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I hate the XBOX and...
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I hate the XBOX and yet I don't know why

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Posts: 36
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As many of you know the XBOX 360 has launched and I am in no hurry to buy one. But all things gamer in me say I should. The gamer in me says things like "Look at the graphics, you cannont deny the graphics", and "hard drive dude, HARD DRIVE", and many other things. But I just don't like the XBOX. I mean don't get me wrong I like Microsoft. Windows and Hotmail are a part of my life it's just I was never fully sold on the XBOX. Now granted the new XBOX 360 is not the preverbial coffee table it's predicessor was and the controlers look like you can actually hold them I am still strongly against it. The thing is though I have no reasonable reason to be so anti-XBOX. The funny thing is I am strngly pro-Sony and yet I have no idea why either. Is something wrong with me or are Sony's subliminal messages stronger than Microsofts? Is anyone else out thir going through the same thing?

Oh and as for the Game Cube, I'm kinda on the fence. I dunno lack of games perhaps I don't know.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

When this is moved to the Gaming Academy, I want to see Pat L Hedgehog's opinion o.o

I don't know anything about the next gen consoles yet so am reserving my judgement until Sonic or Metal Gear come out for any of them.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I was about to say that you probably hate it because it has so many football games on it, but then I saw your sig. Now I'm as confused as you are.

As a console, I think Sony and Nintendo will be hard-pressed to beat the Xbox 360 in 2006. The design is flawless, the controller causes orgasms just by touching it, it provides unprecedented levels of connectivity (without all the limitations you'd get from Sony and Nintendo), and the UI is a monumental achievement in usability, the kind we've come to expect from the likes of Apple, not Microsoft. Having said that, the only game it has that I want and that isn't coming to PC eventually is DOA4. And I don't want DOA4 enough to justify buying a $500 console.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

If you had talked to me before school began, I would have totally ripped the X-box apart...Then I experienced the miricle that is System Link in my dorm and...well, I still think the X-box suck...but Halo 2 kicks serious...

I've been a Nintendo purist for my whole life, so it's hard for me to like any other system...I will give 360 so credit though...the graphics are sweet! It is so incredibly life-like...and the controller is nice too, unlike the whale that was the original...The thing that scares me away is the 300 pricetag...for the barebones edition...and having to download the emulators to play games on a system that was supposed to be backwards compatible...I just don't get it...The only reason I would even consider getting a 360 would be for Halo 3...but I will probably just leech off of someone else.

Posts: 4607
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We got our 360 this afternoon. After a lengthy setup procedure, we were presented... with not-HD. Despite owning an HDTV, whenever we set it to HD we get this ugly double-image. Obviously something's not right; unsure what, but seeing as it's neither my console nor my HDTV, does it really matter?

Also having problems setting up our Xbox Live Silver (for whatever reason it says Dad's e-mail address is already used, although I'm confident that WE'RE the only ones to have that e-mail address)...

Anyway, we got Tiger Woods and Kameo. No Perfect Dark, which I hear is pretty dang good. But I did convince Dad that HL2 would work on the 360; maybe we'll see how much it improves on the system (though we ALL know the PC version will look better)...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Dont know why they actually put Half Life 2 on the Xbox rather than 360. The only reason I can think of is Perfect Dark Zero and That WW2 sequel game (I know I'm terrible) and Quake 4.

The only reason I dont like the 360 is the marketing campaign with all the pointless slogons. "Be the first domino!"

UK Game List

I'm going to wait for some price cuts for all three consoles.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


As a console, I think Sony and Nintendo will be hard-pressed to beat the Xbox 360 in 2006. The design is flawless, the controller causes orgasms just by touching it, it provides unprecedented levels of connectivity (without all the limitations you'd get from Sony and Nintendo), and the UI is a monumental achievement in usability, the kind we've come to expect from the likes of Apple, not Microsoft. Having said that, the only game it has that I want and that isn't coming to PC eventually is DOA4. And I don't want DOA4 enough to justify buying a $500 console.

The controller is a tweaked PS2 controller with a stick/d-pad swap. Hurrah.
And I have to say that what I looked at of the games line-up (Kameo, King Kong) was not impressive.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

My prediction for this generation's console war is Microsoft on top, followed by Nintendo, with Sony comming in last...

