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Which movie did you see last?

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Saw Ghost Rider last night.


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Oceans Eleven (new version). It was okay, not amazing, but I did break attention from ranting about Civil War 7 long enough to watch it.

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Casino Royale. Dunno how many days ago, but it was the last movie I've seen to date.

Oh, and Eragon...SUCKED! If you've read the book, stay the hell away from the movie.

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I've rewatched The Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, and Dogma in the last week. I now own a copy (LEGAL copy D: ) of Reservoir Dogs (Mr. Pink Edition). I watched the infamous Ear Cutting scene... Oh, I'm getting The Departed on Monday. Woot!

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Overrated as hell, tho. Brad Bird's work.

It's impossible to overrate Brad Bird's work. Every ounce of praise ever conceived of could be thrown at his work and it would all be appropriate and fitting.

On topic: Crank is the craziest looniest least-reverent action movie I've seen in years. I loved it to pieces.

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Hot Fuzz.

Seriously... see this movie. When "it gets real", you'll either be cheering at the badassery or laughing at the ridiculous, all depending on your point of view. Amazing movie.

Hell, as a fire alarm went half way and we got curtesy tickets, I may see again tomorrow... or see 23. Not sure.

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Me last movie I watched was the DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl that me captainess (boss) let me borrow. 'Twas a grand movie to be sure; I be needin' to watch the deleted scenes and the like before I be returnin' it to me captainess.

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My roommate and I just browsed through "Lady in the Water". To quote Anthony, "What the hell was M. Night Shyamalan on when he made this movie?!?". Yeah... It was more of a comedy than a thriller. WE MUST PROTECT THE NARF FROM THE SCRUNT!!! Confused? So were we.

To help take my mind of that, I decided to throw in the Star Wars Epi 4 DVD I bought today :D ... Unadulterated version FOR THE WIN! So good

Posts: 931
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Hot Fuzz is a good film.
However, next month's INLAND EMPIRE will be the best film this year. Frankly, the trailer was better than anything I've seen at the cinema in a long time.
Mind you, I'm a little biased.

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A movie about a small SoCal county? What next, a game called Riverside City Ransom?

Posts: 235
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Watched The Number 23 today.

Go see it.


Don't think about Carrey's other movies while watching it.

There is nothing subliminal here...

Posts: 815
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Watched Sin City and The Departed tonight... <3

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Overrated as hell, tho. Brad Bird's work.

It's impossible to overrate Brad Bird's work. Every ounce of praise ever conceived of could be thrown at his work and it would all be appropriate and fitting.

Aw, crap, man. Did I say OVERrated? I mean under, way under. Oops. =(

Posts: 262
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It was either Saw or The Usual Suspects.

I thought Saw was going to be one of this teen slasher movies. I mean there are 7 sequels out now and everything. But I was wrong about that. It was actually quite a fun movie to watch right up to the end where you go OMG. Oh yes.

The Usual Suspects is a movie everyone has to see.

Posts: 2116
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Last in the cinema: Happy Feet.

I want to see Hot Fuzz, though - for reasons anyone who's seen the little village I live in will appreciate. 🙂

Last film I saw at all: probably The Sum of All Fears.

It was interesting to see the shift in the portrayal of the US disaster/"peril" movie after 9/11.

There's been a Film Studies school of thought for a while now that US and UK disaster movies have very different mindsets.

A US disaster/"peril" movie normally takes place before the threatening event is due to happen, and involves all-American action heroes stopping the threat.

A UK disaster/"peril" movie normally focuses on what happens during or after the threat actually happening, and focuses on the human side of coping, fortitude, and generally having a stiff upper lip and trying to deal with things.

Contrast 28 Days Later with something like Armageddon to see what I mean. There're exceptions (Deep Impact, for example), but they generally prove the rule.

Post 9/11, that rule doesn't seem so concrete.

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Saw Ghost Rider last night.

The most entertaining part of the cinema visit was when I inadvertedly exclaimed "WHAT?!?!" at the end of the PS3 advert and caused the entire cinema to erupt with laughter.

