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Er...Hello Activisi...
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Er...Hello Activision? It's me, the poor person.

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Posts: 1984
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It iiiiiiiis a little unintentionally humorous that someone is getting that fired up over a price hike on video games, especially given how the lighting makes his eyes look even more darker and sunk in and stuff (lol) and his hair's messy...I mean he looks like the stereotypical basement gamer who doesn't really have a life so he doesn't help himself much, there.

But that aside, he makes a decent point, although i think perhaps it's a bit extreme to call it an emergency .

What do you guys think?

Posts: 1758
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What's this about for those of us who don't want to watch it?

Posts: 1827
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Overdramatic person is overdramatic.

Game developers have been saying that to make the same profits they made in the last generation they need to see games at £70.

But I do doubt that other publishers will follow Activision's price plan and supermarkets will be competing with each other and they will sell the game well below its RRP.

On the other side I do hope Activision burn. They've been far too sue happy lately.

Posts: 1984
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That's the blessing of the free market. Other publishers won't follow Activision's foolishness if nobody is willing to shell out that much money.

Posts: 513
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What strikes me odd about the current situation with Activision and Moder Warfare 2 is this: Why is there a 50% mark-up on the UK MSRP compared to the US MSRP?

*Stares at 70 GBP figure* New games are already too expensive for my liking at 50-60 USD for home consoles, I dread seeing that nearly 120 USD that it would take to equate that 70 GBP figure.

Posts: 1758
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They could just do what the most profitable company in the business does and not spend obscene amounts of money just to get expensive graphics.

Posts: 1984
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But the graphics mean eeeveeryyythhhiiiiiing ;;

Posts: 1396
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Yeah, he's being too apocolyptic really, but Activision have been proper four letter words lately, and Kotack himself being very arrogant in interviews, acting as though his words will change the shape of the industry now that they're the number one third party publisher.

Anyone who knows anything will tell you that increasing the price of a product doesn't make it more markettable, let alone in a recession, even Sony have been making a huge loss on PS3 at the release price, and considering how successful that's been yo can't help but wonder why anyone would think increasing prices is the way to go.

In anything this will just push retro remakes and casual games more than ever, a crash is pretty unlikely.

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Posts: 464
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Well, I do believe this is bad. What he's saying makes sense.

1. Serious gamers CAN have lives, y'know. No matter how messy their hair is.
2. Raising game prices IS bad. 70 pounds in the US is 140 dollars. I already had to do big chores MONTHS for my dad to get me a 60 dollar game.
3. Not only is 140 bad... imagine how big they will get with development costs in the future, as he said in the video.
4. Activision has made almost half of the games I own. I think Activision is a good game developer, and I enjoy almost all of the games I mentioned earlier. So even if the prices ARENT followed by other companies, this still could be bad news.
5. I dont think hes blowing this out of proportions. People who ARENT serious gamers just dont understand his point.