I'm pretty confident with Microsoft...In the history of consoles, none have held the lead for more than two generations...Nintendo with the NES and the SNES...then Sony with the PS1 and PS2...(this doesn't include the handheld wars...Nintendo has always dominated that sector...)

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

The controller is a tweaked PS2 controller with a stick/d-pad swap. Hurrah.
Don't even talk until you've held it. Seriously.

My prediction for this generation's console war is Microsoft on top, followed by Nintendo, with Sony comming in last...
Based on what, exactly?

Posts: 36
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Topic starter

Honestly I like watching football not playing a super sim like Madden or NCAA. I do enjoy the arcade syle of NFL Street. So I can see where you got mixed up.

Now you make som good points for the 360 but I have two point out the problem for this system might be what really plagued the last system, other than the controlers. It's lack of games. Now I will admit that XBOX had some good games, some. PS2 had many many games. So what if a good portion of them were not online I'm not an online gamer. I'm also not big on first person and squad based shooters which is where the XBOX really shined.

So in the end even though the XBOX 360 has it's strong points, and granted those points are very strong, I will wait paitently to purchase a PS3 and an HDTV to go with it. I'm thinking sometime in August when I'm promoted to Senior Airman (E-4, i.e. corpral just with three stripes, i.e. more money). I have a feeling it will be woth waiting for especially since the first run systems are almost always flawed and by the time the second or third shipments are made the flaws are worked out... hopefully considering I am haveing to wait for the fifth run PSP's.

As for my view on Nintendo, I strongly believe that controler they made for the new system will bomb like the power glove, remember that thing? What exactly did that thing alow you to do anyway?

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Well, I don't blame you for not liking the Xbox back in the day I hated it too.

Then again back in the day I hated Sony fanboys, because they kept saying that PS2 would kill Dreamcast and rule the world, now I simply as you all know hate Nintendo fanboys.

Now in late 2005, I love my Xbox, I admit the games haven't been as stellar as PS2s but playing my favorite platformers on the best looking grpahics, downloading music from burned CDs and being able to have excellent inflation for the $100 machine I paid for makes the Xbox the best for a hardcore gamer like me.

Your really saying the 360 is bad it isn't, right now it's the best next gen console to buy and well worth $400, with backwards compatitbily, downloading classic games with online service (Sorry Nintendo, your idea has already been taken), and with plenty of Japanese titles coming to it later. Considering that millions of people lined up at Best Buy,Gamespot and Wal-Mart the other day.

Granted even though I'm not buying one, I believe that Mircosoft will come up on top with it ahead of PS3.

Here's my prediction for the console race by 2007:

The PS3 will do well, probably not as good as PS2 or big as PSone it will be a tough call for Sony because of it's complicated developmental kit, PS3 will only be a bit less powerful than 360 but mark my words if SEGA returns to the console market in the next two years(which probably won't happen)then Sony will lose the Japanese market, while the 360 will do well there.

The Revolution will fail,sorry but it doesn't look good for Nintendo,they've constantly failed to reach out to hardcore games and broke thier promise to grow up. This makes me glad that I didn't fool myself into buying a Gamecube with the terrible Sonic DC ports,I have lost my faith in Nintendo in the console market and have no doubt that they WILL stop making home consoles very, very soon. Why am I saying the Revolution will fail? Because it's too unrealistic, it's too cliched with the downloading classic nintendo games, it has NO 3rd party support and very small Japanese support and NO Sonic, plus there will be nobody interested in buying one because it will be far less powerful than 360 and PS3(except the fanboys)And while the idea of sticking the convoluted controller into a GC one sounds good on paper, it not because many people hate the Gamecube's controller.

In the end it will probably fail miserably and then nintendo will throw in towel sticking to handhelds and paving the way for SEGA to come back by turning thier "Lindbergh" arcade hardware into a console machine that will likely be 3X more powerful than 360 and PS3.

The reason I won't buy an Xbox 360 or PS3 is because I'm waiting to what happens in the next two years, and am still hanging on to the unrealistic fact that SEGA might and could return to the console market with thier arcade hardware, if 360 get a huge library I might buy one, if SEGA starts making game machines again I will buy one and hope that they don't screw up.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member


right now it's the best next gen console to buy

I don't suppose that would have anything to do with it being the only next-gen console in stores right now? Naaaah. Couldn't be...