But, hey, I wont complain, for the 13 price stamp (yes... I pay $20+ for a ticket to see one movie) for Hot Fuzz (a film worth that price), I got to see 23 and Ghost Rider for free. So I'm happy.

Oh and this morning I saw A Few Good Men for the first time, I appreciate military officers. I appreciate court room drama. I appreciate that movie. Ending was too abrupt, though. Badgering a witness until he explodes and gets arrested is not really climactic.

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23 is a sh*t movie, don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.

It has the absolute worst twist ending ever, so much so that if you didn't see it coming you either deserve to or have already been hit in the head with a sock full of dimes.

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I saw Cinema Paradiso, which is a fine little Italian film about a man who's life is bound up with cinema.
More a life story than anything else, but excellent.

Posts: 235
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Wild Hogs. Well, I thought it was funny.

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Just watched my new Peter Pan (1953) DVD last night. <3 <3 <3

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Black Cat, White Cat.
Deranged Serbo-Croat comedy about Gypsies.

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The Departed. I rather liked it, all things considered.

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I saw 300 today, it was awesome!! Lots o' blood and action.

Posts: 182
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the illusionist, what a great movie, very good special effects.

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Three words my friends.

Pick. Of. Destiny.

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(Yeah, loved it.)

Posts: 162
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my little sister made us watch Zoom yaknow the one with the superheros? i wanted to get smthing horror IWANTBLOOD<Gaara>

Posts: 262
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I watched A @#%$ and Bull Story. It was alright. Wasn't as funny as the promos made it seem.

Basically its a mockumentary on the filming of a movie of the book The life and times of Tristram Shandy. The scenes with Coogan and Brydon are funny. You get a real sense of the tension between the two.

Posts: 182
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o i just watched a movie called danny deck chair, man that was a good movie! :^^

two thumbs way up! :thumbsup

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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Good stuff.

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The Prestige... Holy crap, it was gooood. It was confusing at first, and it jumps around quite a bit, but it was still damn good. Especially the ending. Oh, and it has a lot to do with what I'm studying in Circuit Analysis :D

Posts: 182
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scooby doo on zombie island, billy west is quite good at doing shaggy, although his tone kinda goes up and down, scott ines is a pretty good scooby but he'll never replace don messick.

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My Little Eye.
Not a bad film, but a bit predictable.

Posts: 679
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How come Billy West did Shaggy? Did Warners not offer to pay Casey Casem enough?

And you're right, Don Messick was irreplaceable. As were Paul Winchell and Tony Jay... June Foray is still around, right? Please?

Back on topic, what on earth was the last movie I saw? I've been watching TV boxsets for ages. Probably Star Wars, un-messed-with edition.


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Just watched Little Miss Sunshine... Funny, but really sad.

Posts: 182
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How come Billy West did Shaggy? Did Warners not offer to pay Casey Casem enough?

And you're right, Don Messick was irreplaceable. As were Paul Winchell and Tony Jay... June Foray is still around, right? Please

casey wanted shaggy to be a vegitarian like himself, so he walked out on the role, so billy west took over untill 2002 when warner bros. gave into his demands, but now they have replaced him in that stupid new show with some loser named Scott Menville.

and dont worry june forray is very much alive.

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Saw End of Days last night. Was suprised to find it wasn't all that bad...

Tonight, Chocolat.

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Couldn't stand that film myself, Craig. I thought that even the mainstream'd moved beyond films where the majority of "peril" blatantly involved watching a damsel running around screaming for two hours as the villains progressively shortened her pretty white nightdress and endangered her virtue.

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But Arnie and Satan trading lines to be added to IMDB's quote page made it "not all bad"

I've re-evaluated where "bad" ends and "bareable" begins thanks to this 100 movies list I've got going on. I had no idea what the definition of "bad" was until I started.

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Cutting and pasting from one of the usual e-mail rants to my usual ranting partner, after finally getting to watch This Film Is Not Yet Rated on BBC4 a week or so ago:

One of the most interesting moments for me was hearing Kevin Smith extolling not just his opinion on fantasy violence, but how he'd re-order the ratings levels of assorted acts, and how murder, gore and general violence wouldn't even be at the top of his list - rape would be.

