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First Games You Bought For Your Systems

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What games were the first that you either got with or bought for your systems when you first got them? You don't have to post all your systems if you don't want to, atleast your newer/latest ones that you play.

NES- Super Mario Bros, lol of course
Genesis- Sonic, another no brainer at the time
SNES- Super Mario World, I remember my dad buying the system and it coming with it.
Gamegear- Shinobi
N64- can't really remember. I rented a lot then, but I think it was Banjo Kazooie. ???
PS1- Tekken 3, I remember playing the first 2 on my bro's ps1, and when I finally got one, this just came out and I was sold.
PS2- NBA Street, awesome awesome game. lol
Gamecube- Gauntlet Dark Legacy
GBA- Mega Man Zero, best family trip ever, cuz I played this the whole time.
Xbox- Halo, loved it when we rented it for my bro's Xbox, so when I bought mine I had to get it.
Xbox 360- Gears of War, loved the look, played it at a buddies house and it pretty much sold the 360 for me. Although I was kinda out of it after the 2nd and not really looking forward to the 3rd, lol.
Wii- Twilight Princess, gots to have my Zelda. and since this was a launch title, it was inevitable.
PS3- MGS4, bought the bundle online.
PSP- FFVII Crisis Core, one of the reasons I bought it for.

Thats all I can think of and pretty much think most of those games are my first for each one. Just not sure on the 64, I think it was Banjo, but still not sure.

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Mega Drive - Sonic 1

Saturn - Sonic Jam

Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure

Playstation - Tomb Raider and Formula 1

GBA - Sonic Advance and Tekken Advance

Playstation 2 - Gran Turismo 3

Gamecube - Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

Xbox - MGS2: Substance, Halo, DOA3, Shenmue 2

DS Lite - Sonic Rush

PSP - Little Big Planet, Soul Calibur Broken Destiny

Xbox 360 - What I was doing was buying games before I had the console... So I cant really remember. Sonic The Hedgehog was there though.

Posts: 1191
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Genesis - Sonic, you were expecting something else?

PS1 - Final Fantasy 7, the game that got me into gaming, I still remember being 10 and beating Ruby Weapon

Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure, the game that made me a Sonic fan

PS2 - Final Fantasy 10, what I consider the last "must have" game of the franchise

DS - Super Mario 64, one of the best games on the DS

Xbox 360 - Gears of War, only played the first one but boy was it fun

PSP - Crisis Core, the best of the FF7 spin-offs (that's not saying much)

Wii - Twilight Princess, Zelda is always a must have

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Gameboy Colour - Pokemon Yellow. I was impressionable 🙁 Didn't like it too much but played it cause it was SO COOL. Also first game I ever bought!

Gamecube - Super Smash Brothers, SA2:B.

DS Lite - Warioware touched

Xbox 360 - Assassins Creed, which is one of my favourite ever games. I like stabbing people 😀

and since i'm somewhat console deprived compared to you lot:

PC - Tomb Raider AoD. It wasn't very good compared to the other Tomb Raiders I've played. Also this is just the first game I bought myself for PC since it was my Dad's system 😀 I haven't actually bought myself anything for my own lappy I bought myself november last year since I've been focusing on other things like wasting time sitting on forums. Got AC2 for my birthday though, EXCELLENT.

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Tried to remember the systems/games in order of obtaining them, but can't exactly. XD

NES - Mario/Duck Hunt
Game Boy - Tetris and Mario Land 2 (I have different generations of Game Boy, so I'll only count original Game Boy Brick)
Genesis - Sonic 2 (it was a Genesis 2, thusly, they packed in Sonic 2)
Game Gear - Sonic 2 (eew...)
Sega CD - Sonic CD and Joe Montana NFL Football - My Sega CD died about a month after getting it. I didn't know about warranties
Super NES - Mario All-Stars + Mario World five-in-one (it was from a mail order catalog) and Yoshi's Island
Nintendo 64 - Mario Kart 64
Saturn - Sonic Jam and Sonic R

PS1 - Crash Bandicoot
Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure

GameCube - Luigi's Mansion
PS2 - Jak and Daxter
Nintendo DS - Mario 64 DS
PlayStation Portable - Lumines
Wii - Wii Sports and LoZ: Twilight Princess
XBox 360 - Forza Motorsport 2/Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
PS3 - Little Big Planet

Posts: 149
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Nintendo: Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt (because it came with the system.) As for first game I bought... Uh... I don't think I ever bought a Nintendo game myself (I was like 5 at the time.) My brother bought all that stuff.

Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (pack-in.) Being a wee lad, I had no money so I never bought anything. The first game I remember actually buying myself was Desert and Jungle Strike, in freaking 1998.

Super Nintendo: I'm gonna guess Super Mario World since that's a pack-in, though maybe we didn't get it. Again, I don't recall buying any games myself until like 2003. Hey, it was like TWENTY YEARS AGO so cut me some slack if I don't remember.

Gameboy: Bart Simpson in Escape From Camp Deadly (or whatever it was.) It was giftage.

Sega CD: Snatcher.

Game Gear: Probably Sonic The Hedgehog 2, possibly Shinobi 2: The Silent Fury.

Saturn: Virtua Racing and Fighting Vipers (came with system.) My first actual purchase was either Enemy Zero or Virtua Cop 2.

Playstation: Revolution X. That was a gift, so my first actual purchase was probably Fade To Black.

Nintendo 64: Goldeneye.

Gameboy Color: Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

Dreamcast: Resident Evil: Code Veronica, although that was a gift. My first purchase was probably Super Runabout. Actually, it was Street Fighter Alpha 3, but that was gift for my bro and not for me.

Playstation 2: Twisted Metal: Black.

XBox: The House Of The Dead 3.

Gameboy Advance: Either Sonic Advance or Silent Scope.

360: Burnout Revenge.

Playstation 3: Motorstorm (pack-in.) My first seperate purchase was Time Crisis 4.

Wii: Wii Sports (pack-in.) My first actual purchase was Sonic And The Secret Rings.

DS: Contra 4.

PSP: Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

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Super Nintendo: Donkey Kong Country 3

Gameboy: Joshua and the Battle of Jerico/ Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle 2

Nintendo 64: Donkey Kong 64

Gameboy Color: Super Mario Bros Deluxe

Gameboy Advance: Super Mario Advance (launch)

Gamecube: Rouge Squadron II (launch)

DS: Super Mario 64 DS (launch)

Wii: Twilight Princess (launch)

Xbox 360: Halo 3 (before I had the system )

Posts: 520
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Genesis: Sonic 2...okay so it came with the system but it doesn't matter!

Posts: 1195
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Ahhh geez, let's see if I remember...

SNES: Super Mario World
Game Boy: Godzilla and Batman (same time we got it)
Sega Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
N64: Yoshi's Story (Yeah, I know, but my sister wanted it and it was her birthday)
Playstation: Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED
PS2: Crash: Wrath of Cortex (I got this game and I have no excuse for it, I'm sorry)
DS: Elite Beat Agent
Wii: Wii Sport/Super Mario Strikers Charged

Posts: 1381
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NES: SMB and Duck Hunt combo pack in of course

Genesis: got it near end of life therefore it came with Sonic and Knuckles

GBA: Super Mario Advance (got both for Christmas, I think)

Gamecube: (first system I bought myself) Sonic Heroes

DS: SM64DS packin got it on day of first price drop

PSP: Chronicles of Narnia UMD movie/ Spider-Man 2 the video game I'm sure I got it before Sonic Rivals

360: Sonic '06 got it before I actually took the 360 outta layaway

Wii: Sonic and the Secret Rings , actually got the game, so I could get the comic, before actually buying system

PS3: Black Friday deal at Walmart with inFamous and Batman: AA packin. (Also, came with Dark Knight Blue Ray)

PSP 3000: Gamestop deal that comes with Birth by Sleep

PS2: Got all 3 Sly Cooper games before I got the PS2 for Christmas last year (Also, got loads of PS2 games from cousin before he went into the military)

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I just remembered that it was actually Mario Kart 64 as my first game for my 64 and not Banjo. Also Wii Sports was my first for the the Wii, as it came with it. lol Totally forgot about that.

Posts: 1241
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Geez Louise... Let's think...

