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You have just been given a candy bar.

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Posts: 1986
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What do you do?

A. Eat it.
B. Look at it suspiciously until it tells you everything it knows concerning government propaganda.
C. Trade it in for a klondike bar.
D. Tap Dance.

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E. Fnord.

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F. The above poster was quickly assaulted by a random passerby and was killed for not following the rules of the topic

Now, choose between A-D please

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*is not killed*

I only choose fnord. I forsake your evil rules!

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^Chick needs to shampoo, her hair's all mossy.

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G: Rishi is ignored until someone picks from an available option or Rishi picks one there.

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^Chick needs to shampoo, her hair's all mossy.


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4. Soup

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4. Fangoram was killed for this choice.

Happy choosing

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What kind of candy bar?

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Now is this the regular Snickers, Almond Snickers, Dark Chocolate Snickers or the Giant Snickers which is two Snickers in one?

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Super Mega Happy Fun Time Snickers!

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... Fun Time Lite or just regular Fun Time Snickers?

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^ Regular.

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You have chosen C.

You trade in the candy bar for a Klondike bar. The catchy Klondike theme song plays in your head suddenly, even though nothing is around you. You look left, no one is there. You look right, no one is there. You look up at the sky and there is still nothing. The song plays louder and louder in your head, what do you do next?

A. Scream like a maniac.
B. Pound your head against the wall until you knock yourself out so you don't have to listen to it anymore.
C. Take the situation for what it is and enjoy it and tapdance.

Posts: 1982
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*hears Klondike jingle*





*slowly breathes in*

Posts: 1982
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Whenever I see her I think of Table-kun.

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Dear Gwad that's just win! XD

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You have chosen B.

You find the nearest brick wall and smack your head into it over and over, until you knock yourself out. Unfortunately, you find yourself with a cracked skull at the same time, bleeding badly. Eventually, you fall unconscious but wake up in an infirmary.

However, you are in a locked room for now. A Nurse enters the room and tells you that you're being held here for testing in exchange for your treatment. Uh oh. That doesn't sound good. What do you do?

A. Use your masculine charm on the nurse so that you can get out of there.
B. Strangle her to death and then get the hell out of there as fast as you can.
C. Be a good boy and do nothing.
D. Tapdance.

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I choose /b/.

Posts: 1986
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You have chosen B.

You strangle the poor, defenseless nurse until she chokes to death. You ****ing bastard. You are a real prick, you know that? YOU CAN BURN IN HELL! >=C

But that doesn't solve our predicament. She is dead and though you can escape, someone will notice her body at some point since people are supposed to be giving you tests in about.... 10 minutes from now.

What do you do?

A. Hide the body in a closet and pretend nothing happened.
C. Commit Senpukku for what you have done.
D. Tapdance.

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C. Commit Senpukku for what you have done.

'Senpukku'? It's 'seppuku', you n00b.

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Posts: 1986
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Its called a typo Rishi. A TYPO!

Kids these days.......

Back to the story!

You have chosen B. You decide to make a break for it, running like hell down the hallway as fast as you can. Then, you come to a dead end. Nothing in sight. You hear some footsteps from behind. No way out it seems.

What do you do?

A. Kill yourself.
B. Ask for a Klondike Bar.
C. Tapdance.

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Posts: 1982
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Yeah, what DoN said.

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Its called a typo Rishi. A TYPO!


Posts: 1986
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You have chosen B.

You ask the people coming up to tie you down and give you a klondike bar as the come closer and closer to you.

At first, the request seems weird and out of place, but one happily obliges and gives you what your heart desires, a Klondike bar. You take a bite into it, happily enjoying the goodness of it until..... the same jingle repeats in your head once more and refuses to quit. OH DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!

What do you do next?

A. Let out a bloodcurdling scream until the doctors leave or suffer brain damage.
B. Kill yourself.
C. Tapdance.

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I choose





B again


A again

Posts: 1982
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I don't wanna tapdance just yet...

I choose A.

Posts: 5772
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Gasp! Eternal Recurrence has been initiated!

The cycle won't end until someone does a shuffle shuffle step, heel click shuffle and finally a flap heel followed by a shim sham shimmy! D:

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^ Ah yes, the eternal return! The Vedic writings of ancient India contain many references to the concept of the eternal return/eternal recurrence. For example, the grandiose events of the ancient Indian epic poem Ramayan are believed by some people to not only recur in every mahayuga (a period of 4.32 million years), but also in every full kalpa as well (a period of 8.64 billion years). These events are believed to recur, but not in EXACTLY the same way. No two versions of the Ramayan are said to be exactly alike. A popular story in India that is used to support this notion is the encounter between Lord Hanuman and a rishi (divine sage). The rishi appeared in Hanuman's way one time and said that he has to pay a toll of coins to pass that way. Lord Hanuman found the rishi's vessel filled up to the brim and inquired as to how the vessel was so full of toll coins. The rishi replied that they were all collected from the Hanumans of different kalpas. This story is an excellent example of eternal recurrence. All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again!
