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Hardest fights?
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Hardest fights?

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Seriously, what are the hardest fights you've had to deal with in video games? And this isn't limited to platformers, it can be RPGs or any genre of any kind.

1. Labyrinth Zone, Sonic 1 Genesis
I can get through the maze, but to actually beat Robotnik there is damn near impossible. Even for me! Only done it once, I can get about 3-4 hits on him now, but the one time I did it was a pure fluke. o.o
2. Ozma, FFIX, PSX
Oh man, this guy forced me to level up in the **** 90's to beat him! Meteor/lv.5 death/death/Holy/Mini/and a lot of other attacks that I can't remember but were a pain to deal with.
3. Faust, Legend of Dragoon, PSX
I hated this guy. I REALLY hated him. He gets 3
**** turns in a row before I get one. I had to get enough cash to buy 3 of that armor that raises your mag. def. to insane levels, and he still isn't easy after that. Without them, he's damn near impossible!
4. Roof of Riovanes Castle, Final Fantasy Tactics, PSX
GAH! >< Not letting Rafa die on the roof is hard enough without her not running right into the assasins and Elmdor. Sheesh. Not to mention the Assasins have a GUARENTEED 100% ACCURACY DEATH MOVE. >_>

Posts: 216
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Most of the bosses in Shinobi were freaking insane. o@

Other than that, oddly enough...I can't think of any fight in particular. o.o Even though I've played a lot of games.

Posts: 5035
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1. Level 4 ending boss on Super Star Soldier was once upon a time ago IMPOSSIBLE. I can own him now though. Level 5 boss[es] on the other hand...gets me sweaty.

2. The fusion of the two baddies on Golden Sun. I haven't beat them. Never will probably. =P

3. I'd throw in some Sonic bosses but the list would be extensive. =P

Posts: 261
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Just about any boss battle in Gun Valkyrie, but that last one is...ugh...I can't even fathom how I managed to beat it.
You've gotta be in the ZONE.

Posts: 2915
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Hmmm. The absolute hardest boss that I can remember off the top of my head is FF3DS 's secret boss... You pretty much had to be at level 99 to even stand a chance.

Posts: 1396
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King Of Fighters' boss....

Pretty much all of them from KoF '00 to XI, though not including Maximum Impact 1 and 2 or, or '03.

Then there's fighting Bison on World Tour mode of Street Fighter Alpha 3, the special hadicap where he has an infinate special meter, and just Super Psycho Crushers until you die!

Then there's playing the arcade perfect version of Super Street Fighter 2 took us over an hour just to reach Fei Long....HE WAS THE FOURTH ENEMY!!!!

We gave up after about ten attempts...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh gosh no...i've forgotten all about those Capcom/SNK boss characters. Those ar epretty much given though. Joe Higashi on CvsSNK 2 is sometimes a killer for me. That guy's ruthless. And Blood Riot Iori. Geese from Fatal Fury: King of Fighters. Geez a meez! Ultimate Nineball from Armored Core 2: Another Age. Valkrie from Armored Core 3. Royal Mist from Armored Core 3.

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Gil's Ressurection Super is on par with the SNK full screen attacks (KOF 97 anyone?) and Bison's Super Psycho Crusher for being too strong. nominees...

FF5 Omega/Shinryu: The former you could avoid, the latter happened to be in a treasure chest in the final dungeon on the way to Ex-Death...needless to say...after a 8000 point damaging Tidal Wave and then Flare to the lone survivor...suckage.

FF XII's Omega Mark XVIII...anyone gotten to him? While Yiazamat is annoying because of his high hp, he's cake compared to this guy! Dishes out over 5000 damage at a scary rate and then near death, gets uber defense and does up to 8000 damage!

Star Ocean 2's Gabriel (Limiter OFF): Meh...never going to do that again.

Knuckles in Sonic 2: C' rings and a limited jump? I'm so annoyed I lost all those continues and still didn't get more than 2 hits in!

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Also, Sephiroth on Kingdom Hearts and Event 51 on SSBM (you vs. Giga Bowser, Ganondorf, and Mewtwo) were blaaaargh.

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Oh, Gill's not that bad. And you can work around Resurrection if you're smart about it.

Posts: 1402
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the secret boss in golden sun 2 comes to mind, Sephiroth in KH2 (damn you!!!) the list goes on. but if you think about it, aren't these guys the reasons why we love video games?

Posts: 1567
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hypershadow...don't play KH then because Sephy is ten times harder. He's a wuss in KH2.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

For me...this would've been somewhat difficult. More like super IMPOSSIBLE. =P

But yea Gill...heh, that punk. I wish Urien had a freakin Resurrection thing. They're bloodbrothers, right? lol

Posts: 3468
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Second last level, Soviet campaign, Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, hardest mode, with an AI mod that makes them not moronic.

