a spiritual successor to the Bill Bixby series.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahh yes, the flashbacks. That's right. I forgot about those. I never followed the Bill Bixby series. Heh. Glad you liked The Incredible Hulk, though.

Posts: 4336
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In the comic books, Dr. Samuel Sterns is the Hulk enemy known as 'the Leader'.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahah yea he is. Thanks, Ultra. I got too fed up and looked it up last night. We'll see Sterns again...

Darn I forgot how to do spoiler tags. lol

Posts: 3756
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Yesterday I saw Indy 4 and The Incredible Hulk.

Indy was AWESOME. It was a fun adventure, and the plot device and what it's origin was very cool. Shia was cool in it too (I love the baited Preppies/Greasers fight in the restaurant XD), and it was nice for Marion to return. And ANTS OMG XD

The Hulk was pretty good, with some very impressive action sequences, but I found some of the acting underwhelming, especially Liv Tyler, whose only memorable moment in the film to me was her explosion at the cabbie. The Abomination guy (forgot his name) was great, I loved his cocky confrontation with the Hulk and it's SPARTAAA-esque aftermath. XD Mr. Blue will be back; did anyone else notice Bruce's blood seeping into the open wound in his head?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahaha indeed TTG. I did notice. He'll play a vital role in the future film.

Posts: 54
Trusted Member

i went to see the new Indiana film last night. i thought it was Spectacular!

Posts: 54
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those giant ants were so freaky!, i sure as hell wouldnt want to encounter them in real life D:

Posts: 608
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Just for the hell of it I watched "Cats Don't Dance". Now I'm looking for The Rescuers but I can't find it online!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I have The Castle of Cagliostro, I've had it for about a year and a half now, only now just decided to watch it.

Was good.

Posts: 1104
Noble Member

Just for the hell of it I watched "Cats Don't Dance". Now I'm looking for The Rescuers but I can't find it online!

IMO The Rescuers Down Under was better

Posts: 1055
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Last movie I saw was Bleach: Memories of Nobody. Wasn't the best movie ever (anime or otherwise), but serviceable. It was free with a special event ticket, so why not?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well I haven't seen in theaters anything since The Incredible Hulk, but I have been watching Hitch once ever week this summer. So I guess you could say Hitch. 😛 But I plan on seeing Hellboy II sometime soon after it comes out in 2 weeks. Then of course The Dark Knight...but really we need a topic to talk about upcoming movies, don't you think? I really am hyped about Eagle Eye, The Clone Wars, Transformers 2[which I recently realized is like just a year already!], Wanted, Hitchcock and some other stuff. I'm going to see if a topic like that exist. 😛

Posts: 2915
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Just talk about it in here HyperSonic... No need to make two competing topics.

Just got back from HULK. It was pretty good. Not AWESOME, but decent. Ironman was way better, but eh.

As for movies that I want to see, I think there is / was a single weekend that didn't have a new movie I want to see. This coming week has WALL-E and Wanted. July 2nd holds Hancock, which looks freaking hilarious. JULY 11th... yeah, let us skip that week >>

July 18th holds Batman, which WILL be seen on the IMAX. The following week has Step Brothers... "As soon as you fall asleep I'm going to punch you in the face"

The Rocker on August 1st looks like it could be good. Pineapple Express on the 8th looks funny too. The summer movie season wraps up for me on August 15th, exactly my 22nd year of birth with Tropical Thunder. Seriously, Robert Downey Jr as a hollywood star who underwent surgery to become black? Him + Jack Black + Ben Stiller... it will be epic =)

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Talka bout it in here? Alright. Sure. That works. But July're skipping this week...why? I know...I KNOW you want to see Hellboy II, correct? *stares at him until he says "yes...correct"* Step Brothers...don't think i've heard of that. The Rocker does sound familiar, but I couldn't tell you anything about it, same for Pinapple Express and Tropical Thunder. Wow...i'm off my game. *does research*

Posts: 2915
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Step Brothers is the one where John C Reilly and Will Ferrel become grown up step brothers when their parents marry.

and LOL NO @ Hellboy. It looks really, reaaaaaaaaally bad.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Grown up step brothers...hmmm ok I think I may have heard of this. Awesome!

and LOL NO @ Hellboy. It looks really, reaaaaaaaaally bad.


Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Watched Highlander last night, enjoyed it muchly! Especially the Quuen dominated soundtrack (my favourite band) is awesome! Been so long I was really surprised that Clancy Brown played Kruger...he should play Lex Luther in the Superman movies, let alone just voice him!

Posts: 874
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and LOL NO @ Hellboy. It looks really, reaaaaaaaaally bad.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Wow...did that guy talk bad about Hellboy also? In other words...Hiro is on the left and i'm on the right, right? lol

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Ok. Everyone just forgot about 2 Awesome movies coming out. I believe its July 18th.....X-Files 2: About damn time Chris CARTER >o!

and 8/1/08: Mummy: Dragon Emperor? What, The Mummy franchise was seriously one of the best sub-par yet funny trilogies ever.

Anyway. Tomorrow I'll have seen Wall-e. Expect me to be raving.

