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Arcade gaming, are you still doing it?

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i'm still playing arcades, it's hard to find games that are fully gameplay without any long cutscenes so when i want to just have fun i go to the arcades.
i rarely see adults playing nowadays... anyone else is an arcade gamer? what's your favorite arcade genere? (shooters - racign - puzzle - dancing - musical - platformer)

i love shooters, aliens extermination rules big time

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I still play Galaga whenever I can. The game is just amazing. I can't play something like Pacman or Tetris for more than a few minutes without becoming utterly bored and the lack of variety. Galaga just worked for me, you know? It had this subtle balance of simplicity and variety that I can just play for hours if I have the cash. It is, without a doubt, one of the best arcade games OF ALL TIME.

Random Guy: Heh, well, I wouldn't say that; sure it was pretty revolutionary, but surely there were other ga- *bonk*


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galaga that brings back memories.... well i guess that concept is solid. who can really resist the old classics remember space harrier?? or Ace combat?

if you like shooter/puzzle you should try twinkle star spirit. it looks like a shooter but it's also like bust a move. and it's cute anime... though i never seen it in english, it's always in japanese.

Posts: 4885
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Tenatively the option of using an arcade machine depends on two factors. Whether I have a friend with me to play the game with and whether certain Konami classics happen to be present.

Alone I will only play one of the adventure games, your Turtles, X-Men, Double Dragon and such. But I'm not too fond of the shooters or the fighting games.

Except Marvel Vs Capcom 2. The copy of that at my local Brunswick Zone is the only one I bother playing these days.

---oh and DDR. You got to play DDR.

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oh yeah double dragons... they still have those?
it's funny you mentioned konami games, i always considered sega as the best arcade game manufacturer.

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Sega are very good, especially with the GET BASS fishing sims and the Daytona racers and such, but they rarely released the adventure games I enjoy so much.

Had Streets of Rage been an arcade title, I swear I'd pay hundreds of dollars to own a cabinet of it for myself.

Also, as good as Sega are with the arcades (and this was why Saturn and Dreamcast were the best beat'em-up home consoles), one must admit that Virtual Fighter pales in comparison to Soul Calibur, Street Fighter and arugably Tekken.

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Hydro Thunder. I had a Hydro Thunder League going at the mall arcade for about 3 years, but since coming to college it's kinda...died. =/

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(one must admit that Virtual Fighter pales in comparison to Soul Calibur, Street Fighter and arugably Tekken.)

yeah but what about virtural on? now that game rocks in the arcades, you need to use two joysticks to control the character and it's mega challenging..... it's probably the best robot arcade game out there, since it really does give the feel of commanding a robot.

about hydro thunder, i enjoy nintando's jet ski racer it jus blows that game away.

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VIRTUAL ON!!!!11111!111oneoneoneoenejaiudbsdklszjs

Sonicsfan1991...I am now overlooking all of your horrible spelling errors and am intrigued by your knowledge of VO. Which ones have you played? Which is your favorite? Which your favorite Virtuaroid?!

Posts: 981
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Wasn't too much of a fan of arcades, myself. I don't know, they just looked so foreign when I first saw them and never really wanted to try them out. Especially since most of the ones I saw were of fighting games, which my younger self wasn't interested in, despite liking seeing the older kids play them. It's still possibly one my least favorite genre, along with FPS's which were the second most abundant arcades I saw.

I still don't see many arcades now, but that's mostly because I don't really look for them at this point. Pac-Man, Arkanoid clones, and especially Bust-a-move were my favorites as soon as I started trying them out years later.

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(Sonicsfan1991...I am now overlooking all of your horrible spelling errors and am intrigued by your knowledge of VO)
my spelling is horrible??? ..... i did't know.

as for my favorite robot it's the green tank guy... i cant remember any of their names cause they're long and bothersome...... but i hardly play him, the joysticks are difficult when selecting a character i always end up with the pink one.

(despite liking seeing the older kids play them.)
i like observing some legends too, but it's more fun to challenge them i won't lie, i'm not that good to rank high.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Green Tank one. this the very first VO? If's Belgdor. If it's the's Grys-Vok...or possibly Dordray. And pink one...hmmm Fei-Yen. Or Viper II? Viper II[based off the guy in my sig] is my boy. Hopefully it wasn't the third you played. *throws up*

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can you post pics of the tank and pink robots??

oh and your dude was my first choice, he's the best looking of the punch. but i like the tank dude cause he's stronger, i just let him slide right to left and shoot up all his secondary weapon and let chaos rule. the other characters need too much movement and the controls are hard as it is.

Posts: 5035
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There's a pic of the ones you can choose from in te first VO. I'm pretty sure that's the one you were talking about too, btw. But yea...Belgdor is super strong. I am a fan of the smaller more agile ones, honestly. May require lots of practice, but nothing is more rewarding than flying around with Viper II slicing up folks with my blade.

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sorry for the delay on the post, i wanted to check out if it is virual on 1 .... first off, the tank dude was greyish green, seconed i'm sure the begining intro was different, also the characters looked more spiky......... maybe it was virtual on 2 ?

all i know it looked like xbox's a very popular game in the arcades, it's hard to get your hands on it. oddly enough no one touches Ehergize, it has Tifa, how can anyone avoide that?

oh and it doesn't have a 2 player option.... you played it hyper?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hmm...greyish green you say? Maybe it was Grys-Vok from the VOOT. It definitely has better graphics than VOOM. Also...VOOT[Vitual On 2] was recently re-released on the 360. Ehergize? Not sure if i've ever heard of that. Iis it a mech game, sonicsfan1991?

