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$900 for a PS3???
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$900 for a PS3???

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Posts: 1413
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That PS3 better cure cancer and bring peace to Iraq for that price.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That's how much it'll cost to MAKE the units. Xbox 360 already costs more to make than to sell, hence why Nintendo are the only of the big three that ever make a profit (Ged bless their in-house camp).

Still, it'll need to be $700+ retail to even think about being financially suitable for Sony to attempt this...

Posts: 2915
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*gently hugs his $100-200 Revolution*

wow...$700 dollars for a freakin' system!?! There is no way Sony would be stupid enough to release the system for that price! Who, except rabid fanboys (and girls) would buy the thing?

Posts: 1413
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Still, it'll need to be $700+ retail to even think about being financially suitable for Sony to attempt this...

Well if you count the games, a second controller, memory stick and whatever other stuff comes at launch is does get near the $900+ price tag. I hope like PSP which originally was rumored to $500 they take the price down.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Don't forget, this isn't a rumour. This is a report on shares diving and being dramatic enough to shake the Yen. That's a pretty deep pile of crap. Obviously investors in the company are anticipating doom and jumping ship.

Posts: 2354
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** plans/schemes to purchase a PS2, given a PS3 will not fit in me budget **

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Serves Sony right for creating the Boomerang controller.

Eh, I don't care either way. If they manage to debut at a lower price, more power to them. In either case, I won't be getting it at launch time unless there's a must-have title.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

I really was wondering how they were going to make a console that blew away most people PC's for a cheap price. And now I know. They aren't.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

If it's that much in dollars, the amount we'll have to pay in rip-off Europe boggles me...

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Anyone who listens to those analysts is a retarded sheep.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

So you're saying the XBOX 360 DOESN'T cost 700 bucks? I need to go price one then. o.o

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Blinks at Cycle* Umm, 3.5% of shareholders for a superbranded company is a pretty significant deal.

I'm suprised that isn't the focus of this thread. Regardless of speculation, it is a fact that Sony have recieved a HUGE kick in the balls through this and it's enough to devalue the currency of the country.

Sure that would be more important than guessing how much the PS3 will cost. The effects of the estimate speak for themselves.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Whoa! I knew that thing would be expensive, but that's just ridiculous! It makes me wonder if it's REALLY worth it. =/

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

This analyst is either dumb and doesn't understand technology, or is being paid by a competitor, just like every other analyst that has come out and said someone is TEH DOOMED in the last few years. I mean, seriously, analysts predicted the downfall of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft in 2005 alone. Analysts predicted the Xbox 360 would cost $700 at retail. Analysts predicted that WoW would suffer a huge meltdown and Blizzard would go bankrupt, and it was later learned that those analysts were taking cheques from SOE. Just because someone says "Hey, I'm an Analyst!" doesn't automatically make every sound that comes out of them is the gospel truth. Wait until the damn console comes out, then commence your whining.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Whoa! I knew that thing would be expensive, but that's just ridiculous! It makes me wonder if it's REALLY worth it. =/

This is just my opinion, but I would almost certainly never buy any game console that cost more than $400, because no game console could possibly worth that much to me. Especially since there are still dozens, even hundreds of fantastic games on current and previous generation systems that I've yet to play.

It mystifies me that anyone who works for their money would spend so much of it on a single game console.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I dunno, people'd have to spend well over twice that for a computer that's any good.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

I personally would never pay that much for a game system either. But who knows, maybe the price will come down some. I don't know.
Until I know for sure though I will be playing the Sonic collections on my Gamecube.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


I dunno, people'd have to spend well over twice that for a computer that's any good.

There's no comparison, because a PC is not strictly an entertainment machine. It's becoming more and more a part of the way people work, study, socialize, shop, and countless other things.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

I blame the existence of 7 cores in the PS3 CPU. Both for the price hike, and for making it impossible to fully ultilize the hardware.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

There are nine processors, Jeff.

