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game reviving

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so what games on which system you wish to buy and play again?
since they're doing it quite often, mind as well list the games we really long to play again, for me its:

blue stinger on the dreamcast

Posts: 889
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Hey, I actually just bought Blue Stinger about a week ago! I bought a bunch of other games with it, so I haven't gotten around to playing it much. So far I think its alright.
I've actually been wanting to replay Knights of the Old Republic, but my brother took it to college and it was stolen. Might just buy it off of Steam for $10. Not too sure about that because it won't be the same as playing it on the old xbox.

Posts: 1984
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I need to buy a new Dreamcast because now I have this sudden interest in playing old games.

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Sticking with Dreamcast games, re-releasing Shenmue I and II is a must. Then getting a third if we're lucky...

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Dreamcast for the win! What's Blue Stinger like...? Space Shooter? Sounds familiar.

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(Hey, I actually just bought Blue Stinger about a week ago!)

<Blinking> you can actually find dreamcast games???? first of all my deamcast doesn't work (i do have blue stinger though) and there's no way i could find dreamcast or it's games anywhere, that's why i was hoping they would re-release it on the xbox.

btw i also wish to play albert oddyessy on the sega satrun again, here's a video of the game

Posts: 5035
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Yea...Dreamcast games are pretty hard to find in actual stores. Online though...they're not hard to come by at all.

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so he bought blue stinger online?? still, id feel better about getting it on the xbox.

as for blue stinger, it's residentevil comedy kinda of game. it's very fun and interesting to play, the storyline, character design and cut scenes make it a load of fun.....
here's the opening of the game

Posts: 513
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If we are talking strictly playing old games on their original systems, I would like to replay S3K on an actual Genesis and Super Mario All-Stars Plus on the SNES.

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Yup, I bought it on ebay. Came with Crazy Taxi, Seaman (with mic) and a Dreamcast system. I actually have three Dreamcasts now, not sure what I'm going to do with all of them though.

Posts: 5772
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If it wasn't for the availability of emulation software I suppose I'd be more inclined to add something to this thread.

Let's see... I guess I'd like to experience Super Mario RPG again, fresh from the box and on my ol' SNES.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

If it wasn't for the availability of emulation software I suppose I'd be more inclined to add something to this thread.

Let's see... I guess I'd like to experience Super Mario RPG again, fresh from the box and on my ol' SNES.

Hmmm...what exactly are you saying Psx?

Posts: 1631
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A friend of mine recently gave me a link to an open source version of Chris Sawyer's Transport Tycoon Delux fot the PC. I did have the game before that, but Windows had stopped it working even with the backwards compatabillity wizard, so I couldn't play it. It's always been one of my favorite games of all time though, was good to get it up and running again.

Sim City 2000 is another I'd like to try again, the only Sim City I could ever do. Any older or newer ones were too hard, and I ended up getting booted out of the mayor's office within a few months.

Another game I've been thinking of digging out for a while is Ecco the Dolphin for the Megadrive. I have both the console and the game stored away in a cupboard here somewhere, I'm just too lazy to get it all out and set it up to play. That was a good game though...there was one level that I just couldn't get past no matter how hard I tried, not because it was difficult, but simply because I couldn't find the exit!

I've also got quite a collection of PS1 classics that I dig out from time to time. Destruction Derby, Rally Cross, the original Spyro the Dragon, Odworld: Abe's I'm getting nostalgic.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A friend of mine recently gave me a link to an open source version of Chris Sawyer's Transport Tycoon Delux fot the PC. I did have the game before that, but Windows had stopped it working even with the backwards compatabillity wizard, so I couldn't play it. It's always been one of my favorite games of all time though, was good to get it up and running again.

Sim City 2000 is another I'd like to try again, the only Sim City I could ever do. Any older or newer ones were too hard, and I ended up getting booted out of the mayor's office within a few months.