Blah blah no 3rd party support

I suppose Square-Enix and Sega are nothing, then... Not to mention that Capcom's never had a problem with Nintendo, ever.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Dudes. Can we have ONE topic in this forum which isn't a Nintendo Suck/Nintendo Don't Suck debate.


Posts: 143
Estimable Member


now I simply as you all know hate Nintendo fanboys.

No, you harbour an irrational hate for everything Nintendo and feel the need to share it with us every 3 seconds or so.
Seriously, give it up. Nintendo's doing the best of the three companies. You're not convincing anyone.


In the end it will probably fail miserably and then nintendo will throw in towel sticking to handhelds and paving the way for SEGA to come back by turning thier "Lindbergh" arcade hardware into a console machine that will likely be 3X more powerful than 360 and PS3.

Okay, here I was thinking Pat L was being serious the whole time, whereas this statement proves his whole post was clearly a most elaborate ruse. Good one, Patty. You had me going for a second there.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Now you make som good points for the 360 but I have two point out the problem for this system might be what really plagued the last system, other than the controlers. It's lack of games. Now I will admit that XBOX had some good games, some. PS2 had many many games. So what if a good portion of them were not online I'm not an online gamer. I'm also not big on first person and squad based shooters which is where the XBOX really shined.

Jax...are we brothers??? :eek


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Now you make som good points for the 360 but I have two point out the problem for this system might be what really plagued the last system, other than the controlers. It's lack of games.
Considering it came out less than 48 hours ago, it's kind of early to be criticizing the 360 for not having enough games. Oh yeah, and let us not forget that the competition's launch lineups consist of fake, pre-rendered videos, MGS4, and vague announcements of games that everyone would have assumed would be coming to Revolution anyways. Whee.

I suppose Square-Enix and Sega are nothing, then...
Final Fantasy and crappy 3D Sonic games? That's not a lot to go on. Besides which, I'm pretty sure Square has pretty much ditched Nintendo, otherwise FF12 would be coming to GameCube.

Dudes. Can we have ONE topic in this forum which isn't a Nintendo Suck/Nintendo Don't Suck debate.
Well, I think it's perfectly reasonable for a thread entitled "I hate the Xbox" to involve the occasional anti-Sony or anti-Nintendo diatribe as well.

Seriously, give it up. Nintendo's doing the best of the three companies.
While I agree with you on the first point, what the hell are you talking about? Nintendo is a distant third in terms of total games released, total revenues, and total console-gaming market share behind Microsoft and Sony. Everyone knows this.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

You have to admit, though, not a whole lot of the launch titles have that immediate appeal that Halo would. But then, seeing as you can toss both of said games into the console as it is AND that Xbox Half-Life 2 port, that shouldn't be a HUGE problem, no?

Xbox Live Arcade is teh sexxorz, though. Games that are cheap, gimmicky, low-key, and all at once incredibly fun. The sort of games you'd see in the budget section of Best Buy, except, for the most part, only the GOOD ones from said section. And while I'll admit we didn't buy the 360 to play Bejewelled 2 and ONLY Bejewelled 2, you have to admit that it's still a fun addition.

And while I agree on market share and the like, I could've sworn that the story was that Nintendo was nevertheless making MORE money than Microsoft and Sony... or maybe that was just "losing less"? Meh.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member


And while the idea of sticking the convoluted controller into a GC one sounds good on paper, it not because many people hate the Gamecube's controller.

Last I'd heard they hadn't released anything about what a controller shell would look like. IGN made a GC controller style mock-up image as an example, but I wouldn't expect them to actually make a shell like that when the system already has GC controller ports. Seems like it'd be a bit redundant.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


Final Fantasy and crappy 3D Sonic games? That's not a lot to go on. Besides which, I'm pretty sure Square has pretty much ditched Nintendo, otherwise FF12 would be coming to GameCube.

Just because FF12 isn't on GC does not mean that it is it's only series nor does it mean that they have ditched Nintendo.