The fact that Sony stock shook the Yen as a whole suggests that Japanese people send way too much time gaming.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Meh, there is no way a PS3 would cost $700-$900. I mean people predicted that the PSP would retail at $300-$350 and Sony took the bullet at $249. I predict the PS3 would retail in the US at least at $400. Anything above that would be financial suicide.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member


This is just some doom-saying that all media outlets love to latch onto whenever something hyped is coming around the bend. Remember all the speculation that the Xbox would be a resounding failure because of A) Huge cost to produce B) not enough japanese developers on board C) XBOX R HUUUUUUUGE or D) Bill Gates eats fetuses that specifically belong to your family and your family alone. It's all a ploy to cause buzz and lots of hotlinking from

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I dunno, people'd have to spend well over twice that for a computer that's any good.
CPU Athlon 64 3000+ $150
MOBO DFI LanParty NF4 Ultra-D $130
RAM Corsair Value Select 1GB $80
GPU GeForce 6600GT $150
HDD Seagate 200GB 7200.9 SATA $110
ODD Samsung 16x DVD-ROM $25
CASE + PSU Antec Sonata II $110
TOTAL $755

There are nine processors, Jeff.
One chip, nine asymetric cores.

The fact that Sony stock shook the Yen as a whole suggests that Japanese people send way too much time gaming.
Sony doesn't just do games. They pretty much led the entire Japanese economy through the second half of the 20th century on Walkmans. The Yen, and Sony's stock, are being shaken because their share of the consumer electronics market is basically being pwned by Korean manufacturers like Samsung and LG, who recently discovered a little something called "quality control". I'm glad they didn't make you an analyst.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'm sorry, Cyke. I'm niave enough to read something in the link at the start of the thread and discuss it.

Don't blame me for the journalists reporting. Call me old fashioned, but when I read "stockholders panic at estimates" I assume that stockholders panicked at the estimates.

Oh, if only I were cynical enough to disregard news stories as I read them. Only then would I be safe from Cycle's petty digs.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Oh, if only I were cynical enough to disregard news stories as I read them. Only then would I be safe from Cycle's petty digs.

No, you wouldn't be. Nobody is. OHHHHH!

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

It's really stupid for people to think that a PS3 will cost $900 to purchase, really it is.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

And it's also really stupid for people (read: you) to think that SEGA will come out with another console in the near future, but you don't hear anyone calling them stupid.

Oh wait.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

(ignores him.)

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(ignores you.)

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I wondered when Patty would stick come out of his cave and make a comment about this topic...

*Looks at other topics*

Oh...he made another topic? Good, I need a good laugh...

*wonders over to read*

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

Sounds like Sony will have to lose quite a bit of money per console if they want to compete with Microsoft's pricing. Of course, being a person interested in the Xbox 360, I like the idea of a high priced PS3. :D

*runs from Sony fans*

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Sony doesn't just do games. They pretty much led the entire Japanese economy through the second half of the 20th century on Walkmans. The Yen, and Sony's stock, are being shaken because their share of the consumer electronics market is basically being pwned by Korean manufacturers like Samsung and LG, who recently discovered a little something called "quality control".

Yes, which is why it's suprising that the PS3 announcement alone shook the yen. Oh, f*ck it...

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


I dunno, people'd have to spend well over twice that for a computer that's any good.

from what i understand, the PS3 IS basically a computer.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Technically all game consoles are computers. There just computers optimized for running game software(or at least their supposed to be).

Though I must say this again: It is rediculus to have that many cores in a single CPU. I mean the Saturn failed partly due to almost no one knowing how to work with 2 CPUs, Duel Core and Duel CPU PCs can only ultilize the 2nd core/processor by running some software on core/cpu 1 and the rest on core/cpu 2, and the GP2X's most complained about limitation is that it's duel processor design means it can improve much over the GP32 without the devs starting from scratch.

Simple fact is that multi-core CPUs are very hard to ultilize for a single program system(like a game console), and 9 cores? The only use I could possibly see is if it never used more then 1 and the other 8 are for replaying the original when it burns out.

Sony could've saved themselves and their customers if they had gone with a single core design. All without losing any noticable performance.

On a related note: Is their a hack Linux Kernal that can divide a multitasking computer's workload among 9 processors?

