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E3 2010 Thread
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E3 2010 Thread

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As usual I think we could do with a thread to keep the news on one spot.  Thought there'd be one already but oh well.

Seeing as the latest stuff I've witnessed was in the Nintendo conference I'm going to just run through and let you all add what you like.

New Zelda! Skyward Sword!

New Kirby! Epic Yarn!

Donkey Kong Country Returns!!!

And the new handheld console The 3DS and it's launch title Kid Icarus Uprising!!!

I'm loving the announcements, and the 3DS is looking like a dream machine.  With titles like Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil in the works for it, it's really pushing my buttons, in a good way.  I also love the semi-toon shaded style of the new Zelda and can't wait to learn more.

Though I think my favourite is Kirby, some how that little ball of pink wool makes me smile like an idiot.

So yeah!  Best Nintendo conference in year!  Way to give your old fans some love, Ninty.

Posts: 4885
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Tricia, who is normally ambivilent of new things was all prepared to hate Wii Zelda. But then it turned out to be OoT style art with Wind Waker battle interface and cell-shading.

IT'S SO COLORFUL, we exclaimed, as we both decided we need this game.

Though, unsure about the Wii Motion Plus controls. I'd prefer to not watch Miyamoto helplessly bashing the wrong side of the evil plants.

Oh and Epic Mickey.


I think Wii is going to be the big console for this year, unless PS3 throw something big out. 360 disappointed too big the other night.

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Yeah, so far this has been Nintedo's show, with Kinect being somewhat boring overall.

Still haven't watched the Sony show yet, but hopefully we'll see something epic.

As for Zelda, I hope they have more to show after the conference, even if it's just a run through of what's to come. Though it is Nintendo, and they like to keep things quiet.

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New Ocarina of Time and Star Fox64 remakes for 3DS

Here is the planned 3DS games. Many are still tentative, but DO WANT!

The 3DS is looking quite amazing.

Posts: 327
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My first reaction was, "Ho-hum, another iteration of the DS that's putting the other meaningless variants into obsolescence." Then I saw the shot of StarFox 64 3DS.

Foul play, Nintendo. You knew my one weakness.

Posts: 4885
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Not to mention they're making SNAKE EATER a launch title. Not even Metal Gear Solid 1 or 2, but damn SNAKE EATER.

I've never wanted a console so much on the first day before.

Posts: 5772
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EDIT: Should probably change the subject to "Nintendo E3 2010 Thread" since that appears to be the theme here.

Metroid Other-M E3 Gameplay Trailer

EDIT: Pilotwings 3DS!!!

EDIT: new Paper Mario!

😮 @ Chain Chomp party member

Posts: 2915
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So yeah... Nintendo basically outdid everyone this year??? wtf...

I was really disappointed with M$'s briefing. The only game that made me go 😯 was Metal Gear Rising. Not being a fan of stealth games, this new run and slash approach looks interesting to say the least. Fable 3 I'll grab after release, might go in halfsies on Reach... and could really give a damn less about Black Ops. ESPN is pretty 'eh'... unless I can use it to watch my Packers and Twins games. The only Kinetic game that looks halfway interesting is the Starwars one... but I'd rather hold a fake lightsaber.

Sony's I didn't catch live... and it looks like I missed nothing. Portal 2 actually being released on the system seems like it is it...

Nintendo seemed to pack the most punch, announcing several new games . Slightly saddened by Kirby GC's transformation, but I'll still play it. DK by Retro was rumored, but it still surprised me. The Mario Sports title should be fun. 3DS completely blew me away. I was not expecting the ability to play Hollywood 3D movies on it. The sheer number of games announced took me by surprise. Nice to see Kid Icarus get a new title. Looking forward to the 3DS remakes of OoT and Star Fox 64

Posts: 119
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It's going to take me until next E3 to get over the sheer awesomeness of Nintendo's showing this year, and E3 isn't even over yet.

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Some none Nintendo news: New Adventure game from Flower devs.

Flower Developer's New Game Is A Multiplayer Adventure

thatgamecompany, the studio responsible for PSN titles Flower and Flow, have had their next game leaked a little early. Ah well. It still looks interesting!

The game is called Journey, and in stark contrast to the solitary focus of their last two games, this is an "online adventure experience", where players are out to explore an alien world. The multiplayer aspect comes from the fact you run into other explorers along the way, and each interaction between players "re-shapes the experience".

It's due for release on the PS3 sometime in 2011.

Posts: 980
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I love you, Nintendo.

That is all. :3

Posts: 1058
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Underneath the A, B, X, Y buttons is the handheld's power button


"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 980
Prominent Member - MGS3, moving - Anonymous footage!

Posts: 520
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*hopes for a Link's Awakening remake*

Posts: 252
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Underneath the A, B, X, Y buttons is the handheld's power button


It was in a similar area on the DSi and my sister hasn't had any problems with it on hers.

Posts: 2915
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*hopes for a Link's Awakening remake*

Yes please... even more than OoT

Posts: 5035
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EDIT: Should probably change the subject to "Nintendo E3 2010 Thread" since that appears to be the theme here.