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

The only arcade close-by is at Brunswick and it's nothing but shooting games and driving simulators so I avoid it.

I visited the arcade at Dave & Busters once and it had a much larger and better selection (like all four House of the Deads). However it too was pretty much nothing but shooting and driving games. The only joystick games were a few retro arcade compilation cabinets like Galaga / Ms. Pac-Man and Donkey Kong / Jr. / Mario Bros. They had this other cabinet that had dozens of more obscure games on it. I tried playing Super Dodgeball and a Mega Man game but the controls were a bit finicky. I think they had a Tekken machine there too.

But seriously, enough with the driving and shooting already.

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Street Fighter II: The World Warrior is still the greatest arcade game OF ALL TIME, SON - even after all these years. Good times, y'all! Probably the only arcade game that used to cause riots back in the day with people waiting to have a turn. Also, I still sometimes play Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, King Of Fighters 94, Daytona USA, Final Fight, Sega Rally, Marvel Vs Capcom and many other classic games at my local arcade.

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I've never lived by an arcade so I've never played too much. I don't even know where the nearest one is. Well I used to go to Chuck E Cheese when I was little; I guess that counts. Always loved the racing games and shooters. I don't really remember much names. Oh I remember playing Virtua Tennis somewhere; me and the brother loved that game.
I'm only 17 so I guess most of the arcades died out by the time I could really enjoy them.

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Hmm...greyish green you say? Maybe it was Grys-Vok from the VOOT. It definitely has better graphics than VOOM. Also...VOOT[Vitual On 2] was recently re-released on the 360. Ehergize? Not sure if i've ever heard of that. Iis it a mech game, sonicsfan1991?

yeah it seems right, i think that's him. i didn't know there was another virtual on, what's VOOM?

as for Ehergize it's a fighting game, it's popular cause it has the Finale Fantasy 7 characters. here's a video
and this video doesn't give it justice, this is a special level, the regular game you get to use boxes, weapons and knock fighters through walls and under floors. it's totally fun

(I tried playing Super Dodgeball and a Mega Man game but the controls were a bit finicky)
oh i just hate it when the controls are sticky, usually its from children abusing the controls.

(I'm only 17 so I guess most of the arcades died out by the time I could really enjoy them.)
the cool games are still out there, all they need is your respect cause they might not be attractive from the old graphics once you see them but they are fun, trust the old technology

Posts: 5035
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Yea Grys-Vok is like...the equivalent of an entire nations ballistic missle stash. He's crazy But to explain, there have been 4 Virtual Ons. The last two...basically being the same game just the home version was different enough to be titled differently. As for's the first Virtual On[Operation Moongate]. It started it all. <3 As for that Ehergize game...I think I have heard of it, now that ive seen it. It does look like alot of fun actually.

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yeah hyper, that tank dude (as i call him) is totally overboard... but he works for us none-strategic dudes. going against him is no fun though. you really know your robots

as for ehergaize, i don't remember it being sold in the US in the Plyastaion days. so you can't find it other than at the arcades.

btw this is gonna seem weird coming out of me, but the new mario cart is an awsome arcade game. it's amazingly well made, it's more fun than the home edition wii, just trying to play it without being stared at is the challenge

Posts: 663
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I don't/never did really go to arcades all that often, but I remember enjoying Gauntlet Legends for a while (while the arcade had it^^; ) -- being able to save your characters via password so you could continue the next time you came was a really nice feature. I also still play Galaga or Ms. Pacman every now and then, the former of which is especially fun since my dad and I often take turns playing. I'd like to play DDR as well, but I'm not used to playing that in front of so many people, not to mention the extra weight of shoes makes a pretty big difference (since I just use socks with the dance pad I have at home).

Do pinball machines count? If so, then I also enjoy those^^ One of my favorites was the Star Wars Ep. I pinball machine, though part of that might have been because I actually had a relatively decent idea about what was going on and what I was doing, rather than just trying to keep the ball in play XD;

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man i haven't seen one of thoes in ages, and yeah they count as arcade games.
btw smart strategy about that dance game, it is hard if you got the wrong shoes.... then again i've never been a good dancer, i always lose my balance. so that's one game i won't ever play.

(I also still play Galaga or Ms. Pacman every now and then, the former of which is especially fun since my dad and I often take turns playing)
i still play bomberman with my mom she's really good too.

there's this new place i been meaning to go to, i cant wait to check out the arcades there, i'm looking for an old tank similator game.....

new entery: and i went to the new place today, it was so disappointing, they didn't have anything new other than behind enemy lines... which is incredibly entertaining, the direction controls was a ball which allowed me to take better aim, it was very enjoyable... i cant believe how much i dodge millitary arcade games, they aren't so bad as i thought they would be.

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I havent played arcade games for a while....except for about 3 months ago i saw a SEGA arcade game and it let you pick a SEGA game to play. there were like 7 sonic games on it! it was sweeet!!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I havent played arcade games for a while....except for about 3 months ago i saw a SEGA arcade game and it let you pick a SEGA game to play. there were like 7 sonic games on it! it was sweeet!!

Arcade game...with 7[an obvious exaggeration I know] Sonic games? For real? Dang...what arcade did you go to? I've never seen an arcade Sonic game[only know of Sonic the Fighters and SegaSonic Arcade anyway]. Welcome to the Mobius Forum emerald 97.