Another game I've been thinking of digging out for a while is Ecco the Dolphin for the Megadrive. I have both the console and the game stored away in a cupboard here somewhere, I'm just too lazy to get it all out and set it up to play. That was a good game though...there was one level that I just couldn't get past no matter how hard I tried, not because it was difficult, but simply because I couldn't find the exit!

I've also got quite a collection of PS1 classics that I dig out from time to time. Destruction Derby, Rally Cross, the original Spyro the Dragon, Odworld: Abe's I'm getting nostalgic.

D00d! Rally Cross was my game! Those F-150s at the end of the game were ridiculous. Haha And Destruction Derby...I never got to play that game, but always wanted to, oh my gosh! Didn't know people even played these games. 😛

Posts: 981
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I've been thinking about getting one of these and repurchase a few SNES and NES games with it, since my old SNES broke and sold my games after not trying to refix it or get a new one. Mostly just to get Super Mario All-Stars, Mario Kart, and to get some games I missed out on the first time around. It's also not region locked so there's more possibilities.

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(I've been thinking about getting one of this and repurchase a few SNES and NES games with it)

i heard of these things before, but the problem it doesn't give you a save option, the older games had that flaw, remember how we had to play a game like Alladin for 5 hours just to get to the final end boss, and if we get "game over" we had to get back to the first level....................... we might be better gamers than when we were kids, but do we have the time now?

(but Windows had stopped it working even with the backwards compatabillity wizard, so I couldn't play it. It's always been one of my favorite games of all time though, was

good to get it up and running again)
hold on, i'm looking for just that, you see i want to play space halk again but it doesn't run on my computer now of course. so can you tell me more about this compatability wizard?

If it wasn't for the availability of emulation software I suppose I'd be more inclined to add something to this thread.

Let's see... I guess I'd like to experience Super Mario RPG again, fresh from the box and on my ol' SNES.

(Hmmm...what exactly are you saying Psx?)

an emulation sofware is the old games running on the pc. because it's exactly the same game with no added features, it's called an emulation. in a simpler term it's playing SNES and MegaDrive games on the PC.

i don't like this method, cause it doesn't have saves and it's not fun using the pc to play platform and rpg games.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I shop more often for old games than I do new ones these days, especially since I live in America now and my old collection is worthless. Given that the vast majority of my "White Whale" games that I hunt for have been tracked down, there aren't many that I'm still lacking. But given I do not yet possess a Dreamcast, I'll add Jet Set [Grind] Radio and Chu Chu Rocket as obligatories.

Wouldn't mind owning Eternal Darkness again, as my UK copy is worthless here.

PS1 wise, gots to get my Final Fantasy games again, specifically IX. Resident Evil 2 would be nice, I guess...

Couple of things I want to get my fingers on again.

---though if we're speaking purely on re-releasing games on current consoles, which the topic title seems to indicate more, then Resident Evil 2 would be my highest priority. Fortunately Darkside Chronicles shall feed my desires to that effect.

Posts: 5035
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Haha yea I knew what he was talking about sonicsfan1991...just wanted to see if he'd admit to his illegal ways. Anywho...i'm sure companies can see the love for older games...with the huge success of the Virtual Console and whatnot, Megaman 9, and that stuff. Ahhh games of old, how you moved me.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Hmmm...what exactly are you saying Psx?

You know exactly what I'm saying, but I'll clarify a bit later.

I've been thinking about getting one of these and repurchase a few SNES and NES games with it, since my old SNES broke and sold my games after not trying to refix it or get a new one. Mostly just to get Super Mario All-Stars, Mario Kart, and to get some games I missed out on the first time around. It's also not region locked so there's more possibilities.

Usually I would recommend to hold off on purchasing "clones" because they tend to use incomplete emulation, especially the NES side. However, after looking up and reading a few reviews and this... I figure you can do worse. It seems to have more problems with PAL software but at least it can play StarFox, which is more than I can say for other clones.

