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Freddy's coming...
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Freddy's coming...

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You know what we really need? A GOOD new survival horror game. And I can only think of one thing to nominate.

A Nightmare on Elm Street. I'm scared just thinking about it. But I insist that if one was made... it would have to be like the first movie. As in, not terrible. Ever since the second one, it's like the movies were made to scare little kids or something.

The startup would take a while, because I imagine the coolest thing would be a create-a-character thing. And I mean, this create-a-character should be on-par with Tiger Woods PGA Tour's one. Not just for yourself, but for a certain amount of other kids in the story. So you could model it after you and your friends or something equally screwed up.

There'd be just as much game time while your character is awake as they are asleep. You could drink coffee to stay awake, or listen to loud music, but of course, it would only last so long. While you're awake, you could also try to talk to other people, get help, or possibly set traps ala what the main character did in the first movie. You could have a job as well to get money to buy things, but it'd just be going to the place where you work, the screen fades out, when it comes back a few hours have passed and you have some money. You could buy a number of things with it, such as stuff for the previously mentioned traps, or weapons, or caffine pills to keep you up.

Once you're so tired, your character will automatically sit/lie down some times, despite your button pressing, and then you have to button-mash to stay awake and get back up. However, you're only going to keep getting sleepier and sleepier, so that won't work forever, and you're sure to fall asleep eventually.

Moving around in the real world is done in third person view, but once you're alseep, it switches to a first person perspective to help enhance any feelings of claustrophobia you'd get. You'd have a vitality meter and an adreneline meter. Vitality is just that, adreneline affects what you can and can't do. Low adreneline would make you weaker and slower in most cases, but higher adreneline would cause your character to be jumpy and automatically turn in the direction of sounds out of fear.

Avoiding Freddy would be a mixture of just running away and Resident Evil 4/Shenmue style QTE events to dodge things, struggle away, or turn around quickly, and they'd shift to a third-person perspective as you did. You example, maybe you're already running, and as you go to round a corner, Freddy is already there and makes a move to grab you. If you pressed in an on-screen command fast enough, you'd stop and turn before he did, and if you didn't you'd have to button-mash to try and get away. There's also an hourglass on-screen to show how long you have left until you wake up. High amounts of adreneline make it go faster, and getting hurt chops some time off.

I had the idea that it would be very unlinear, as in, no particular dream sequence is alike and is made randomly, and what other characters in the game other than you get killed changes every time. Speaking of the other characters, convincing ones that don't believe you depends on how close you are to them. For example, your cousin might sooner believe you than some random guy from school, and you could get their help to keep you up, or you could work together and coordinate plans to take Freddy down. The game ends when you either "kill" Freddy, or you yourself get killed. There would be no way to go back to an earlier save, either, to remove the idea of, say, having some bad luck in a dream sequence can't be undone just by reloading, and the game autosaves itself whenever you wake up or go to sleep. You can also save at any time while awake.

I'm not sure what console it ought to be released for if such a thing ever did get made, but I don't think I'd want it for the Wii. So I'd say XBox 360, or a multiplatform release with XBox 360 or PS3.

Anywho... would you buy this game.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

So basically, you propse a stalker survival horror game, like Clock Tower or Resident Evil 3, but with boring Shenmue stuff to keep you bored until the next action sequence... with Home Alone (Genesis/Megadrive) style gameplay to boot?

Survival Horror only works as a puzzle game if it's going to be stalker style, otherwise it'll be BIGASS ZOMBIE RAPE FEST with a stalker, ala Resi 3. And look at the Clock Tower series' sales. It's not a popular gamble. Action Adventure Survival Horror sells and plays better.

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I *liked* Shenmue >=

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I adore Shenmue, and think it's one of the best games ever, but it's beauty is in being a detective game/real life simulator with a movie styled plotline going on. Not the fact you can walk around and do anything, that IS boring. What makes Shenmue awesome is it's almost point and click approach to gameplay with it's expansive environment where almost everything is interactable.

Slow paced exploring + Survival Horror = Horrible pacing and alot of boredom.

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I also like Clock Tower =O

Anywho, if I was making the game, the moving around would not be as clunky as Shenmue at all, and not nearly as slow. For example... trying keys at Yuanda Zhu's place to open that door? That may have been one of the most annoying things in the game, as well as the balance beam stuff before it.