Posts: 2915
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mmmm Wall-e. Excellent story. It's truly awesome how little dialog was in the movie. Disapointed there were no bloopers at the end of the movie, but Rat didn't have them either.

That was seriously my only disappointment with the whole thing. The little short they had at the beginning was awesome too =). Reminds me of the old Looney Tunes cartoons.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Indiana Jones and The Zohan were complete wastes of my time and money. Both were utter crap.

On the other hand, The Hulk was fantastic, and I don't care what anyone may think, Kung Fu Panda was awesome as well.

Still need to see Get Smart and Wall-E. Looking forward to the Dark Knight.

Posts: 2915
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lol @ Beardo. I guess I didn't mention it here, but I saw Zohan. I didn't think it was that bad. Little bit too much of the granny 'making the boom bang' stuff, but other than that it was funny.

Posts: 2016
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Watched Chaos last night, starring Jason Statham and Wesley Snipes. It was pretty cool. <3

Posts: 2232
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Watched Evan Almighty last night, very medicore and the credits were better than the movie. Also Naans and chipatis are a more readily apparent unleavened bread to my mind than pita. Then I tried to watch Krull. I gave up to go find my brain which had fled.

And I got drunk the other night and jotted down a rant on Kung Fu Panda, I should copy it down here ;P

Posts: 3756
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I saw Wall-E last night. What a beautiful story. <3 lol @ robots being a cute couple

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Wall-e was fantastic. I swear, Pixar has a genius for storytelling (Nemo aside, Screw Nemo. Over-hyped fish..)

However, that was the last Pixar film right? Now its all Disney crap? ;_; I won't lie, the preview for Bolt looked extremely funny (I think that's Pixar's work as well) but I'm wondering whats up for them now.

Wall-e needs to come on DVD...right now.

Eva: Directive?
Wall-E: o.O? !
::Stuffs trash in compactor body::
*whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* *plop* Tada!

Had me cracking up for hours.

Posts: 348
Reputable Member

However, that was the last Pixar film right? Now its all Disney crap? ;_; I won't lie, the preview for Bolt looked extremely funny (I think that's Pixar's work as well) but I'm wondering whats up for them now.

No, no! Pixar's next film is Up, coming in 2009. The protagonist is a 70 year old man. They also have Toy Story 3, Cars 2, Newt, and The Bear and the Bow coming in the next few years.

Bolt is purely Disney (no Pixar).

Posts: 11
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Toy Story 3? Wow. Usually they make only 1 sequel of the 1st movie of the company. In this case, Pixar.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Toy Story 3!!! I'm 10 years old again.

Posts: 348
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If they hadn't bought Pixar, Disney would've gone ahead and made Toy Story 3 anyway, along with sequels to their other movies.
Also, Toy Story 1 and 2 are going to be re-released in digital 3-D before 3 comes out.

On topic: I saw Indiana Jones (flesh-eating ants FTW) and Get Smart (which kicked ass) last week. Also watched Gremlins on DVD.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

I'm glad people seem to be liking Get Smart! as I have this terrible urge to go see it. Even though I loved the Don Adams original and I *know* it'll trample on my childhood like Starsky & Hutch and Inspector Gadget...


PS If this just posted twice, consider me swearing at Yuku...

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Wthell? I thought Toy Story 3 was over and done with already?!!?? Wow I really jumped the gun on that.

And Bolt is pure Disney? Hell, that actually looks funny. This is from the same company that made a movie about a damn Chiahauha (sp)? Horrible I say, horrible.

Up, 2009? Alright Cars 2? Why? Cars ended on a happy note! Newt sounds funny. The Bear and the Bow sounds like Brother Bear to me, so I'm kinda like eww? But hell It's Pixar. I'm lovin them till I die. Up already sounds funny.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Saw Wall*E, too. The ending just about made me nearly cry. Damn you, Pixar, able to get my emotions like that. Also watched Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs, a disappointment from the excellent Bender's Big Score.

Posts: 7
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I saw 'Alien Vs Predator Requiem' last night.

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My latest movie was the original "One Missed Call". It was OK, usual elements of J-horror. It got much creepier in the last 20 minutes or so. And then it got weird. Very weird. Not quite sure what was happening there.

I also watched the feature-length (although not film) "Ruby in the Smoke". Given how much I disliked the Northern Lights trilogy, I wasn't expecting much, but I did rather like this one. I've seen bits of the sequel, but not all of it - the iPlayer kept buffering so many times that I gave up.


Posts: 2915
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Just saw the trailer for "Quantum of Solace"... the new Bond movie. VERY excited. Casino Royale is probably my favorite Bond movie.

Posts: 2016
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Robin Hood: Men in Tights

EDIT: Also, saw Get Smart last night, which was bloody awesome. Steve Carell did such a great job.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Saw Hancock on Friday, though it was a good film, and the critics have been a little overly harsh IMO.

That said, if it wasn't for Will Smith it probably wouldn't have been as good.

Posts: 1334
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A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, damn good film.

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Saw 'Get Smart' for a second time on Saturday. Still freaking hilarious.

Also watched part of 'The Mighty Ducks'. I love all the Minnesota locales used in the film =)

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