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FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

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Posts: 4885
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Oh my godness, I am so happy to see that viewtiful little bastard.

Posts: 1100
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... You know what it's funny because I though he was already revealed months ago?

My Bad (Yes Veiwtiful Joe is in as well)!

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Great to see Tron is going to be in the game but there are two more important points to raise from that vid.

1: Seeing Joe and Ammy paired up like that is a nice nod to the far too short lived Clover.

And 2: Breaking the rotating propellers of a helicopter before blocking the whole damn choppah with just his shield? Damn Cap's awesome!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Yeah, that was one of the few moments I've seen/read of Cap that actually had me think good god that was awesome.

Marvel really needs to have some females revealed though. =( Pretty confident Black Widow is in since she'll be in the upcoming Avengers film but one is no way near enough.

Posts: 1396
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Hopefully Storm or Ms Marvel will be in the game, or maybe Spider Woman.

Posts: 1758
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I want it to have 100 characters but most important is that it has:

Mega Man






Squirrel Girl

Yes!  Tron!

Next highest priority is Mega Man, preferably classic, with Zero as the X rep.  It's pretty likely there will be some version of Mega Man in there, but it's weird that neither he nor Spider-Man are announced yet.

Deadpool is probably sufficient to play the camp role, though I'd like to see some squirrel stampedes.  Hopefully Tron has her Kobun super.

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Characters disappear from the background if they are taking part in a bout - it's been done before. 😛

Posts: 2234
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Hopefully Storm or Ms Marvel will be in the game, or maybe Spider Woman.

Hopefully all three! =D And Elektra and Songbird and good god I just want more of my Marvel ladies. =(

But yeah I'd definitely be surprised if the three you listed aren't in at all considering their importance in the Marvel comics of late.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Cap A, that was hot. Adamantium shield for the win. Its hard for me to like Cap A, but that's a nod in the right direction.


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

One of the silhouettes in the logo background at the end of the video shows a female figure w/ big hair that has yet to be revealed (besides Viper), could easily be Rogue or She-Hulk from all the speculation going around.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Whilst either would be nice, She-Hulk seems like an odd choice considering she's not one of Marvel's most main females atm and I can't see much for her moveset to differentiate her from Hulk. Rogue would be cool though if she could actually absorb and use her opponent's abilities, as opposed to just getting stat boosts in MvC2, right?

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

One of the silhouettes in the logo background at the end of the video shows a female figure w/ big hair that has yet to be revealed (besides Viper), could easily be Rogue or She-Hulk from all the speculation going around.

Going for a long shot and pic Lady Medusa from Marvels Inhumans. I know the chances are slim, but when you mentioned "female figure w/ big hair" she was the first to come to mind! XD;

Posts: 1241
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X-23 confirmed. Looks she'll won't be much of a Wolverine clone, thankfully.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

TGS Reveal trailer

DAAAAAYUUUUUM wasn't expecting her to get in. 😮

Seems obvious, in hindsight. Of COURSE they wouldn't pass on a jailbait Rule 63 Wolverine!

EDIT ARTICUNO: *maims gyser for stealing his thunder* Anyhoo, MORE DIRECT-FEED SCREENS:

just noticed... Dormammu's playable? Does that mean he's not the game's final boss!? *strokes chin*

EDIT ZAPDOS: here's another gameplay video with X-23 and Tron Bonne.

EDIT MOLTRES: what the hell... here's The official TGS trailer as well.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Just realized something (Slow I know).

But has Spider-Man been announced? I mean it's odd that I haven't even heard nothing about ol' web head?

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

They're probably still working on him. He's, like, the poster boy of Marvel. Like DC's Superman, I guess.

Also YAY! Rule 63 Wolverine announced! X3

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

God damn it @ X-23. I'm not neccessarily against her inclusion since it means they're more open to adding in obscure characters, but couldn't they have picked a female character with a bit more of a diverse powerset than a Wolverine clone, even if she doesn't control the same as Wolverine? Why not Songbird >:

Also: neat @ Baxter building in the background.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I'd have prefered Lady Deathstrike over X-23 anyday, though I don't think we need to worry until they include Daken Akihiro into the roster.

Still, too many blades on display, give us Spider-Woman damnit!

Posts: 1982
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You know who I want in? She-Hulk.

Her and Deadpool would obliterate the Fourth Wall.

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Spidey and Wesker confirmed about 10 minutes ago. Complete global saturation at it's best.

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EDIT ARTICUNO: *maims gyser for stealing his thunder*


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oh. Hell. Yes. Albert Wesker is the first character in this to legitimately make me nerdgasm. This is on par with Brawl's inclusion of Ike for me.

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Posts: 2234
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Eh, Wesker. Lame villain and pathetic ripoff of Neo. Seriously the series would have been so much better if he stayed dead in Resident Evil 1. More than that though this makes me upset since it really lessens the chances of Jill being in. =/

Posts: 609
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Wesker deserves his spot more than Jill these days. He's the primary antagonist of the whole series, and Jill had her fair share. Plus, he's represented in this game perfectly.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Wesker's teleporting reminds me of Ken The Eagle's "Random Flight" from Tatsunoko vs. Capcom...

