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A Request (hiro is a saaaad gamer)

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Posts: 2915
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Yeah, I admit it. There are 3 stars in Super Mario Galaxy that I cannot get. I am a failure...

The 3 offending stars are as follows

Freezeflame Galaxy:
-Purple Comet Star 5-Purple Coins on the Summit - Probably the easiest of the 3. I could get it if I looked at a guide probably

Dreadnought Galaxy:
-Purple Comet Star 5-Battlestation's Purple Coins- yeaaaaah... It is so damned hard.
-Secret Star 6-Dreadnought's Garbage Dump - I had enough trouble with the fist one... Bombs need to explode faster!

So yeah, those are the ones I cannot get... I haven't tried the speed run on Dreadnought, but I bet I can do it pretty easy...

Why did I post this? Because I NEED YOUR HELP! I'm not going to be able to beat these on my own. I know it. I could go to Wii Save and download a completed save. But that would be cold and empty.

What I was thinking was maybe one of you could take my save and beat those 3 for me? Maybe?

Here's the zip file. Just extract it to the root of you favorite SD card...

lol, if no one does want to help me, then I'll just go to Wii Save. Oh, I know my copy is NTSC/ US region, so I don't know if anyone else can do this other than NA peoples =

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

How sad of you indeed, Hiro, you make Pach a sad man.

Anyway, I'm not going to give you a save or do it myself, instead i'll just give you some tips. >:D

Purple coins on the summit's pretty easy, just tedious and it takes a while. Sweep all around for every purple coin and don't forget to climb the mountain. You can always jump back down to recollect missing purple coins at the bottom (Also, it pays dividends to probably climb the mountain and collect their purple coins after you've gotten all the obvious ones from below; from the top you can use the camera to search for any missing ones). You'll need to practice using the Long Jump for some coins, too.

I can't remember the Battlestation level. Is that the side scrolling mission where you have to stay on the platforms? If so, I can agree that it is insanely hard but it just takes perseverence. When you play, try not to really move up or down on the control stick if possible, just pressing left and right should keep you center for the purple (including, of course, jumping). From what I've heard, platforms will eventually reappear, but I never had to take advantage of it.

The Garbage Dump is a horrible level and took me several go's as well. Aim the bombs at the golden pegs on the floor, the pegs you usually throw a starbit at to get a coin. If you can throw the bombs on top of these pegs, you should have enough time to detonate every bit of garbage.

Now get to work, Hiro, or forever be held in my contempt! >:D

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

A little advice on the FreezeFlame galaxy is that if you are unable to do the triple jump which gets you on the path to the summit you can do a Z+Jump backflip, wall jump and then spin to get onto the ledge from the second fountain, it's very tricky but requires less expert timing than the triple jump.

Garbage dump got me too, way I ended up doing it was using one of the middle bombs into the golden spots and then the end ones, letting the one I used regenerate quick enough for me to use again.

It took 20 minutes though, Trish was watching and coaching me the entire time >>;

...Didn't attempt purpleing Dreadnought, though.

Posts: 16
Active Member

Pach is right on the Garbage dump, those golden pegs are where the bombs work the best. as for everything else, dunno. haven't done either yat