And I was going to say this in my last post, but I had thought that the awake/asleep time would be roughly half and half. That's MORE than how much action was in the SNES Clock Tower, and I already love that game to peices.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

You know what we really need? A GOOD new survival horror game.

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I had been under the impression that was more of an FPS game.

Posts: 1818
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Well it is first-person, but you probably fire about 20 bullets total throughout the game. Either way it's still survival horror. It doesn't have to be a Resident Evil clone to be categorized as such.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

We need a sort of parody game of the gaming world.
Kinda like Shadow a sort of "Hey we are putting guns and vehicles in our games now like everyone else it". The sad thing is they actually sold it...

To stay in topic: A Parody of a survival horror game would be a game with terrible controls, bad camera angles and the Resident Evil door opening.

Yeah... probably wouldn't work in the long run really.

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There's nothing wrong with Resident Evil camera angles! >=

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I have to agree there, the claustophobic pre-rendered camera angles were the big draw for me. Despite Code V being my favourite, I was becoming increasingly unsettled by their trends to move the camera, but they met us halfway and kept it the same.

Resident Evil 4, however, is unplayable to me. I don't want a 3rd person shooter, I want Resident Evil. I gave up after a day and decided that I'm out of the franchise until they get the fixed camera back in.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Whereas I hated pre-rendered camera angles. Full 3D is, to me, far more claustrophobic, as the field of vision behind you is more limited.


You know what we really need? A GOOD new survival horror game.

Go and play Dark Corners of the Earth. That was criminally overlooked.

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I agree and disagree with Craig. While Resident Evil 4 does not warrant being called a "survival horror" game, or scary in any way, like he said, it's still a superb game in it's own right. If it wasn't for the crippling shortness, I'd personally call it <i>the best video game ever made.</i>

I heard a rumor about them remaking Resident Evil 1 with an RE4-like engine for the Wii, but keep it with the same amount of ammo circulating and no fancy melee attacks and such. If that's true, I can't wait to be shooting zombies with the wii-mote for RE4-ish aiming <3

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Of course RE4 is survival horror, the genre isn't defined by fixed camera angles. You're still smack in the middle of a horror movie, fighting hordes of crazy europeans.

And I hope they don't remake RE1, how many more remakes of this game do we need? Remake RE2, RE3 or Code Veronica, just not the first again! >_<

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If it wasn't for the crippling shortness,

I took 20-odd hours to finish it without rushing. I wouldn't call that crippling shortness.

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I beat it on average in about five hours.

Spite, I know it's not defined by camera angles. Resident Evil 4 is more of a third person shoot action game regardless. Silent Hill doesn't have fixed camera angles and it's a survival horror =O

Posts: 931
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Most people apparantly take 10-20 unless going for a speedrun.
I repeat, not cripplingly short.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I beat it on average in about five hours.


But seriously, what the hell? It took, on average, over 16 hours to complete it on my first playthrough. And I did it without the help of a strategy guide or a step-by-step walkthrough, just as God and Capcom intended. Oh no wait, I *did* need help figuring out the correct way for dispatching those nasty "Shambler" zombies inside the laboratory.


**drops to knees**


Posts: 439
Reputable Member



Yeah I gave in on Shadow of the Colossus for a few of those tough to beat colossi, and I regret it because all subsequent playthroughs have been too easy. I should've enjoyed not knowing how to beat those colossi while I was still ignorant. ;_;

Posts: 931
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I didn't use walkthroughs on either game, though did resort to them for one puzzle in ICO, and only one (the one not in the US version. Irritating thing)

Posts: 439
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I didn't use walkthroughs on either game, though did resort to them for one puzzle in ICO, and only one (the one not in the US version. Irritating thing)

They removed a puzzle from the US version of ICO? I didn't realize that. Did they think Americans wouldn't be able to solve it or something?

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

They probably went "jesus christ this is hard, even Asians can't figure it out".

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


They removed a puzzle from the US version of ICO? I didn't realize that. Did they think Americans wouldn't be able to solve it or something?

No, they added one for the PAL version.
Not sure why. It's probably the most annoying puzzle in the game (A piston that goes up and down from which you have to jump at the exact moment. It is not remotely obvious that this is or ought to be possible)
