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Why are you still here? Please explain what possible reason you could have for being here all this time.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

the answer is simple....

cause we can

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I...have to admit, after reading some of your ranting on the /italics forum, I understand you're upset about a few things that have happened here.  Maybe Rishi upset you somehow and you felt some degree of injustice (perhaps rightly so) when he wasn't banned very quickly.  I wasn't really his greatest fan either, so I'd probably have felt like you do if I was in the same situation.  But it's just an online forum; I've been one of many who's taken this place too seriously and let myself get offended by that, and I understand how that goes.

But Rishi's banned now.  And sure, the MoFo has seen better times; I left myself for my own reasons a while ago.  I don't even necessarily consider myself a member of the MoFo community as I once did.  I come here now for my own reasons, primarily to finish my MoFic series and to roleplay for writing practice.  By your logic on /italics, that means I may as well be a full-on MoFoer...but the truth of it is, forum participation is usually based on what you want out of the community, not what the community wants out of you.

My advice?  Let go of your anger and the past.  It just isn't worth it.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

opssy, sorry falcon i thought it was a joke thread since it was a thread here on the spam section.

to give an honest answer, i like the people here they're fun to talk to, i dont have anywhere to hang out in the real world and there arent a lot of gamers where i live so no one would understand my love for sonic and gaming.. i like how like me a lot of the people here recall the old days and we do have smiliar taste in gaming. i have always been in community forums they're fun, they give me more insights and i learn new things from others experiance and i get to talk as much as i want XD although this is the first time i join a forum without a ladies thread i miss talking to girls about stuff to our interest. also a pet section is fun... but i dont have pets anymore so i guess its okay.

but i wasnt always okay, i had some people clashing with me, some people made me cry and i did make others cry when i was in those forums, no one is perfect. just like in school or work you're gonna have problems with some people, you have to learn to not beat yourself up over stuff like that.

just forget it, turn the page and start over, whatever happened let it go and just have fun now, screw the past you got every right to have fun online. i come to the net to forget my troubles to enjoy my time. dont look for a reason falcon just jump in and HAVE FUN! if people dont accept you at first they will later. we all went through this, not a single one of us was cool right away XD it takes error and time to shape yourself. if you give up now you would waste all those lessons.
mistakes make us better. i do wish i conducted myself better in some moments but i know i wont do it again and thank god it wasnt in a public place or something that would cause me to lose my job, having done the mistake online is waaaaaaaaaaay better than in real.

not everyone will tell you they made mistakes cause they want to look cool but trust me everyone went through exactly the same thing. you're tough if you admit it.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

On the subject of adjusting to the internet I nearly got myself banned on my first ever stint in a chatroom *facepalms*

But I don't think that's what Falcon's getting at tbh.

Honestly I'm here because I'm bored and I do like to present my opinion on things now and then.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

XD you're the "straight forward" type bunanigans, clear honesty with no sugar coating which takes a lot of gut to do. its nice you got that, but i can see where it can cause you trouble, the world doesnt work on pure honesty all the time. my problem was the way i said things, i might seem like i'm insulting someone where i am only curious. so it took a lot of mistakes till i finally figured out how to say stuff right... although i do slip up.... i just hope that was my only problem.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

opssy, sorry falcon i thought it was a joke thread

It is.

It only takes on an air of seriousness when you apply some of the things Terg is talking about from an outside forum. As I don't follow anything from that forum and Falcon provided no context to his otherwise innocent line of questioning, I see no reason to assume anything but another silly post in a forum of rather silly posts. If it has anything to do with any sort of discussion outside of this forum, then that should be made apparent so a dialogue could be started or it shouldn't be brought up at all.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I am here because I have been coming here almost daily for over 7 years, once I start something, it kinda sticks with me forever.

I'm a closet sentimental fool, but don't tell anyone.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

XD you're the "straight forward" type bunanigans, clear honesty with no sugar coating which takes a lot of gut to do. its nice you got that, but i can see where it can cause you trouble, the world doesnt work on pure honesty all the time.

Yeah I wasn't popular at school to say the least. People at my work appreciate it though.

OTB your secret is safe by me o.-

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I do appreciate seeing this put into perspective, Psx.  I guess I saw someone else who's going through something I - and several others - have gone through, and thought that a more straightforward approach would be better than letting the usual SPA antics drive him away.  But you're right, the SPA of all places is the last place where a serious line of inquiry should be put forth.

Posts: 917
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Ooo, look at me. I'm posting here, la dee daaa

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

XD you're the "straight forward" type bunanigans, clear honesty with no sugar coating which takes a lot of gut to do. its nice you got that, but i can see where it can cause you trouble, the world doesnt work on pure honesty all the time.

Yeah I wasn't popular at school to say the least. People at my work appreciate it though.

that's great dear, i actually stay as quiet as i can at work so i dont show that side of me XD its good you get appreciated for your honesty, those must be nice colleagues you got there.

        <I'm a closet sentimental fool, but don't tell anyone>

just kidding, i'm kinda that way too

and tergonaut that's very cool of you, a nice word some consideration for another person goes a long way.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Keep up the good working praising people, SF.
