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Cool Gaming Discoveries

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Posts: 3756
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I don't know how well this will go over but...

While gaming, have you ever found some awesome trick or glitch that may or may not help you? I'm thinking, Smash Bros Luigi Ladder, etc.

I'll start with something cool I found;

The other day I was playing Twilight Princess. I discovered that while wearing the Magic Armor, the wood shield will not burn. The cool part is, arrows stick into the shield instead of bouncing off, like the metal shield, so, while protected, you can collect dozens of arrows sticking out of your shield, like a pincushion. It's really quite cool if you don't mind the waste of money(which doesn't matter if you have all the Poes). If you then put the shield on your back, the arrows are placed into your quiver.

Your turn. Show me any cool, funny, or odd discoveries you found!

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

I discovered a legitimate way to get Mew in Pokemon Yellow. In the cave where you have to use Flash to see, right before the first ladder, make sure you have fought in a least 1 battle. (I run up and down the hall just to make sure.) The second you come to the level below, you'll be attacked by a random Level 5 Legendary Pokemon. I recommend saving right before you go down so you can cycle through them all. (Just make sure you're attacked by more Pokemon in the hallway beforehand, just to be sure.)

However, this only works the very first time you go into the cave, so make it count!