Bahahahahah! Seriously though. Nintendo is sticking it to Sony, Microsoft, the world. refreshing.

Posts: 874
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Nintendo won this pretty damn handily.  Sony squeaked into second place with the whole 'Steamworks' thing (does this mean free Valve DLC and forcing MS to host the same DLC for free if they want it?  Good on Sony.) and the fact that Move had a better demo and lineup than Kinect.  Microsoft's keynote was abysmal, but mostly because of Kinect (good god, that dancing game).  The new 360 model coming out right now was a nice surprise, but not nearly enough to counteract the awfulness of the 'KITTEN PETTING SIMULATOR'.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I hate Nintendo! Oh, why, oh why did they have to make it look so awesome?!! Why did they have to have it come out in blue, BLUE! my favorite color? Why did Sega have to announce a Sonic 3DS, Squenix KH3D, and Nintendo Paper Mario, PAPER MARIO?!!!! I hate them aaalllll!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously though, why does it look so good? I mean I got my DSi at launch last year and I was so hoping I could hold off on getting a 3DS at least till the inevitable remodel, but seeing how awesome it looks, in design and graphics, and it releasing my favorite series and color so soon around it's release, makes it more than likely that I'll get it at launch! Darn Nintendo and it's cohorts arrgggh!!!!!

Also, I surprised nobody has mention the 360 Slim. As much as I hate to admit it, it looks so awesome I'm seriously, seriously tempted to trade in my original pro for it and I'm not really trying to fight it like I was going to for the 3DS before I saw it. Also, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the Sly Cooper collection and Heroes on the Move which is a crossover game of the Sly, Jak, and Ratchet series with PS Motion Controls yet.

Oh, one more thing, has anyone noticed on the Nintenod site for the specs of the 3DS that the design we've seen is not the final model?

Posts: 520
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Heroes on the Move sounds awesome. Jak and Ratchet? Daxter and Clank?! I'm sure Sly is cool and all (Need to play the games to be honest so that Collection sounds intriguing) but...yea.

Posts: 5772
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How Nintendo Won E3

Satoru Iwata: "I got it. We'll develop a new console with an intriguing new control mechanism that's simple to use, and focus development on casual titles... ushering in a new age of gamers!"

Shigeru Miyamoto: "But your Majesty, what about the core titles? Our loyalists will revolt."

Satoru Iwata: "Yes. Which is why we'll market it as the NEW Nintendo. Then, when everyone hates it, we'll bring back Nintendo Classic and make billions!"

Posts: 1381
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Oh, Psx, you are a winner of winners!

Posts: 5772
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Anyhoo... delicious Zelda Skyward Sword gameplay. But that's gotta be awkward, running around with your sword drawn out like that. I'd be sheathing that sucker at every opportunity when not in use. Hell, I do that already.

Posts: 781
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Anyhoo... delicious Zelda Skyward Sword gameplay. But that's gotta be awkward, running around with your sword drawn out like that. I'd be sheathing that sucker at every opportunity when not in use. Hell, I do that already.

I take it from the video that the angle of the sword is based on the angle one holds the Wii remote? That's the kind of feature that I felt was missing from Twilight Princess... or, more accurately, what little of it I've played. But it seemed like untapped potential not to have it what with the Wii's control style. Maybe they could apply the new variety of sword-strike-angles to gameplay? What comes to mind for me is stuff like "if you're facing in the general direction of an unbridged river, with a tree between you and the river, then cut at a downward-inward diagonal angle to have the tree fall towards the river" etc...

Posts: 571
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New Wii Zelda is looking nice. I'll be sure to play that when its out. Rising is looking interesting. Not too much on most other console stuff that interested me a whole lot this year. A lot of sequels that I'll probably play some day when cheaper. And yeah...3DS... give me... awesome... OOT...Snake Eater... Pilotwings.... etc. I MUST HAVE!

Posts: 1413
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Posts: 5035
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Hahahaha. Also Miyamoto is not impress with Kinect.

xDxD! Nice! But yea incognito...the 3DS...mark my words people...Nintendo is going to launch Skynet very very soon. The end is approaching.

Posts: 2915
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EDIT: Totally misread that. My bad

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Hahahaha. Also Miyamoto is not impress with Kinect.


You didn't click the link under the picture, the one that show Miyamoto face when he saw Kinect in action, did you?.

Posts: 327
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Satoru Iwata: "I got it. We'll develop a new console with an intriguing new control mechanism that's simple to use, and focus development on casual titles... ushering in a new age of gamers!"

Shigeru Miyamoto: "But your Majesty, what about the core titles? Our loyalists will revolt."

Satoru Iwata: "Yes. Which is why we'll market it as the NEW Nintendo. Then, when everyone hates it, we'll bring back Nintendo Classic and make billions!"

Now if only a similar conversation took place at Sonic Team...

Speaking of which, did no one notice the Hedgehog is slated for a 3DS game?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Personally, I would have preferred anything but a new Sonic and Monkey Ball.

