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Which movie did you see last?

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Pan's Labryinth

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Pan's Labryinth

Excellent choice.


Last film I saw at the cinema was The Fountain, which is a interesting film that is, at times, quite remarkably beautiful.

Last film at home was the sometimes-derided Phenomena, which I've decided was redeeemed by its ending.

Before that, I saw Apocalypto (basically a feature-length trailer), Last King of Scotland (good film, and Whitaker deserves that Oscar nomination) and Bad Education (which was gay. Quite literally :p ).

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The last two movies I saw of note were Akira and Spirited Away. Holy. Crap. Your lives are incomplete until you've seen both movies at least once.

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They made Terk male, made him an adult the entire play,

I could never tell if the Terk character was supposed to be female or Rosie playing a male. o.o

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You mean Rosie O'Donnell isn't a man?

Wow, next you're going to tell me Roseanne Barr is human and not some sort of quasi-sentient giant amoeba.

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The first time I saw the movie, I had difficulty telling whether Terk was male or female. I'm pretty sure somewhwere in the dialogue they reveal she's a girl. I know there's a line in the TV series where she asks Jane something like, "Could you teach me how to be more like a lady?"

According to the mighty Wikipedia:
"In the novel, Terkoz is a male "Great Ape" of the unspecified species among whom Tarzan is raised, and a rival and enemy of Tarzan. In the film, Terk (short for Terkeena), is a female gorilla, Tarzan's best friend and companion. As initially shown she has a bit of a crush on Tarzan, but stands aside for Jane. Terk and Tarzan are portrayed more like sister and brother in subsequent appearances. She is quite a tomboy."

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Quite, indeed.

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The last film I watched was "The Great Scone Heist!"

...sorry, couldn't resist.

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Last movie at the cinema: Pan's Labyrinth. Just got back from it, in fact. Before that, I think it may have been... Flushed Away, if I remember correctly.

Last movie on DVD: Hmmm... I think it may have been Clue. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it.

Last movie on TV: Dunno. It's been too long since I've watched TV that wasn't Avater, BSG, or [as].

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007 in Casino Royale

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just watched the dvd of the Wizard; my favorite movie ever.
i don't know why i love it so much but i just loooove the wizard. its a good thing i got it on dvd; the vhs one is barely working, i've seen it so much

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I love the power glove.
It's so bad.
*dramatic music*

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Just saw Epic Movie the day it came out. I liked it.

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Return of the Jedi. Watched it last night.

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like i always say... you can't go wrong with star wars.
return of the jedi is like my 2nd favorite movie ever.

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you can't go wrong with star wars.

Unless, of course, the number attached is more or less than 4.

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Unless, of course, the number attached is more or less than 4.

wait a minute *waits a minute* wouldn't that be all of them?:?

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No, that would be 1,2,3,5, and 6.

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I've heard people pour the hate on 1, 2, and 3... But 5 and 6?

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the 3rd was awesome, but not as good as 4,5,6.
2 was okay but 1 was just well kind of terrible

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Duh-ne-ner-ner-na. I watched the Long Kiss Goodnight.
Duh-ne-ner-ner-na. With Samuel Motherf'ing Jackson.
Duh-ne-ner-ner-na. It wasn't a good movie.
Duh-Ne-ner-ner-na. But Sam J was alright.

Seriously, I degraded myself this weekend. In Her Shoes (Ok, but they made Diaz's character sympathetic despite the fact she was ruining her sister's life. Damn it, she had a right to be pissed!), Red Eye (Didn't do enough in the plane and what kind of assassin plot is "kidnap the hotel manager to have the target switch to a room so we can rocket launcher the crap out of it), Man of the House (any movie with a plot revolving around Indian playmates sucks. End of story. I find over intellegent kids amusing though). Daddy Day Care (Sucked. Liked the geek references from Flash kid and Star Trek guy). Nutty Proffessor 2 (I could feel my IQ lowering along with Sherman's, and there weren't no shiny pond juice to make me smart again =[) and then Long Kiss Goodnight.

Tonight I watch Apocolypse Now, The Village and Traffic.


As for Star Wars. I'm gonna sit on the fence and watch what Bat's comments do. I can only sit through New Hope multiple times, too, but darn it, if it starts at the final scene, I'd never stop watching Empire.

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I saw The Hitcher, followed immediately by Alpha Dog. My boyfriend's stepdad works for Jay Leno so we get all these movies on DVD before they're out of theatres. The Hitcher wasn't even scary, and I'm easily freaked out by horror flicks, so it was kinda dissapointing. Love the use of the song "I wanna f*** you like an animal" though. BADASS. The Alpha Dog's trailer was... misleading... BTW. I thought Justin Timberlake was kind of a wuss throughout the whole film

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Just rewatched Fear and Loathing, man.

F**kin' classic.

And before that I rewatched Full Metal Jacket because it owns.

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Just watched "Lucky Number Sleven" last night. good stuff.

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The Fast and the Furious, Titantic and Cruel Intentions. Someone get me a real movie channel and fast.

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mmm... The Departed comes out on Tuesday...

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Apocolypse Now. It's very well put together (scares me that it took over a year to edit, but Scorose is an insane director who films like 25 times more than needed, even with Rainmaker. Marlon Brando sucked in it, but I read the reason why and feel that given the amount of mental breakdowns that went into the movie, it turned out amazingly.

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(scares me that it took over a year to edit, but Scorose is an insane director who films like 25 times more than needed, even with Rainmaker.

Apocalypse Now and Rainmaker were directed by Francis Ford Coppola, not Scorsese.

Also, to keep it on topic, I watched True Romance again last night. It's still fantastic on all levels.

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We're going to go see Children of Men tomorrow.