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Eh, Wesker. Lame villain and pathetic ripoff of Neo. Seriously the series would have been so much better if he stayed dead in Resident Evil 1. More than that though this makes me upset since it really lessens the chances of Jill being in. =/

Mind telling us how that's possible when Resident Evil was released three years before The Matrix?

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

X-23 is such a bad choice. This is Marvel pushing a fad roster, much like they did with Cable being the Marvel 'lead' in MVC2. A clone of Wolverine rather than the many representatives they could use from the X-Men.

There's a rumor list going around:

Marvel: Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Mr Fantastic, Captain America, Iron Man, War Machine (alternate Iron Man outfit) Elektra, Thor, X-23, Magneto, Dr Doom, Shuma-Gorath, Emma Frost, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Taskmaster, Juggernaut, She-Hulk, Dormamuu

Capcom: Ryu, Mike Haggar, Frank West, Chuck (alternate Frank West outfit), Spencer (Bionic Commando), Dante, Chris, Morrigan, Arthur, Amaterasu , Albert Wesker, Zero, Chun-li, Viewtiful Joe, Trish, Tron Bonne, Hsien-Ko, Akuma, Felicia

This list predicted both Tron Bonne and X-23. There was another list that accurately predicted SSF4, so I'd take it seriously.

From what I have read plus some educated guesses:

Zero: Very Likely

Frank West: Very Likely

Mike Haggar: Moderately Likely

Spencer: Moderately Likely

Akuma: Moderately Likely

Arthur: Moderately Likely

Chuck (Costume): Somewhat Likely

Hsien-Ko: Somewhat Likely

None of those sound hard to believe. The biggest problem here of course is WHERE IS MEGA MAN CAPCOM! Fortunately, Mr. Fantastic and Emma Frost were deconfirmed, so if this list is from some sort of prototype or one of many, it could very well be wrong.

Marvel's roster is not that interesting to me. The only ones I particularly want are Nightcrawler, Squirrel Girl, and Iceman, none of whom are likely. The heavy Avengers presence is compatible with my suspicion that Marvels considers the roster an advertising opportunity rather than fan appreciation.

BTW the teaser at the end of Iron Man 2 was stupid too. I don't think their plans for an Avengers movie franchise will work.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

You know. I was reading what you said and was agreeing with you and thought "Man, I'm feeling what he's cat's sayin!"

Then you mentioned "Squirrel Girl."

... I- W- Why you gotta be like that man? ;__;

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Bahahahah @ gamma. That list does look to be be true so far...but Mr. Fantastic. He's been "included" through Super Skrull. *shrugs* But I suppose we'll find out in Oct, huh? And Elektra is awesome! I'd love for her[or DD for that matter] to make it in. But more females is always a plus. I'm really hoping Akuma is in too. *crosses fingers*

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

You know. I was reading what you said and was agreeing with you and thought "Man, I'm feeling what he's cat's sayin!"

Then you mentioned "Squirrel Girl."

... I- W- Why you gotta be like that man? ;__;

So I can have a combination lunch rush squirrel stampede MWAHAHA!

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Oh hush! You just want to re create her fluke beat-down on Doctor Doom.

ADMIT it was a fluke IT!

Posts: 5772
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I think I saw a Squirrel Girl hanging out over at Arc System Works.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I think I saw a Squirrel Girl hanging out over at Arc System Works.

D00d! I <3 Makoto. She's not only hilarious...also quite the brawler.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Eh, Wesker. Lame villain and pathetic ripoff of Neo. Seriously the series would have been so much better if he stayed dead in Resident Evil 1. More than that though this makes me upset since it really lessens the chances of Jill being in. =/

Mind telling us how that's possible when Resident Evil was released three years before The Matrix?

I don't have a problem with Wesker in the original game. In fact he was fine then since he was just, powerwise, a normal human being who ended up dying at the end of the game. My problem is with how he's portrayed in all his subsequent appearances in Code Veronica and Resident Evil 5 by ridiculously having superhuman powers. It was bad enough in Code Veronica but it came just downright ridiculous by 5. Needless to say I'm glad he died at the end of 5 but considering he's cheated death before, and considering the state of the Resident Evil stories I wouldn't be surprised to see him return again. And if he did it would be a damn shame.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Maybe Capcom can make Dante's alternate outfit be the new hobo looking Dante...

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Glad to see Spider-Man's confirmed, and with all of his classic moves intact. I think I'll enjoy the inclusion of the web-zip, tho.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Yeap this is my must have game for October. Move over Pokemon Ranger III. This is too fantastic now, I loves me some Spider man.

Yeah no I'm down for Wesker, I'm mad X-23 is in it, and she plays like Cammy, all the way to her one dash across the floor super. Dun really need her in it.

