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I'M BACK. Clicky to read.

Alright, so a LOT of things have already been uncovered thanks to E3, GameCom, and BlizzCon, as well as San Diego Comic Con, yadda yadda. BUT, no one really knows much of anything except for media hands on and bloated BS from IGN, 1UP, G4, and yes, even my beloved Game Informer, and that's because as real as these outlets want to sound, they still have to hold back due to advertising, budgets, and sponsors.

But not me! I will try to keep tabs on everything as usual, and let you all know when I arrive back. I'm outski's on Sunday, and I'll be back later that week.

To those of you who don't know what I go through:

3 days of information overload; all the major publishers and developers try to force feed us a bunch of information in hopes that we remember whatever it was they just said that we forgot about one minute after they told us. to turn around and sell their product in pre-orders and sales come Christmas time, (PRO-TIP, if your name is not MODERN WARFARE this Christmas, you're not making money, but I digress...).

How big can this information be, however? Let's just say a lot of new info still gets sent to us, and that's how new info gets leaked to Kotaku and the likes. We were the first to get information that Re: Chain of Memories was hitting stateside last year.

ANYWHO, this is your time to get all your questions asked and I will try and field them as best as I humanly possibly can, all whilst trying to lie that I'm asking this all for a dead Sonic community webforum, still running from the late 90s, and at the same time denying accusations that I may probably be a furry from my colleagues, (which I'm not, but seeing as I hang around here, it's a really hard accusation to deny).

No offense to actual furries, I just don't like the label being tossed around in the real world. It's all good for shnitz and giggles... but only if it's here. 😛

I'll crosspost this in the Games forum and MoFo C so it gets all the attention it needs.

A few things:

1. I don't know who is going to be making a special appearance this year. For example, the last two years Koji Igarashi was there in all his glory, hat, whip and all, (as well as other douches like Tom McFarlene [really, he's a douche], Wee Man and some WWE wrestling guys). They are there for autographs and photo ops most of the time. Which leads me to:

2. No, I cannot ask to get you an autograph and then later send it your way. These lines are immensely long during our expo, and can and will pretty much take up all my time, (I only get 3 hours to enjoy myself).

3. I get 3 hours to play and consume as much information as I can about games, so I may not be able to get to everyone's requests about what impressions I have about game X. Keep in mind, I'm a huge geek myself, and I have my own interests to salivate ov-- , uh, I mean, try some games.

4. Photos are very, very hard to walk out of with. Sometimes, the guys at the booths and at our meetings will literally tell us to not take photos and to delete them if we did take any. Seeing as this trip is a privilege, and I can get my ass sent back home AND fired in a split second, I usually comply. So, sorry if I can't pull off the whole "pictures or it didn't happen."

5. No, I won't steal a display model PSP Go. My mind's already made up at how worthless those pieces of junk are going to be anyway, I mean, my current PSP is just showered and caked in dust as it is anyway, so...

6. No lame-o Sonic questions. Seriously, we're the only ones that care anymore. The industry has moved on, and so has the general gaming public. If there's any new Sonic game info, of course I will direct it this way, but yeah, I'm not asking anything regarding this dead mascot.

7. Unfortunately, there is no profit as profiting off of anything from conference can cost me my job.

YAY. I eagerly (don't) await my (long ass) flight to Vegas.

Clicky here for adding questions to main thread!