Posts: 170
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I'll start off by saying that I hacked Kingdom Hearts II, having to fight and managing to beat three Sephiroths at his {their} usual spot. Other than that, I didn't alter the game code in any way.

I also must say that I had a lot of trouble trying to take out Solidus Snake in Metal Gear Solid 2. Maybe it's because I'd never played a game of that genre prior to it, and started off on the Hard difficulty...

I'm something of a glutton for punishment.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


hypershadow...don't play KH then because Sephy is ten times harder. He's a wuss in KH2.

i tried! my game wouldn't let me fight him. but i have this weird thing when i'm playing a game, i want to find the biggest baddest ***hole then take him/her down.

my personal fave, i beat shinryu in final fantasy 1 before i even fought chaos. he wasn't that tough.

Posts: 1567
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I always have that feeling...which is why in any RPG, I try to conquer the biggest and baddest...sadly the feeling afterwards is never that great. Or what makes it worse is that you get some super awesome weapon but everything worth using it on is dead, so what's the point now (FFXII being a huge offender)

Posts: 774
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SSBM: Metal Mewtwo.

God Hand: Death Shudder level. You versus 15 tough enemies AND the grand return of Tiger Joe >.<

Homeworld: Turanic Raiders Ion Cannon Assault. If you don't know what you're doing, you WILL die. If you do, you'll only take heavy casualties.

Raiden II: Nuclear Factory boss. Multi-part bossfight with somehting that makes the screen EXPLODE with bullets.

Gradius: Volcanoes. Enough said.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahah, dude those volcanoes had me beat for like the first week I played that game. But I eventually found a "safe" place. lol

Posts: 1402
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I always have that feeling...which is why in any RPG, I try to conquer the biggest and baddest...sadly the feeling afterwards is never that great. Or what makes it worse is that you get some super awesome weapon but everything worth using it on is dead, so what's the point now (FFXII being a huge offender)

unfortunately that happens a whole lot. luckily in some games, you fight the secret baddie, get the awesome weapon, then fight secret baddie mach 2 or omega or +.

Posts: 1241
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EDIT: lol wut? Thought I was in the 'What are you playing?' topic.

None the less, my answer still stands. Lou on Guitar Hero III is a massive pain.

Eugene from Evolution (The Dreamcast version. He was masssively nerfed for the Gamecube port) ranks up there.

For some reason, I still have nothing but trouble with the final Tails/Eggman fight on Sonic Adventure 2. Sometimes I can do it just fine, other times I'll lose about 5-6 lives.

Jinpachi from Tekken 5. Nuff said.

I second the notion of Nineball from Armored Core. Not just any Nineball, but all of them.

SNK Bosses go without saying.

Digital Devil Saga 1+2s optional hidden bosses are both quite Satanic (no pun intended). Surviving a battle against Hitoshura comes down to just plain old luck, even with the best strategies involved.

But ladies and gentlemen, just think about this for a moment. Cast your minds back to just ever so slightly after the release of the Xbox 360. Do you know what I'm talking about? The most hair-pullingly frustraiting fight to ever exist in any game...

Give up?

Here's a hint...

Say hello.... Alpha 512.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I can't believe I forgot Alpha 512. she's most @#%$ insanely immortal boss I've had the misfortune to face. To give a hint as to HOW annoyingly unbalanced she is as a boss, she can only lose if she chooses to lose!

Basically she has a teleport move that she can use whenever she likes, even during a combo, and seems to go wherever she likes in the arena. If it weren't for that she'd be a lot less cheap, but still too strong...

Posts: 808
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Main things that come to mind are ones others have already mentioned, specifically any form of Ultimate Nineball from Armored Core, and Lou in Guitar Hero III. I never have been able to finish GHIII on Hard because of that. >_< At least U9B is loads of fun usually.

Kaiser Sigma in Mega Man X3 was a bit of a pain as well.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Alpha 512...hmmm...what game is she from? But yea Nineball in any form, who am I kidding. Dymon Arm and Dymon Worm from Virtual On Marz. Then Z-Gradt, STRTS, MLTN FF, MLN TF from Marz as well. If not only because the gameplay in that game is so different. Jagurandi also. Level 3 of R-Type...defeated me plenty of many of times. =/

Posts: 2097
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Catching those 2000g fishes in Sonic Adventure.

Oh hell no.

Posts: 1396
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She's from DOA4, HS2K3.

