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Dreamcast collection for Xbox and PC.

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Posts: 1241
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So there's been a Dreamcast collection confirmed for current gen systems. It's going to contain *drumroll*;

- Sonic Adventure

- Crazy Taxi

- SEGA Bass Fishing

- Space Channel 5: Part 2

And that's it. Good games? For sure. Dissapointing collection? Damm right. Only four games, two of them already available on XBLA? Here's waiting for the undoubtedly forthcoming volume 2, 3, 4, ect. Way to drop the ball (again) Sega.

EDIT: Original sorce claimed it was coming out for PS3 as well, though Segas official statement says otherwise.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Well you can also also get Soul Calibur, Virtual On, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, KoF 98, Rez and I think Ikaruga on XBLA, all of which appeared on the Dreamcast.

May not be SEGA classics, but they're still Dreamcast classics.

And can you link to the news?  Sure you're not mistaken as those are the announced XBLA/PSN releases so far?

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Well you can also also get Soul Calibur, Virtual On, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, KoF 98, Rez and I think Ikaruga on XBLA, all of which appeared on the Dreamcast.

May not be SEGA classics, but they're still Dreamcast classics.

And can you link to the news?  Sure you're not mistaken as those are the announced XBLA/PSN releases so far?

From the horse's mouth, good sir.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Horrible disappointment. I agree, good games. However, there's a laundry list of much better titles that need their moment in the spotlight, first. Jet Grind Radio, please?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

It upsets me terribly that VOOT and Garou won't come to PSN. Why in the world?! And Ikaruga? Really, Robo? Dang it! I should've gotten an Xbox just for these games. LAME! Anywho...yea this is a pretty lame collection. They didn't even put Jet Grind Radio on there. Oh.My.Gosh. But I am pleased to see the DC get some love. ^_^

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sega's strategy: release Dreamcast Collection Volumes 1, 2 and 3 on XBOX360/PC... then release ULTIMATE Dreamcast Collection with all three volumes on Blu-Ray for PS3. Lather, rinse, repeat.

It'll be rather disappointing for them to go piecemeal on the PS3 when we know them Blu-Rays can hold over 20 GD-ROM sized games on one disc.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Well you can also also get Soul Calibur, Virtual On, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, KoF 98, Rez and I think Ikaruga on XBLA, all of which appeared on the Dreamcast.

May not be SEGA classics, but they're still Dreamcast classics.

And can you link to the news?  Sure you're not mistaken as those are the announced XBLA/PSN releases so far?

From the horse's mouth, good sir.

Danke my friend.

And now for slightly more justifiable rant mode; this is pretty crappy.  Good thing I still have my DC set up so I don't have to buy this (though I'll get Space Channel vis XBLA).  Admittedly it's a rather recent collection and I can't think of any from that era...but still, it's pretty dumb from a stand alone point of view, who's gonna buy it if they already own the titles elsewhere?  I don't even want Sega Bass Fishing, I have Sonic and Crazy Taxi elsewhere...why not feature more games people probably missed like...well...anything that hasn't been ported to PS2, Gamecube, PC, XBLA and PSN.

Also I failed to mention that Virtual On is a Sega game...silly me.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Where's Skies of Arcadia or the Wii version?

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Where's Skies of Arcadia or the Wii version?

This! So much. C'mon Sega. Give us a Skies re-release. With the DC's less-compressed soundtrack and the GC's extra content, and the full voice acting it was originally supposed to have (A guy can dream, right? >>).

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

No Shenmue, no deal.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

I can't think of any other compilations of more recent games like this, so I may be wrong, but I'm hearing "GIMMIE GIMMIE" here. 4 games doesn't sound like much, and this IS from SEGA, who have been throwing out bigger collections, so by comparison it looks skimpy. However, these are Dreamcast games, not some 16 (or less)-bit games that only have 2 hours of fresh content, tops. I want more for my buck too, but we'll have to see what the price is first. As for already owning games on download, well that is another matter altogether. As for the games themselves, I only played Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi, so I can't speak for the other 2.

Now, my "GIMMIE GIMMIE" is Crazy Taxi 3 for PSN. Dunno if if the fact that it was really only for XBox (not compatible with 360... goddamn it) and Windows means they won't put it on a Sony system. There WAS an arcade version too though so... Crazy Taxi 2 would be nice too, but I have my priorities.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I'd like Sonic Adventure 2 and Gauntlet Legends to be ported over. I loved those games. I'm just too lazy to disconnect my 360 to power up the Dreamcast so I can play those two games.

Going along with Psx thing (that this is going to be the first of several), I figure they'll eventually do Sonic Adventure 2. I probably won't get Gauntlet Legends though. ;p

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

So another rererere(etc)lease and ports of games that in the case of 3 of them on the list have already appeared on "PC" and are probably a couple quid in the sold-out/budget range...thus more cash-cowing and ease of conversion to 360 (powerpc etc).

Posts: 1241
Noble Member
Topic starter

So another rererere(etc)lease and ports of games that in the case of 3 of them on the list have already appeared on "PC" and are probably a couple quid in the sold-out/budget range...thus more cash-cowing and ease of conversion to 360 (powerpc etc).

I knew there was something else that I hated about this. I'm going to assume that the Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi included in this collection are just going to be straight copies of the XBLA versions. While I can understand using the XBLA version of Crazy Taxi due to all the licencing issues (IE, not having deals with KFC, Levi, Pizza Hut, and most importantly The Offspring), it's not really much of a "Dreamcast" collection when you're just using the PC ports, especially since Sonic Adventure is based on DX, not the original version. Plus, the XBLA version of Crazy Taxi looks like crap. The original Dreamcast version looked so much better.

... I shouldn't type when I'm tired. It's all incoherant and stuff.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

it's not really much of a "Dreamcast" collection when you're just using the PC ports, especially since Sonic Adventure is based on DX, not the original version. Plus, the XBLA version of Crazy Taxi looks like crap. The original Dreamcast version looked so much better.

It's Sonic Gems and Sonic CD all over again. Was not impressed when I got that and found that the Sonic CD on the disc was the PC version but with the US Mega CD soundtrack. Though at least Gems also gave us Sonic Fighters on a home console, which is commendable.

This collection on the other hand is giving us nothing new. There isn't a single game on the list which hasn't seen a re-release on another platform before, with some of them having seen multiple re-releases. I'd love it if they'd re-release some of the more rare stuff from the back catalogue that deserves seeing the light of day again, such as Skies, Ecco, JSR and so on. And yeah, Shenmue would be nice too. Oh and while we're about it, how about Daytona and Sega Rally 2 as well?

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

They didn't even put Jet Grind Radio on there. Oh.My.Gosh. But I am pleased to see the DC get some love. ^_^

that was a neat game, yeah i'd love to play it again. also evoultion 1 and 2, it was fun, also time stalker and that scary game ... i dont remember its name unfortunately i bought it in japanese by mistake, the intros were in english but i didnt get much of it other than needing to calm the characters or they'll get a heartattack...

there were far more japanese games on the DC... if japan is going to make a collection of games why not the ones that are really cool that were never brought to the us that would be something new and worth every cent.