NES: Mario/Duck Hunt
SNES: Donkey Kong Country 2 (Packed in. Was supposed to be a Yoshis Island bundle but it was sold when we went to get it.)
N64: Goldeneye
Gamecube: Sonic Adventure DX
Wii: Sonic And The Secret Rings (Wii Sports doesn't count.)
Gameboy: Tetris (Original launch bundle.)
Gameboy Advance:
DS: Nintendogs Chihuahua And Friends (Metroid Prime Hunters demo came with, but like Wii Sports, doesn't count.)

Master System: Alex Kidd In Miracle World (Built-in, and I'm counting this because it's awesome.)
Mega Drive: Altered Beast (Another packed in.)
Mega CD: Slip Space Assault
Saturn: Christmas NiGHTS (Thank you Sega Saturn Magazine!)
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure (I still need a new pair of pants everytime I think of that intro.)
GameGear: A heap of games, including Shinobi, Slider, Columns and Sonic 2.

PS1: Destruction Derby
PS2: Devil May Cry (The whole reason I even wanted a PS2 in the first place.)
PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition
PSP: Untold Legends

Xbox: Sega GT, Jet Set Radio and Halo bundle. (Awwwwwww yeah.)
360: Halo 3 Legendary Edition

PC: DOOM Sharware

Amiga: Lemmings and Super Turrican

I think that's everything. o.o

Posts: 1008
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This might get long. Let's see, in order of console age (and not in order I bought 'em)...

Master System: After Burner, Phantasy Star and Rastan came with it.
Game Gear: I got two or three games with this, one of which was a multi-game cart with Columns. I think? I also got Sonic Chaos and Sonic 2. I think.
Mega Drive: I think the first game we got for this was Mortal Kombat II, not 100% certain.
Mega CD: Sonic CD. Bought it at the same time.
Saturn: The first thing we actually had for this was a Demo Disc that was on the cover of a magazine. The first actual game we got... I can't remember now.
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure. The entire reason I bought the system. ^^

GBA: Sonic Advance.
GameCube: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Collector's Edition i.e. the one that had OoT Master Quest packed in with it. This was packed in with the system, which was a Platinum Cube.
Wii: Wii Sports (obviously), bought LoZ: Twilight Princess at the same time. Like just about everyone else XD

Oh and I also bought a PC somewhere along that timeline, just before my Cube I think. First game I ever actually bought for that was Descent 3, I think.

Posts: 220
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For the Genesis, it was Sonic 2. Ironically, for the Game Gear, it was also Sonic 2.

When I got the Dreamcast, I had 3, which were Sonic Adventure, PSO Ver. 1, and Power Stone (whoop!)

Then, when I got my Xbox 360, my first game was Skate. Which I still play. Far too much.

Posts: 1396
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Master System - Sonic the Hedgehog built in
Mega Drive - Sonic & Knuckles
Game Boy - Super Mario Land 1 and 2
Nintendo 64 - Super Mario 64
Playstation - Crash Bandicoot 2 and Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kase
PC - The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield
Game Boy Colour - Super Mario Bros. Delux
Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure and Mortal Kombat Gold
Game Boy Advance - Super Mario Advance: Super MArio Bros. 2
SNES - Zelda: ALttP, Starwing, Dungeon Master, Lord of the Rings, and Killer Instict (off a friend)
Gamecube - Luigi's Mansion
Playstation 2 - GTA3 and FFX
Xbox - Halo
Saturn - Sonic Jam and Sonic R
Nintendo DS - Super Mario 64 DS
360 - Oblivion, Gears of War, Burnout Revenge and PGR3
Wii - Zelda: TP and Wii Play (they arrived before the bloody console)
PSP - Locoroco
PS3 - Little Big Planet, MGS4 and Motostorm

And that's the list so far.  One's with more than one game we got with bundles, if you couldn't guess.

Posts: 73
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NES - No idea, but I'll go with the Mario/Duck Hunt--though I think it came "free" with the system and really shouldn't count as a purchase

Gameboy - No idea at all actually though I still possess it and all 9 games my sister & I ever got for it

Genesis - Sonic and Knuckles

Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure

Gameboy Advance - Either Sonic Advance 2 or Sonic Battle

Nintendo DS - Sonic Chronicles

X-Box 360 - Star Ocean or NBA2K9 (gasp! Finally not a Sonic game)