Posts: 5035
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XDXD! @ OTB. Oh ok I see. Thanks Robo. Wow she is cheap. That doesn't seem like something Tecmo would do. =P

Posts: 1567
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I remember facing her and it took near 30 tries before I beat her...and that was on the medium setting with me just button mashing (Don't really play DOA much)

Posts: 1402
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I remember facing her and it took near 30 tries before I beat her...and that was on the medium setting with me just button mashing (Don't really play DOA much)

that was me.... lol

i can't believe i forgot her.

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I used to have trouble with the giant robot from sonic 3 and knuckles before doomsday zone before I realized I could just jump over the laser. ><

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea man no joke. That was tough. I remember the da I realized I could jump it and duck under it sometimes. That was great. :)

Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I don't see why people think that was a hard boss. Now the first battle in Sonic 2 GG...*shudders*

Jinpachi from Tekken 5. My parents could hear my cursing from down the hallway.

Geryon on Dante Must Die in DMC3. I had to use at least 8 vital stars with him. Screw it, Dante Must Die mode, period, was impossible.

I'm not sure this counts as a fight, but Hard mode on Guitar Hero III is something I just can't beat.

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Geryon on Dante Must Die in DMC3.

Geryon was fine. Agni and Rudra was where the pain lied.

Posts: 383
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Ratchet and Clank 1, Final Boss without the RYNO.


Posts: 1008
Noble Member

You want hard? I'll give you hard.

Try beating Dural in Virtua Fighter 2 on the highest difficulty in Ranking Mode. This would be the mode where the computer keeps track of what tricks you're using and LEARNS HOW TO BEAT THEM, so when you face Dural she's pretty much invincible.

Or maybe you should try playing After Burner on the Master System, and see how many lives you lose trying to take down a Grantanoff Flying Fortress.

What else... oh yeah. The entirety of Shadow Dancer on the Master System is ridiculously difficult, as if you take a single hit you die.

I also remember Inferno being crazily hard in Soul Calibur on the DC, because of his love of spamming his exclusive specials.

Abyssion in Tales of Symphonia. ARGH. He falls under the category of "Optional boss that gives you neat weapons whom it would be awfully convenient if you'd gotten the weapons before beating him but you don't get them any other way except by beating him".

Piastol in Skies of Arcadia Legends. And the Ixa'ness Demons as well. Oh, and let's not forget Loose Cannon Lapen, the Yafutoman guy whose name I can't remember, and most infuriatingly, Lord Zivilyn Bane. All of those are optional bosses from the Wanted List except Piastol. And they're all horrible, horrible bosses.

Also, I need to add something about Bison in world tour mode in SFA3. In the DC version at least, you fought TWO of him in a Dramatic Battle, and they both had infinite super meter and were capable of doing the Super Psycho Crusher (aka that screen filling one). I have only ever beaten them twice. Once with Shin Akuma, and once with Sagat. Suffice it to say it's a much easier battle once you've killed off one of the Bisons.

As for Gill, he's easy to kill. That fancy Resurrection Super can be interrupted with a well timed kick. =P

Also noteworthy: the final boss fights from both Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble. Both of them are multi-stage fights, and both of them are capable of dealing instant death strikes. Oh, and the final boss from Sonic CD bears mention as well for pure infuriation factor.

I'm also disappointed no-one mentioned the Biolizard yet.

Oh, and I forgot another fighting game boss. Shin Akuma from Capcom vs SNK 2, anyone?

As for Alpha 512? Ha! She can't regenerate her health, that means she can die. And I killed her the first time I fought her.

Can't think of any more mega hard fights currently, but I'll add more when I do.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea...Inferno on DC's SC was pretty cheap. lol Shin Akuma on Capcom vs. SNK 2. My gosh. Ult. Rugal was harder for me though. I fought[and unlocked] him first so maybe the second one you fight is easier or something because Ult. Rugal...has earned me the title of "Sailor Mouth". Heh

Posts: 1567
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Shin Akuma and Ultimate Rugal both die to Sagat very easily...especially Tiger Genocide and he's a goner. Rugal is a bit tricker but I just Tiger Shot him to death.

Hardest fight is fighting a person who knows how to fight with lag tactics on that will garner a controller chucking.

Posts: 981
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Also noteworthy: the final boss fights from both Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble. Both of them are multi-stage fights, and both of them are capable of dealing instant death strikes. Oh, and the final boss from Sonic CD bears mention as well for pure infuriation factor.

I found none of those hard at all. TT was so easy, the only hard part was the final phase, but as long as you had one ring, you'd be okay. (I lost all but one ring and kept getting hit more than 30 times. Grabbed it everytime.)
As for CD, the same principle applies. I couldn't find a way to land a hit on phase one on the boss without getting hit myself. Just hold on to that one ring.