Really. I find that it was natural progression since you learn Wesker injected himself prior to death in RE1. RE:CV was probably the most fun I've had with Wesker in a long time as RE5 miffed me at not making him badass enough. He shoulda beat me down in the final stage with his trench on. No tentacles. No weird metallic blades (I'm looking at YOU Krauser). Straight up suave sleek sinister Wesker, running across lava.

'Sides, RE5 was the last of this storyline. All new storyline for RE6. Might even be a full out reset-new characters, new company-same virus .

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

October...of next year, DL? Because this comes out at the end of May 2011. Ya know? Oh and

do you have a PS3? We so need to exchange PSNs. Bahahaha!

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

X-23 is such a bad choice. This is Marvel pushing a fad roster, much like they did with Cable being the Marvel 'lead' in MVC2. A clone of Wolverine rather than the many representatives they could use from the X-Men.

There's a rumor list going around:

Marvel: Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Mr Fantastic, Captain America, Iron Man, War Machine (alternate Iron Man outfit) Elektra, Thor, X-23, Magneto, Dr Doom, Shuma-Gorath, Emma Frost, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Taskmaster, Juggernaut, She-Hulk, Dormamuu

Capcom: Ryu, Mike Haggar, Frank West, Chuck (alternate Frank West outfit), Spencer (Bionic Commando), Dante, Chris, Morrigan, Arthur, Amaterasu , Albert Wesker, Zero, Chun-li, Viewtiful Joe, Trish, Tron Bonne, Hsien-Ko, Akuma, Felicia

This list predicted both Tron Bonne and X-23. There was another list that accurately predicted SSF4, so I'd take it seriously.

From what I have read plus some educated guesses:

Zero: Very Likely

Frank West: Very Likely

Mike Haggar: Moderately Likely

Spencer: Moderately Likely

Akuma: Moderately Likely

Arthur: Moderately Likely

Chuck (Costume): Somewhat Likely

Hsien-Ko: Somewhat Likely

None of those sound hard to believe. The biggest problem here of course is WHERE IS MEGA MAN CAPCOM! Fortunately, Mr. Fantastic and Emma Frost were deconfirmed, so if this list is from some sort of prototype or one of many, it could very well be wrong.

Marvel's roster is not that interesting to me. The only ones I particularly want are Nightcrawler, Squirrel Girl, and Iceman, none of whom are likely. The heavy Avengers presence is compatible with my suspicion that Marvels considers the roster an advertising opportunity rather than fan appreciation.

BTW the teaser at the end of Iron Man 2 was stupid too. I don't think their plans for an Avengers movie franchise will work.

In fairness to X-23, she does not play like a Wolverine clone: one of her hypers looks like Charlie's/Nash's/Guile's Hyper with more of a Cammy/Strider build.

As for the Marvel characters, I think it's more of a story continuation and placement than an advertisement opportunity. Besides, we still have Deadpool.

Posts: 2191
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Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Especially with ReArmed 2 on the horizon, you bring Dreadlocks McFailPants back? y u do dis?

lol Arthur

Posts: 2191
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Posts: 5772
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EDIT: I just noticed they fixed the KATTELOX ISLAND sign in the background. Was CATTLE OX ISLAND in earlier pics.


Arthur gameplay

Spencer gameplay

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


The entire rumor list has been essentially confirmed for Capcom, other than Akuma, Haggar, and Hsien-Ko. It'd better have classic Mega Man.

I see that the Capcom graphics team was unable to miraculously make MODOK not look like the worst design ever.

Roster is quite terrible at the moment other than Tron & Deadpool plus some obvious people.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

As much as MODOK is an awesome curveball I still wish we had more relevant characters in the roster. Seriously, they put in Super Skrull, Dormammu, X-23 and MODOK over the Fantastic Four?

Where's Daredevil, Elektra, Ms. Marvel, Storm, Cyclops, Dr. Strange, Spider-woman, Black Widow, Nova, Songbird, Doctor Octopus, Phoenix or anyone else more relevant and popular for god sake >:

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

This could work!

My opinion of MODOK will be entirely related to how funny he is and how well they make it work in game.

The roster has some very questionable people considering the huge pool they can use, but I won't count MODOK among them until we find out how funny he is.

Posts: 2234
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Posts: 1758
Noble Member

MODOK's theme is amazing!  I just watch that video to hear it.

Reasonably pleased with him and his utterly insane voice acting, though I would have liked more of his dialogue to be as cheesetacular as his intro and more ridiculous powers.  He's the best of the 4 reveals.  Magneto's voice is good and Arthur has a cool BGM, but Spencer is just a generic arm guy nothing interesting there.

ATM I would say that the only people I find pointless are Spencer, Felicia, X-23, and Trish.  I might even make MODOK a secondary of my teams, and try to get his theme as often as possible.

Spider-Man dialogue: "With great power comes a great beat down," and calling Magneto with "MAGGIE!"

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