He had a valid point: as much as it's one of the earliest plot devices in the history of the industry, the use of a woman in peril or the degradation of a woman to glorify the hero, titillate the audience and/or otherwise simply move the story along is something that seems to be used awfully casually, and which seems rather outmoded - or at least, uneven when you consider the number of times you see the traditional male hero under threat.

I know that a lot of these films claim to be "empowering" women by showing them as on a "journey" or fighting back, but sometimes - in terms of depiction - it still feels as though it's a more dressed up, "worthy" and acceptable form of watching a couple of women mud-wrestle.

Considering how many people comment on Smith as a misogynist, it was nice to see the alternative actually on the record and on film. As with The Opposite of Sex [note: this is a reference to the only film which I've ever nearly walked out of - not because I was offended at the depictions of homophobia, but because the rest of the audience didn't seem to realise that it was satire, and I suddenly started to get uncomfortable about sitting in a room with them] or accusations regarding Smith and homophobia, it seems as though some people just don't get the joke.

(After all, I'm someone who did laugh at the last chapter of Silent Bob Speaks - and I'd have had a hard time doing that if I'd honestly thought that he meant it.)

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Ilve been wanting to watch This Film is Not Yet Rated myself, having heard most interesting things about it. Plus, it would actually be relevant to the dissertation I'm hoping to do next year.

The Entity is an odd film on the subject of rape, in particular. It's hard to tell if it's exploitative or sympathetic. Certainly not as exploitative as it could have been, but ti did remind me why I've been avoiding Last House on the Left for some time (although I will gladly watch The Virgin Spring as soon as an oppotunity arises).

Anyway, I saw The Illusionist the other night. It's a good film, but in no way a great film. Overshadowed by The Prestige in everything except possibly cinematography.

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Last Friday I went to ye olde Starlight Drive-in and saw a a three movier matine of movies for $10 a carload. I saw Happy Feet again, I saw Night at the Museum (awesome movie), and I saw Eragon, which probably would have sucked if I'd read the book, but without that, it was pretty good.

lmao @ Scar voice guy irl

Posts: 1437
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I saw 300 in theaters last week. The only thing I liked about it was that it wasn't ridiculously long.

This morning I watched the Doctor Who TV movie from 1996... it wasn't that great but I did like Paul McGann.

Posts: 815
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Watched The Empire Strikes Back. It's the one Star Wars I haven't seen in ages.

Expect a big update this coming week. I should be going to 300. I want to rent Casino Royale, Pick of Destiny, and The Illusionist over break.

Posts: 182
Estimable Member

jsut watched scooby-doo on zombie island again, this time i watched the credits more thouroughly, turns out mark hamill does the voice of a cajun fisher and jim cummings yes "robotnik" does the voice of the loisian ferry captain

also at the end of the credits it said in memory of don messick the original voice of scooby-doo

he would have been proud of this movie.

Posts: 2417
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Ah, Scooby-doo on zombie island. Isn't the only reason people watch that is for the catgirl transformations at the end?

Keeping in topic, I just came back from 300. Normally I hate to go to movie theaters but this time I was forced to (school assignment, it was 300 or the Number 23 or this girl love movie)

300 does live up to the hype, and there a plethora of times where it looks like you a wearing 3D glasses, but you arn't. Its that good.

Posts: 369
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What is it called? Ghost Rider? The one with Nicolas Cage?

I'm sorry. I found it funny more than anything else. I mean, the concepts were great. And I loved the pale villain guy. His evil laugh cracked me up!

If the film was trying to ascertain a serious sense of motion though, it sort of failed... for me. :/

Posts: 235
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Saw 300 today.

It's now mandatory viewing for people who breathe.

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Saw 300 last Thursday. Twas goodly.

Saw Stranger than Fiction last night. Probably the most refreshing and invigorating movie I've seen in years.

Posts: 182
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uhhhh i ident watch it for the cat girl transformation, dude, thats just weird :0o , i watched it because it has good animation and the voices talents are great! and i used to watch that show when i was a kid. :^^

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