Make a city and get people to visit it to make it bigger. We'll have a contest and whoever gets the biggest city gets a prize!
I forbid it
You don't have the guts to un-allow it.
You guessed it Mega twerp!
And Cutsman here to take my cut!
Well, that beats my hand. I'm out. 🙂
I know I mispelled it, once I hit post. Either way, it seems to be the official misspelling of the guy.
I would say that Cutsman is the bastard child of Cutman and Gutsman, but that would bring up way too many questions and logic errors that it would enduce nightmares.
It's spelt "swimming". Fortunately such artwork of Sigma does not exist.
Anyway, you want a fad? Attach your IRC client to and join #idle for the one and only IdleRPG. Bet you can't idle longer than I can. 😉
But did you click on the link?
Bah! Off again! I did "Sigma swiming suit" because "Sigma speedo" actually got an entry o_o;;;;
You and your IRCs. Can't get them to work. No one chats in the main chat anymore, except for chatty rpchatters. Why can't chats be about back the clock again?
It must be the work of the Visor Army!! QUICK! GET YOUR MIRROR SHIELDS GENTLEMEN!!!
Agreed. I'm gonna sit in Sonic HQ Emerald Chat for awhile 😀 Take THAT, silly IRC people.
~Shadowed Spirit Sage