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Yes, which is why it's suprising that the PS3 announcement alone shook the yen. Oh, f*ck it...
I'm going to quote you again:
The fact that Sony stock shook the Yen as a whole suggests that Japanese people send way too much time gaming.
This phrase implies that all Sony does is gaming.

Simple fact is that multi-core CPUs are very hard to ultilize for a single program system(like a game console), and 9 cores? The only use I could possibly see is if it never used more then 1 and the other 8 are for replaying the original when it burns out.
Generally the company behind a console will make an API layer that lets developers just worry about making games, and not have to worry about multi-threading and all that jazz. I think, given Sony's track record as making consoles that are highly accessible to third-party developers, we can expect this to happen. Using Saturn as an example is crap because Sega sucks and doesn't know how to support a console.

Cell isn't multi-threaded like a Pentium D or Athlon X2, where they've slapped two identical CPUs onto one chip and basically said, okay developers, divvy the work up between these two cores as you see fit. They'll both do everything, it's up to you to decide which one does what and when. Cell has one main core which does the work of a common CPU, and a bunch of discrete components devoted to specific tasks like sound, physics, memory, IDE, video decoding, whatever. I mean, developers didn't go nuts when all the 3D work was handed over to a separate processor on a videocard, now did they? This is kind of what's happening here: they're making discrete components that handle specific tasks that have traditionally been handled by the CPU, along with a bunch of other components that were already discrete but were usually separated from the CPU by a bus of some kind, and engineering them all onto a single chip. This helps them to pass data, instructions and memory around a lot faster than they would if they were all on their own separate chips.

I mean seriously, think about it. One one hand you can have your CPU, memory controller, sound controller, IDE/SATA controller, and other stuff that is traditionally either kept separate or handed to the CPU, all on different parts of the motherboard. Or you can engineer them all onto a single chip, which is basically what IBM has managed in creating the Cell chip. That means better latency, lowered signal degradation, and pretty much total elimination of most of the bottlenecks that plague computers these days. On the factory floor, it probably meant a smaller motherboard and lower power consumption, too. Now all they have to do is find some way to get the RAM and the GPU on there as well without it superheating and creating a fusion reaction in your living room.

On a related note: Is their a hack Linux Kernal that can divide a multitasking computer's workload among 9 processors?
I can only assume so, since IBM's Blue Gene runs on Linux and that thing consists of 64 cabinets containing 2,048 CPUs apiece.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

In a nutshell your saying that Cell isn't a 9-Core CPU, but a System on a Chip. Am I correct?

That would explain why the spec sheet I say posted at SWS2B seemed to missing a lot of stuff.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

In a nutshell your saying that Cell isn't a 9-Core CPU, but a System on a Chip. Am I correct?
Kind of, yes. There are still components that reside off-chip, like the GPU and the RAM and the networking interface, but a considerable chunk of the motherboard has been welded onto the one chip.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member


I think, given Sony's track record as making consoles that are highly accessible to third-party developers, we can expect this to happen.

I thought the PS2 was supposed be a bit of a pain to develop for, at least compared to the GameCube and Xbox? I could be wrong, I don't even remember where I heard that now though, just seems like I remember it being mentioned somewhere.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I thought the PS2 was supposed be a bit of a pain to develop for, at least compared to the GameCube and Xbox?
Initially, yes. Sony later licensed out better dev tools. The Xbox was probably the easiest to code for because it runs on DirectX, though.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

Cyc, do you work with computers for a job?

because honestly it's scary that you know of all this.
(and even if you don't work with computers for a living, you should consider it.)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I thought it was common knowledge that he started up his own computer store. Several years ago, even. Still running, AFAIK.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I thought it was common knowledge that he started up his own computer store. Several years ago, even. Still running, AFAIK.
Right now we're actually focusing more on the cybercafe/LAN arcade part of our business, since selling parts and systems while remaining competitive just isn't profitable anymore. I swear, some of the wholesalers in town are either getting all their inventory through theft or are selling everything below cost. It's just insane. We're also working with the local cable company and the GVRD on a pilot project to build Canada's first municipal wireless broadband network.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

wow, ok. that makes alot more sense.
