Was it YOU, young lady at the end of the commercial whose name I just found out is Nia and who I also found out has a Youtube account called dragondaughterblue by looking at the comments section!? Well, is it!?
I need answers!
The tear at the end made me lol.
CALM DOWN, dude. It was Rishi. I saw him.
CURSE THAT RISHI! Now my lizard's not going to land that Pops commercial because of the drug test involved.
But how can we be sure that LWSrocks's testimony is correct? WHAT IF HE'S LYING!?! I don't like that look in his eyes. He's ready to strike, ready to kill.
But how can we be sure that LWSrocks's testimony is correct? WHAT IF HE'S LYING!?! I don't like that look in his eSoup He's ready to strike, ready to kill.
I don't like that look in his eSoup
You can send soup over the internet now!?
My, doesn't that look tasty!
what is that abomination
about 4.95, plus tax.
shall i put it on your charge card?
My, doesn't that look tasty!
[Comic Book Guy voice]Worst. Meal. Ever.[/Comic Book Guy voice]
Forget you guys, I freaking love ramen.
I like ramen too, and that ain't ramen. At least not any ramen I've ever seen.
Obviously, my dear Kayla, you've never watched Naruto!
You'd be correct. I can barely stand to watch the commercials.
Aw, c'mon, it's a great show, Believe it!
Aw, c'mon, it's a great show, Believe it!
Kinda great yet overrated as hell. Believe it!
Aw, c'mon, it's a great show, Believe it!
Kinda great yet overrated as hell. Believe it!
... BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!!! I agree with Rishi!? *world ends*
Aw, c'mon, it's a great show, Believe it!
Kinda great yet overrated as hell. Believe it!
... BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!!! I agree with Rishi!? *world ends*
*Skeletor revives the world*
Noone reacted to my picture.
Also *SCREAM* @ Skeletor reviving the world
...it's just too damn frightening.
Varying degrees of want. Soul Eater > Naruto