(I've been thinking about getting one of this and repurchase a few SNES and NES games with it)

i heard of these things before, but the problem it doesn't give you a save option, the older games had that flaw, remember how we had to play a game like Alladin for 5 hours just to get to the final end boss, and if we get "game over" we had to get back to the first level....................... we might be better gamers than when we were kids, but do we have the time now?

Hey, we old timers played Aladdin for 5 hours straight, lost to the final end boss... and we LIKED IT. That last sentence sounds like a topic for another thread, one I've been mulling over starting for a while now. But who has the time?

an emulation sofware is the old games running on the pc. because it's exactly the same game with no added features, it's called an emulation. in a simpler term it's playing SNES and MegaDrive games on the PC.

i don't like this method, cause it doesn't have saves and it's not fun using the pc to play platform and rpg games.

Well, that and services like the Wii's Virtual Console and GameTap, which are both perfectly legit ways to play old games.

... hold on... what? No saves? What'chu talkin' 'bout, sonicsfan? You must have never used a PC emulator, if you actually believe that you can't save your games. And I'm not talking save states, but actual SRAM saves. As for whether or not it's appropriate or "fun" to play certain games on PC... well, yeah that's subjective.

Posts: 1631
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(but Windows had stopped it working even with the backwards compatabillity wizard, so I couldn't play it. It's always been one of my favorite games of all time though, was good to get it up and running again)

hold on, i'm looking for just that, you see i want to play space halk again but it doesn't run on my computer now of course. so can you tell me more about this compatability wizard?

It's simple really. Install the game as normal on the computer, then right-click the shortcut on your desktop and select 'properties'. On the screen that comes up there'll be a tab named 'compatabillity' where you can select various options to run the program in a format that it was designed for, like an older version of windows or a reduced color pallete. These options may make it work where it otherwise wouldn't, although as I said above, it doesn't work every time unfortunately.

And on another topic, I've just remembered another game I want to play again...Jet Set Willy for the Amega! My uncle had that around twenty years ago, and we used to play it every time we went to his house - the game was on a cassete tape and took about half an hour to load, but it's map was absolutely huge!!! There's another game that was way too diffciult to complete, despite being so old. They don't make 'em like they used to...

Posts: 2116
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Pedant note: if it was on a cassette tape, it wasn't an Amiga. Amigas were disk-based.

A C64, perhaps...

Posts: 1631
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Pedant note: if it was on a cassette tape, it wasn't an Amiga. Amigas were disk-based.

A C64, perhaps...

Maybe, yeah. I sometimes get the older ones mixed up.

Posts: 1008
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Not sure if anyone specifically mentioned it, but emulation's perfectly legal so long as you own an original copy of the game you're emulating. Copyright law on software and all, you can make a single backup copy for your own personal usage.

That aside, as far as reviving old games goes... Could we have some more Jet Set Radio please, SEGA?

Also the fact that the Phantasy Star enhanced remakes were JP exclusives deeply saddened me =(

Posts: 889
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Silvershadow0 wrote:
Also the fact that the Phantasy Star enhanced remakes were JP exclusives deeply saddened me =(

Pretty upsetting, huh? Sega could make up for it by doing a remake of Phantasy Star Online. That would be pretty dang cool. It would need free online multiplayer though, I hate paying subscriptions.
I'd also like more of Panzer Dragoon. One of the best franchises in gaming deserves more love.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

I've had the fortunate (And plain dumb luck) to come across plenty of awesome old SNES games in second hand stores, flea markets for cheap. Even found a pristine copy of Ehrgeiz for 5 bucks (Sold it off for quite a bit more) but there are still a few SNES games I'd love to own, like Kirby Super Star, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 2 and...maybe Megaman X? I would have to think about it some more because a lot of the other good games for the SNES I do have. It's so fun to actually own a copy of it rather than playing via...other means...