If you had said given up on Gamecube then I would have to agree. ;P

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

is Kameo the game with the hawt shape-shifting lady as the main character? if so I was temped to get the game just from a poster for that game

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Yes, yes it is.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member


I dunno, hopefully I'm getting a job soon so maybe at some point depending on the price I'll buy a 360, if it's backwards compatible I'm pretty sure there are some Xbox games I wanna play, just not enough to find room fr one anywhere in my house
(not just a joke of the huge x-box, my room is really small)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

SOME games are backwards compatible. Microsoft has an official list that I'm too lazy to bust out.

Most importantly, Halo is backwards-compatible. And while it's not the best FPS ever made, it's certainly the most popular at this point in time.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

By pure contrast, I'm not too lazy to bust it out!

Whee *reads himself :x* Alien Hominid, MGS2 Substance or Timesplitters Future Perfect...

Looks like my Xbox'll be sticking around even after getting the 360, then ('cause I'm pretty certain I will get it eventually)

Slightly of topic, but meh.

Posts: 4607
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Alien Hominid came out for the Xbox? I could've sworn it was only PS2 and GC.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

It definitely did over here, at very least - I can see it on the shelf right now. o.o *goes to looky~~*

...Odd. The website seems to only have the PS2 and GC versions on it, as you said. oO...


Posts: 4607
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No, it seems to be a EU-only release; NA is still listed on GameFAQs as "TBA".

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I need to rag on this again:
Seriously, give it up. Nintendo's doing the best of the three companies.
Actually, Nintendo's operating profits for the first half of 2005 were more than 50% lower than last year.

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

Well heres someone who hasn't been around for a while...

Anyways hi and yes I did get lucky and got a 360.

So far I am enjoying it and looking forward to the competition coming from Nintendo and Sony which I am Investing into both as well. The graphics look wonderful even on a standard 27" like I have. I only have Project Gotham Racing 3, and the details of the cars and tracks look amazing... heh 1st person view as the driver is awesome, everything in the car looks like the real thing, and all the speedometers and tachs are workin as well, Ive played the game so much Im using the 2nd joystick to move my head in the game to glance at the mirrors since they work too. *while typing this Gotham TV is playing now*

Im very pleased, but hearing some of the troubles going on of people getting systems, even the one about a 360 being sold for $3000 on ebay is outragous. (Link)

Oh and Shadow... go get Geometry Wars Retro Evolved. Its seriously worth it:thumbsup

Posts: 143
Estimable Member

Perhaps I should clarify my statement:
At least Nintendo isn't hemmhoraging money from every orifice like Microsoft and Sony, but the impact looks big in comparison because Nintendo is a rather small company when compared to the massive behemoth that is Microsoft.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

We already downloaded a demo, but the only game we've bought in full is Bejeweled 2. Fun regardless, but it's HARD! Not to mention I'm the only one in my family to NOT waste the bombs.

There was also a billiards game available... Fun, but they added this bone-headed "demo timer". You get to play any level that's not locked, for only two minutes. As if locking the stages wasn't bad enough, that's not enough for a full game! Bleh...

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

At least Nintendo isn't hemmhoraging money from every orifice like Microsoft and Sony
What in God's name are you on about? I've not heard about Sony and Microsoft doing anything but make profits. Being that I read every day and co-operate a Microsoft Partner company, I can assure you that if they were in the red, I'd be very much aware of it. I'm pretty certain that Nintendo's fiscal performance is inferior in every possible way -- annual net profit, profit growth, market share, etc -- to that of Sony and Microsoft.

Posts: 4607
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Of course, Microsoft and Sony do a hell of a lot more than make games, which could obviously impact that result.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Again, what the hell is he on about?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Because Sony and Microsoft make more than Game Consoles and Games they are able to cover their losses with their consoles with their proftis from their other products (Sony - TVs and Microsoft - that baely used operating system! :p) whilst Nintendo just have games for their profits.

Now, Nod and Smile.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

With Microsoft, maybe, but Sony's game division certainly isn't causing them to lose money. As Cycle mentioned in another topic, Sony's game division is pretty much the main thing keeping them around.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Microsoft's game division alone may lose about a hundred bucks on every 360 they sell, but they make it all back and more on software profits. Remember, they have a fairly big game publishing operation for PC as well.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

- BusinessWeek reported that Microsoft is losing US$126 for each Xbox 360 console sold, the manufacture cost is $470 + $55 for accessories included in the package.