So many properties in their hands just begging for a Kid Icarus-style revival. They ought to follow Nintendo's lead on this one. Hell, a port/remake of Burning Rangers (in THREEEEEEE DEEEEEEEE!!!) will do in a pinch. Never did play that one.

Posts: 571
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Also, that trailer to Deus Ex Human Revolution was pretty bad ass. Keeping my eye on that as well.

Posts: 30
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I got all excited for the new Goldeneye game! I never owned the Nintendo 64 original, but this new one looks mighty fine! 3DS looks mighty spiffy. Does it still run on cartridges?

Posts: 1381
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Yeah, they will be 3DS cards though we don't know if they'll be bigger or the same size as DS/i cards.

Posts: 5772
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They'll (initially) max out at 2GB from what I've read. That's gigabytes, btw.

Posts: 1381
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I meant in physical size not date size.

Posts: 1100
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So I'm confused. Nintendo wins E3 by announcing that they are going to re release 15 year old games... IN 3-D?

... I kinda feel sorry for everyone else.

Posts: 1381
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Yeah, cuz Kid Icarus: Uprising, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Paper Mario 3DS, etc. are rereleases.

Posts: 1631
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Glancing through this topic, I'm both shocked and dismayed that as yet the most important announcement from any E3 festival since it's inception - nay, the most important gaming announcement since the arrival of Pong - has not yet been mentioned Gran Turismo 5,'s gonna be here in a matter of months! This awesome prospect deserves an entire topic here in the Gaming Academy all by itself, let alone a mention in the E3 thread!

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Yeah, cuz Kid Icarus: Uprising, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Paper Mario 3DS, etc. are rereleases.

Sorry my bad. I spent so much time on the new New Ocarina of Time and Star Fox64 remakes for 3DS that I simply forgotten about Kid Icarus and a 3D Kingdom Hearts game.

Hey, I'm glad that old games are making a come back and that someone in the gaming business remembers Kid Icarus. I just that two companies are trying to create and improve products for the next several years, yet most people are ready to give the crown to the Big 'N' because we get are to play old games in 3-D.

It's nostalgia no doubt, but I'm just saying that at the next E3 that if Microsoft released a Next Gen system that can transform into a flying car, make toast and cure cancer. That will be an afterthough because Nintendo announces Jet Set Radio for the 3DS.

It's great that they are new games for the 3DS and some are very welcomed, but for nostalgia to be the big winner does seem kinda sad... Kinda.

Posts: 980
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I'm not praising the 3DS for nostalgia - it holds no place for me. I praise it for being a brilliant piece of kit that outdoes the PSP's finest and has the serious potential to continue the longrunning trend of Nintendo being the serious winners in the handheld gaming market.

For instance... the Resident Evil Revelations - realtime trailer -

This shows me that this thing isn't kidding around with it's ability to realtime render...hopefully the gametime models are equally smooth and aren't turned into a mushy pile of pixels!

Posts: 5772
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Also shown at E3

After viewing the whole thing, my head is throbbing... and I don't know if it's because of the show's premise or due to having to watch 3D imagery without the appropriate glasses. 🙁

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I'm not praising the 3DS for nostalgia - it holds no place for me. I praise it for being a brilliant piece of kit that outdoes the PSP's finest and has the serious potential to continue the longrunning trend of Nintendo being the serious winners in the handheld gaming market.

For instance... the Resident Evil Revelations - realtime trailer -

This shows me that this thing isn't kidding around with it's ability to realtime render...hopefully the gametime models are equally smooth and aren't turned into a mushy pile of pixels!

This, some people are saying Nintendo won E3 not because the 3DS has remakes, which I only know of two btw, but because of its 3D effects, graphics, and other features not to mention the new games it has coming up that I can't remember. Also, I watched an "Iwata Ask" interview on the Nintendo Channel, and the talk of the motion sensors in the 3DS was very intriguing as well making me more excited for the 3DS.

Also, saying that Nintendo only won E3 because of the 3DS would be ignoring the other games as well such as LoZ: the Skyward Sword, the new Retro Donkey Kong Country, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey, Metroid: Other M, etc. for the Wii and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn etc. for the current DS which all got positive reactions when announced.

Posts: 30
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Not mention alot of those titles (from Nintendo) weren't expected as compared to the Sony press confrence. A majority from Sony was stuff that had been announced already (save for Twisted Metal)!

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I'm sure the Chinese flash card makers are taking notes on every new detail that emerges. o.o

Posts: 1758
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Also shown at E3

What is this I don't even

It's like a parody of what a cliche 3D Pac-Man cartoon would be.  There should be a rickroll at the end.

Posts: 520
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I dunno where to post this but...

Rumors abound that Kinect will be 150 dollars. Curious if this will cause it to go the route of the 32X, do okay or go the route of the Wii.

Posts: 5035
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If M$ seriously goes the SEGA late-mid 1990s way...and ruins all the profit they have times for them to go under. For real. Thanks for that 3DS card photo, Ray. Looks so...not special. lol 3D Pac-Man? What? *clicks*
