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Hardest fights?
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Hardest fights?

55 Posts
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Posts: 808
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For me I always have trouble with Megaman final bosses. Although the newer games aren't as bad, the old ones I can't seem to beat. I've never gotten past Sigma in X and X4.

X4 I find easier than some of the newer ones, actually, but I've played that game a lot. These videos might help somewhat:

I used Zero in those, but the general idea is similar with X. (just different weapons) I did a lousy job dodging the yellow head's attacks in the first one, but otherwise it went decently. In the second video I didn't take any damage, but I also used the "dash cancel" technique which some may or may not see as sort of cheating. But it works.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Oh yeah, I forgot about Sigma in those games. X3 was probably the hardest for me.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

I played against Sigma in X, he was insane there. X2 was also insane. Didn't play X3,or 4. Played him in X5, and he was actually kinda easy. o.o
Haven't played any of the others though.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

X4's is actually pretty easy when you get the pattern down. It was hard as Zero for me at first, until a certain Zero-fanatic (nudge, wink) clued me in that his fire attack has the same positive effect as X's Soul Copy, which made things a lot easier.

Posts: 16
Active Member

Hardest fight for me would be the Beattlejuice game for the NES. anyone remember that? well, i never beat the first boss. ever.

oh, and the trail of fire in Zelda 2 is frustrating, but not impossible.

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