- Shortly after the launch of Xbox 360, there were reports from owners that there are overheating problems on the console, which is likely to do with the hard drive. The console would crash or freeze up with a flashing red lid on the front, indicating the system was overheated.

- Bloomberg reported that Microsoft shipped between 500,000 to 700,000 units of Xbox 360 in US at launch, and all the units were sold in the first day. Microsoft expects to ship 10 million units worldwide by the end of 2006.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Don't even talk until you've held it. Seriously.

I had, actually. What I said was my impression.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I'll admit that the 360 controller does feel pretty good...a vast improvement over the whale that was the original's controller...

My biggest problem with Sony and Microsoft's new systems is that they don't add anything to the game experience...oh a couple generations, the graphics won't be able to improve any more...once games become photo-realistic what will the other companies do!?!

That's why I like Nintendo's approach, do something completely out of the norm...this is why the big n rocks...all they do is video games...


downloading classic games with online service (Sorry Nintendo, your idea has already been taken)

um...what classics? :0o unless you're talking about window's minesweeper and solitaire :lol... with nintendo, we're talking about big classics, like zelda, mario, donkey know, games that are household names...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Apparently, Sega. Midway, Capcom, Namco, Konami and UbiSoft are producing games for Live Arcade.

The 360 reseting constantly can be solved by keeping the power supply unit (on the wire) off the ground so it can get air better and cool down and generally not die.

Right the plan now is to save up about 600 for a PS3 and stuff and then sell it on ebay and then reap the profits.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

These are the exact same problems with the first Xbox, both the Xbox and 360 have the same problem with frying the hard drive so this is nothing new, my cousin's had the same problem. It comes from downloading too many songs on your hard drive.

The powercord problem of overheating I discovered after buying a Xbox a few months ago, that the powercord that comes with a Xbox or PS2 is not compatible to the console and, I noticed that with the cord that came with mine would heat up after just a few hours of gameplay, then when I plugged up the one that I bought at Radio shack earlier this year I noticed that it fit perfectly and that it only got warm after six hours of gameplay.

The subtle soloution is too buy a ordinary cord from Radio Shack or use your old one from the N64,Saturn,PSone or Dreamcast, the one that yours comes with has a special cylinder on it that was designed to work with HDTV ad ons, thus it is not compatible to the Xbox or PS2.

As for cost of Xbox 360, that is considerbly less than the first one costing Mircosoft miniscle amounts of money and barely taking a tiny dent of thier shares, the Xbox costed Mircosoft almost a billion to design and make, the 360 cost half that amount to make.

Before you go saying that Nintendo has a chance, no they don't.

The Gamecube costed Nintendo about $500 Million in losses, due to poor demand, and poor sales, Nintendo has lost about 5.6 billion yen in a five year period since 1999($560 Million) that is taking huge chunks out of thier profit, the handheld market generates about a billion in a four year period of 2001-2005, but when they build home consoles that hardly anybody buys it takes half of the company's billion dollar profit.

The Revolution and GBM will cost Nintendo even more and will put them in chapter 11 by the 3Q of next year, if Nintendo cannot meet it's forcasted earnings.

As for classics, they won't be exclusive to just Revolution owners, Nintendo's patent on NES,Super NES and N64 software expired years ago. So anybody could download NES games on any console.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Did a Nintendo fanboy beat you up when you were little?


Nintendo's patent on NES,Super NES and N64 software expired years ago.

Do you have any understanding whatsoever of copyright laws?

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Nintendo's patent gurenteed licensing AND copyright protection.

I guess the only thing fanboys have to hold on foolishly is the downloading part.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Seriously. Dudes. X-box topic. Reply to the X-BOX comments. Single out the Nintendo one more time and I'm going to jump out a window. I'd like to see some proper discussion about the new console which comes out on Friday and what flaws it has and if it's worth buying, I don't give a crap about some console which isn't out until next year and we know nothing about. Hell I don't even want to know HOW the 360 will sell, is it worth buying? The topic is saying the original poster don't like it.