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Woops. Thanks for the correction, Castor. I typed the wrong name, I knew who I meant though.

True Romance... I have to add that to my lists. I've yet to see it.

Just watched Identity, it was pretty good, but seemed unambitious. It had covered 3 genres, had an intriguing concept and sort of waltzed along in an unmemorable fashion which leaves you thinking "I liked it, but I didn't love it"

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Hmm...I still need to see Godfather.

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Open Your Eyes. Excellent little Spanish thriller.

It got remade as Vanilla Sky, but I suspect suffered from the addition of Tom Cruise.

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The Fisher King. Beautiful little movie and despite the subject matter of hobo insanity, it's the most sane of Terry Gilliam's movies.

I adored it and was happy to see such a sweet ending.

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"The Princess Bride got married to the handsome Prince of Tides. Which now makes her dad, the Fisher King, the Father of the Bride..."

Sorry, I digress. I last watched La Mascara del Zorro, aka The Mask of Zorro. Watching it in Spanish means you don't have to suffer through Catherine Zeta Jones' attempt at a Mexican accent.

Plenty of action & swashbuckling, ideal cure for a stressful week.


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The Fisher King. Beautiful little movie and despite the subject matter of hobo insanity, it's the most sane of Terry Gilliam's movies.

I adored it and was happy to see such a sweet ending.

I agree. 'Tis a fine little film.

Just watched The Hitcher. Excellent film, but am somewhat baffled as to why it's being remade.

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The Big Kahuna.

I watched it because it had Spacey and De Vito in it, I had no idea what it was. I'm glad I did. AMAZING little movie.

Just imagine Waiting For Godot in a hotel room, 3 guys. An outspoken athiest, an aging agnostic and a young zealous Christian. Their mission is to get "The Big Kahuna", a president of a company they need to sell a contract to.

The first half of the movie focuses on the wait for the hospitality party where they meet the other reps and try to snag the big deal.

The second half is after the party is over and they realise that the guy was there but they missed him, except the Christian kid who didn't know who he was, but did speak to him at great lengths about religion and earned an invite to a private party, which he is sent to to get the deal.

The entire duration, spare 3 minute's worth of scene, takes place within the hotel room and as Waiting For Godot, involes them talking at length, the dynamic shifting between who is in and out of the room, the tension of Spacey and De Vito's career being held on the line of this inexperienced kid and thus forth.

The final message of the film is that zealous Christians who sell their religion to others are no better or worse than salesmen who sell you physical products. As De Vito says:

"It doesn't matter whether you're selling Jesus or Buddha or civil rights or 'How to Make Money in Real Estate With No Money Down.' That doesn't make you a human being; it makes you a marketing rep. If you want to talk to somebody honestly, as a human being, ask him about his kids. Find out what his dreams are - just to find out, for no other reason. Because as soon as you lay your hands on a conversation to steer it, it's not a conversation anymore; it's a pitch."

A pretty darn good watch, glad I stayed up for it. The only drawback is that it's very hard to sympathise with the Christian kid at the end, and that kind of makes the movie almost propaganda in nature, and given how it gives an exaggerated stereotype for all 3 sides (those with, without and against religion, it doesn't matter which faith), you'd expect fair treatment.

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Yesterday I watched Hot Fuzz, which is made by the same people behind Shaun of the Dead!

It's absolutely fantasty, one of the funniest movies I've seen since SotD, it has more story than Shawn too, but doesn't lose its sense of humour at any part.

There's honestly no moments I'll point out as there's nothing I want to spoil.

Just watch the trailer! :D

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Saw Ghost Rider last night.


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Apocalypse: NOW

I was too baked to remember any of it.

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I watched the promo BDDVD of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby that came with our PS3 earlier tonight. It was pretty good. <3

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Watched Heat yesterday. Ended up bored by it, and half the time I couldn't tell the difference between Paccino and De Niro... I think there's a reason why those two were never in the same movie until that point, legendary cost for their acting talent aside.

EDIT: Just watched Mulholland Dr. Interesting movie... I was ready to hate it because it was nonsensical and I wasn't really getting what the hell I was supposed to figure out, then a friend told me the twist and suddenly I appreciated the movie for what it was and began to understand.

Funny how a movie becomes AMAZING when context is added.

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I couldn't tell the difference between Paccino and De Niro


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Just saw The Departed again. Just as good the second time, maybe even better than the first time.

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Just finished watching Breach. Great movie, but I love that director.

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Oh, it's good, Srol? Great, Dad and I wanted to watch that. <3 Glad to hear a good rating.

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I just watched Heat also. One of my favorite movies of all-time, because I love that shoot-out scene.

Michael Mann is an excellent director, although I didn't like Miami Vice (the movie, not the show).

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Watched Iron Giant and Road to Perdition last night. Both of which I can sum up simply "great movies, made amazingly memorable by their endings"

...was Vin Diseal REALLY The Iron Giant?

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Yep. You can tell if you listen close enough. Brilliant movie, that. Underrated as hell, tho. Brad Bird's work.

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I saw a great movie the other day, called Lola Rennt, or Run Lola Run. I'd read a review that said it was best watched in german, with subtitles (if needed ^^ ) and I thouroughly agree. It's because of how the origional voices set the mood and blend in with the music.

This movie has everything, drama, comedy, romance, gangsters, alternate timelines, gambling, a bank robbery, a convience store robbery, cute female lead, animation, and running ofcourse.

Basically, Lola's boyfriend has lost the money he needs to pay a criminal gang, So Lola has twenty minutes to find 100,000 marks and sprint across the city to save him. It gets a bit like Groundhog Day, the same day shown three different ways, each with a different ending. There's a Simpson's episode based on Lola Rennt, but I forgot which ^^;

Also I like it because Lola has bright red hair like me!

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