PS1 wise, I need to buy a copy of Lunar: SSSC again. I miss it and reading the WD strategy guide (Again, found for a decent price) makes me realize how much I miss it.

N64: I need to find one lol. Then I can play Jet Force Gemini, I have a desire to play it.

I still need to find a working copy of Link's Awakening again. I miss it.

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I shop more often for old games than I do new ones these days, especially since I live in America now and my old collection is worthless.

i know what you mean, i bought an american Xbox but here they only have the pal version games...... pushes me to travel to purchase xbox games. that's why i only just played sonic the hedgehog for the Xbox last week.

i'm curious what's white whale??

(I'd also like more of Panzer Dragoon. One of the best franchises in gaming deserves more love)

oh my i totally forgot about panzer dragoon, but wait wasn't a collection of all the panzer dragoons released on the xbox along with the new game?
i'd like to play the rpg panzer dragoon, i never found it.

(Even found a pristine copy of Ehrgeiz for 5 bucks (Sold it off for quite a bit more)

NO WAY!!! and you sold it for 5 bucks, how could you? Tifa and Cloud were in there. oh and about lunar silver star story, i got the special edition box, i was also lucky to get the Lunar 2 special edition box, you get a free lucia necklace in the box oh and an art work book and a music CD ..... not a lot of games nowadays give out good promotions. anyway try to get those extras, they're nice.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

"White Whale" is a Moby Dick reference.

He said he bought it for $5, and sold it for more.

Posts: 520
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Yea sold it for around 50 or so.

People would also be wise to check out Craigslist...found my copy of Lunar 2 for dirt cheap that way...

Posts: 17
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I want to get a new wii for Super Smash Bros Brawl on Black Friday.

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sonicsfan1991 wrote:

(I'd also like more of Panzer Dragoon. One of the best franchises in gaming deserves more love)

oh my i totally forgot about panzer dragoon, but wait wasn't a collection of all the panzer dragoons released on the xbox along with the new game?
i'd like to play the rpg panzer dragoon, i never found it.

I don't think they re-released any of them. Orta had the first game unlockable on the disk, but I'm not good enough at the game to unlock it

If you ever have the money then you should definatetly try to find Panzer Dragoon Saga (the rpg one) I found it for the cheap price of $230 on ebay.

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(If you ever have the money then you should definatetly try to find Panzer Dragoon Saga (the rpg one) I found it for the cheap price of $230 on ebay)

.... .
230 cheap???? umm... i can't buy it even if i find it, if it's that price. but orta only had the first game?
well i wish i could find it, did you like the new panzer game for the Xbox? i couldn't find it, i couldn't find nights journey of dreams... either.

and i don't get the white whale thing, is it a game or the usual book?? cause i know there's a moby dick anime... well i'm just confused now.

Posts: 889
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Orta might be the best game in the series (havn't played Zwie) and might be pretty close to perfect. I can't beat the final boss though.
If you are having trouble finding games, try ebay. Most sellers ship worldwide, as long as your console will play that particular region of games. I was also joking about $230 as being cheap, me and my brother went 50-50 on it.

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zwie .. i just call it panzer dragoon 2, i played that game, the music, gameplay and levels were far more better than the first game. the closest thing to it was elemental gearbolt.
it's really the game that keeps you playing.... oh and if no one played elemental gearbolt, i strongly suggest you do, it's a fun drama anime shooter, one of a kind game.

you know what reviving panzer dragoon games are totally on the top of the list.

about ebay, i can't at the momment ... i'm thinking of relocating, so i'll just have to wait on that idea.

Posts: 513
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Moby Dick is a novel. I have never read it, but my understanding is that Captain Ahab(a whaler)'s obsession with capturing the white whale Moby Dick is a major element of the story.

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umm jeffery, i really hope you're joking.
cause i'm old enough to have come across moby dick before, i know what it is.... it's just i figured it's something else called moby dick, since the topic here is gaming.. besides it doesn't make sense he'd be looking for moby dick the novel, it should be easy to find.