I'm flat out asking, as a very very lax gamer who only likes adventure/platformers with decent stories, is the 360 a good console or should I wait until the current generation dies?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

U.S. copyright laws dictate that the copyrights for owned by corporations are valid for 75 years from the date of first publication. So the NES, SNES, and N64 games are still under legal the U.S. at any rate.

Nintendo Company FAQs

EDIT: As for your question Craig, the Xbox 360 in terms of adventurer/platformers doesn't look too hot as of now (the only one I can think about on the top of my head is Kameo: Elements of Power). I'd recommend that you wait a little while longer, as the current generation is about a year from dying out (it won't die until the PS3 and Revolution step in).

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

The power cord problem is something that was wrong with both systems but different.
Xbox - something to do with a batch of bad power cords with tha came with the console console from sept 2003 I think. You can probably get a new power cord from I have to admit I havent heard of whole Hard Drives frying for the Xbox 1. I do expect to be proven wrong though.
Xbox 360 has a whole new power supply system. There is a box in the wire (Think Gamecube) and that has been overheating and thus the resetting problem can be sorted with making sure that remains cool. I suggest Dry Ice (Co2). Formula 1 uses it.


Before you go saying that Nintendo has a chance, no they don't.

Look its not like Nintendo didnt think of Mario, PokeMon, Nintendogs and more. Oh they did? you mean all they have to do is go deep in Shigeru Miyamoto's mind and scoop out another gem?

You arent giving them a chance and it bugs people. They are doing something different to Sony and Microsoft and for that they should be congratulated. Maybe your right with this and Nintendo will not make their expected targets but no one is going to throw a parade in your honour. No, they'll be looking forward to Nintendo Entertainment System 6 and another crap load of hugely enjoyable games. Or hell they do a Sega and bring on the goodness on Playstation 4 or Xbox 720.

Edit: Craig sorry mate posted this when its was just Pat then the spat began and anyways...

Generally it does depend on the type of games you like. I think you should wait for the current generation to die. My opinion because by then we should have something on the new games. Plus Shadow of the Colossus on PS2 soon over here = very sexy game. Plus if your lucky go for Ico. But otherwise I just think wait for the games to attract you to the console.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Anyone to drag up Pat's rage against the Nintendo on here is getting an instant warning towards a ban, Pat included. I'm fed up enough of it when Pat does it in a Nintendo-related topic, let alone an Xbox 360 one. Keep it on-topic or else. This might be extreme, but honestly, I don't care.

Anyway, Craig, the 360 is one fine piece of hardware, but for the time being, most of the games are negligible (I know a lot of people seem to like Perfect Dark Zero, but I've not really played it; Call of Duty 2's on PCs; Kameo is... something I really need to start a save on; everything else didn't really jump out at me, though Project Gotham Racing 3, Ridge Racer 6 and the new Need for Speed are apparently all good racers). Xbox Live Arcade is awesome, though. Makes up for the lack of launch titles with sheer indie gaming goodness. Granted, you can play some of these on PCs (Bejewelled 2, for instance), but they work really well on the 360 regardless. All somebody needs to do is release Tetris already. Preferably with Music A from the original Game Boy game, if Nintendo doesn't hold the rights to that tune.

But is it worth buying on day one? Probably not. Hold off for more titles and/or a price drop. After all, while I know you're not going out of your way for Sonic again, the new one doesn't look half-bad (yet). Plus I'm sure something's bound to come from nowhere and wow us all, or something. Happened with Katamari, why not something on the 360?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Thanks for the answer, Shad. Looks like the sequel is the same as the original, huh. Shooters and racers, neither one being my particular cup of tea.

If they had a title like Jet Set Radio Future in the line-up I would have actually considered it if only to finally let me TRY a Microsoft console (I've still never touched an X-Box control pad) and have it ready for the new Sonic, so I don't have to go out of my way for it when it comes out... >>)

Thing is, tech spec demos have making me drool and are more enticing than FMV and nothing at all. I'll save decision as you suggested until things cheapen. Hopefully prospects will be better latter with better games :)


Posts: 931
Prominent Member

As for Kameo...
I've seen it being played.
I've read reviews.
It's a disappointingly average game with pretty graphics. Gameplay-wise it really isn't innovating much beyond tired platforming.
But yeah. For shooters, I have my PC. Sports games aren't my kind of thing. The 360 has yet to display anything to offer me...

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