As for hard fights,
-The first time you fight Prometheus in Megaman ZX. I don't find him difficult anymore, but all of his moves were very cheap.
-Fighting Crazy Hand and Master Hand in Smash Bros. Melee.
-Knuckles in Death Egg, Sonic 2.
-Yoshi's Island DS, the entire world 5, and extra levels.

Other things have been mentioned already, so i'd rather not repeat them here again.

Posts: 1241
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Try beating Dural in Virtua Fighter 2 on the highest difficulty in Ranking Mode. This would be the mode where the computer keeps track of what tricks you're using and LEARNS HOW TO BEAT THEM, so when you face Dural she's pretty much invincible.

I also remember Inferno being crazily hard in Soul Calibur on the DC, because of his love of spamming his exclusive specials.

Those two are easy. I still stand by Alpha being the biggest pain in a 3D fighting game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member about Emerl from Sonic Battle? Like at the very end where has is flippin' CRAzy iNSaNe. I'll just say it wasn't easy, IMO.

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As for Alpha 512? Ha! She can't regenerate her health, that means she can die. And I killed her the first time I fought her.

See, that doesn't mean squat with her, I beat her on the first try, and several other times she's a cake walk, but it has nothing to do with skill, it's all based on whether or not the CPU decides to teleport or not.

Basically if she couldn't teleport she'd be less annoying, though still featuring supercheap over the top combos and grabs, with way too much power. With teleport she can be invincible if she prefers, which is far worse than regenerating health.

I'm under the impression that the difficulty may change based on the costume you have, i.e. you start the game with default suits, which make her less of a nightmare, but when using a later gained outfit, it'll be more difficult due to the progress you've made. However, I can't prove this and I don't know if it's true, but that was the impression I got unlocking everything.

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Oh, and to people who keep telling me Gill's Resurrection isn't hard, I KNOW. It's not his Resurrection that gets me; it's him himself. He has this nice tendency to override all my moves for his own, and whatever moves I do get in tend to be blocked... I probably just suck at the game, but until I don't, it's a damned hard fight.

Posts: 1567
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What moves does he tend to abuse? I don't play 3S since I couldn't stand it but...if you can find out what moves he likes to throw out...try to parry them.

Posts: 1008
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I stand by my statement on Alpha 512 as well. I beat her in spite of her teleporting, because she made the mistake of teleporting to where she'd be in range to grab or whatever me. That meant I could hit her. That meant she died. :3

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

I hated Alpha 512 for certain characters on DOA4 I found her near impossible to beat but with other characters I killed her like she was a huge waterbomb and I had a pin to pop 😛

Sonic 2:
Ya know....Sonic 2..The end level..I've never beaten it *turns a shade of red*....I actually never knew it was the last level I just thought it was annoying and would quit after trying quite a few times...I may get the game on the 360 just so I can save the game and come back to defeating the boss at the end.

Another one was at the end of TMNT they weren't so much as hard but just out right annoying...They give you like 6 bosses to beat one after eachother..It got really boring and tedious(sp).

Gears of War:
RAMM...Geebus..Biggest pain in the buuuuutttttttt (T____T) I'm soon going to be facing RAMM on Hardcore..uh-o!

Posts: 5035
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Super Star Soldier:
Hmmm...starting at about the 6th level things get crazy. The actual 6th and 7th levels themselves are difficult enough...but the final boss on 6 and the midway boss on 7 are crazy. Then on the 8th...the fact you must fight all the bosses again...and I believe their speed has increased some. But it's a hell of a lot of fun. :D

Posts: 1986
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I'm also disappointed no-one mentioned the Biolizard yet.

o_O How was the Biolizard hard? I assume you mean the one from SA2, unless there is another Biolizard from another game. Because I can beat him without getting hit. o_o

Posts: 571
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For me-

Final Boss of God of War on hardest difficulty.

Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII [just took forever to beat.]

Posts: 439
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Biolizard is easy, you want hard, go revisit Egg Emperor from Sonic Heroes, it's just a cheap boss. Epsecially when... "CHARGE!" and "Take this! Take this! Take this!"

For me I always have trouble with Megaman final bosses. Although the newer games aren't as bad, the old ones I can't seem to beat. I've never gotten past Sigma in X and X4.

And I've been playing Mass Effect lately, benezia is a really hard fight, it's not so much her, but you get ambushed by her telekinetic lesbian alien squad who prefer to charge at you rather than pew pew pew from behind crates like everything else in the game, and Mass Effect isn't really good for close-range combat. I had to restart the game again and level up on other planets so that I'll be ready for her next time.

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