.... uh nevermind, i'm probably just being noesy now

Posts: 513
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Given that the vast majority of my "White Whale" games that I hunt for have been tracked down.

This is the line that started this side discussion. I think the references is that "White Whale" games are elusive games that a person obsessively looks for.

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now it all makes sense ....... i'm so ashemed i didn't understand it right away
i here by wear the hat of shame i hope he didn't notice this.....

Posts: 889
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I thought of a few more games that need a good rivival.
Donkey Kong Country, is my favorite game of all time and we havn't seen a new Donkey Kong game in a long while. No that stupid Jungle Beat does not count. Seriously this game series needs something.
Fantasy Zone introduced me to the genre of "cute em ups". Simple gameplay with some cool music; you can't go wrong with that. I think a new version with super crisp HD graphics, along with some really weird bosses, and co operative play would make for a great game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I thought of a few more games that need a good rivival.
Donkey Kong Country, is my favorite game of all time and we havn't seen a new Donkey Kong game in a long while. No that stupid Jungle Beat does not count. Seriously this game series needs something.
Fantasy Zone introduced me to the genre of "cute em ups". Simple gameplay with some cool music; you can't go wrong with that. I think a new version with super crisp HD graphics, along with some really weird bosses, and co operative play would make for a great game.

Yea man I love me some DKC as well. Did you like DK64, at all? I absolutely LOVED that game. Definitely in top 15 favorites. I've never tried Fantasy Zone before...heard lots about it though. While on the sunject of revivals though...what about the 2D fighter genre. Street Fighter IV has totally exploded and like reignited the flame in lots of people. Don't think it'll ever get to that insanity that was the 90s though. Still it's nice to see SF return...the entire genre really, to be honest.

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I totally forgot about DK64. I remember renting it when it came out. I never had the money to get more then a few games for any system back then. I really liked it though. Thinking about it now makes me want to buy it.
Well for the 2D fighters I totally agree with you. Though the only experiance of that for me this generation was with King of Fighter 12, which wasn't that great. I'm thinking of trying Street Fighter 4 to see if I like it.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea man DK64 rocked big time. I'm hoping it'll come to the VC but considering Rare owns the sure it won't. =/ But i'll warn you, Stree Fighter IV[for whatever reason] has turned alot of people away. I suppose it's somewhat difficult, but if you stick with it long enough. But didn't like it, really? Man, I love that game. Haven't played it in a while actually. Hmmm...

Posts: 889
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Well there wasn't much to do in KoF 12. Just an arcade mode and time attack. I don't like the majority of the characters either.
I don't mind hard games, so I'll eventually try SF 4. Maybe when that new version comes out the old one will be cheap.

Posts: 5035
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Yea KoFXII was like a beta in terms of things actually on the disc. It was quite disappointing. =/ Still though, I think I like KoF more than SF, overall. As for SSFIV and SFIV...when it[SSFIV] comes out next year it'll be at a discounted price, so if anything try and pick that one up. It's going to be loaded with content.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Yea man DK64 rocked big time. I'm hoping it'll come to the VC but considering Rare owns the sure it won't.

Why not? DKC 1-3 are on the VC, and they were all developed by Rare. Besides, while Rare developed them, DK is still owned by the big N.

Posts: 520
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Is Jet Force Gemini on VC? Just curious.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Is Jet Force Gemini on VC? Just curious.

I don't think it is, no. I remember that game was big news. Never did play it though. But Ray...I thought there was some thing about it. Same reason GoldenEye wouldn't make it to the VC. Someone was talking about it around here. Not sure who or where; maybe in that VC topic we had here awhile back.

Posts: 2809
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Well, I could see Goldeneye as it wasn't a Nintendo game, but DK is a Nintendo property so unless something happened between DKC3 and DK64 with rights, I don't see why DK64 couldn't be on the VC.
