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I miss the old game ads do you?

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I was watching MTV the other day and saw an ad for G.U.N. and then started thinking about the old game ads of the 80s and 90s how catchy and clever they used to be, remember the old Genesis blast processing ads?Remember the "SEGA" Scream ads and how they always would say something clever to grab people's attention, Remember Sony's Psone ads? Where they would always have something random before they would show the "Playstation" logo, Man how I miss those old ads, I even miss Nintendo's NES ads and Super NES "Play it Loud" ads.

What this topic is about is how overblown and overhyped today's game ads are, today it's all about hollywood, how great a game's graphics are, and how much money the 3rd party publisher can sqeeze out of thier franchises, I mean I'm really starting to hate Activision's stupid "We've got a deal from the film studio to promote thier sorry-arse movie licensed game" if I see another damn Spiderman game get released next year I'm gonna boycott Activision.

I'm also annoyed at the franchising formula, Mega man X this, Mega Man X that, Mario Party 24, Mario Party 256,Mario Hockey(No, I am not bashing Nintendo)what's next Mario Foosball?Tony Hawk Euro Tour? I'm also sick of E.A. with using thier name to corrupt the software industry by buying thier way out of trouble and churning out one sorry ass Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings game ever year for God's sake please read the book instead!!!!!!! What's really messed up is that each title is no different, it's the same damn title every year so what's the point in buying another one?

I'm also tired of the GTA ads and 1st person shooter ads, there are about 50 different GTA rip-offs and there are about 5,000 1st person shooters most of them WWII!

Granted, what happen to the good ol' days? What happen to catch phrases and slogans? What happen the clever ads of yesterday instead of reling on your company's name or churning out lame franchise expansion paks?

At least Nintendo and Mircosoft still use slogans. Yes I am commending Nintendo for still using slogans like "Who Are You?" which is a good thing but not for churning lame sports and board game titles bearing the name "Mario" on them. Mircosoft uses "It's good to play together, and Jump In for Xbox and 360, but they relied on word of mouth to get the 360 selling.

I'm getting a little tired of Sony's ten year old "Live in your world play in ours" slogan since PSone, they need to try something new.

I really think that the old way of selling games with catchy premises and catch phrases is what game companies should be doing and what SEGA should really do if they want to be successful and want people to buy thier games, games are supposed to be about entertainment and fun, not about worthless franchise expansion paks, boring old' GTA titles, god-awful movie licensed titles or rendundant 1st person shooters that were meant only for the PC

Posts: 143
Estimable Member

That entire little tirade made no sense.
The very first thing you say is that you miss the old game commercials, then you turn around and berate Sony for keeping their commercials the same as they were years ago.

Then you attack EA for "corrupting" the software industry by putting out games that you don't like. Well, guess what Patrick, *gasp* other people may have different opinions than you!

Then you said something about franchises that I don't fully understand. Why not release a game if they know it's going to sell well? Your logic is utter crap.

Also, if there's "50 different GTA ripoffs" name 20. No, name 10.

And if you don't like FPSes don't buy them. simple as that, Patty my boy.

P.S. Just as a side note, have you even played any Mario Sports games?

Posts: 2610
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I really like the Mario Strikers and the X-Box 360 water balloon ad. And one more thing, Who really cares about how old a slogan is, at least the slogan doesn't flat out suck.

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Yes I've played them, I played Mario Party 4 and Mario Tennis back in 2002 when I liked GC, and they both sucked.

AS for the 1st person shooters they were supossed to be meant for PC gamers only! Every new title is the exact same every single year.

What I was saying is that I'm not satisfied with the marketing formluas and ads of today when comes to games, games are supossed to be about fun and entertainment not about money and power.

Mark my words people will get tired of GTA and it's clones in a few years just like they did of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.

Posts: 143
Estimable Member


AS for the 1st person shooters they were supossed to be meant for PC gamers only

Says who? I think your information comes from a rather unrelizble source, Pat, that source being your own rather fertile and misinformed imagination.


games are supossed to be about fun and entertainment not about money and power.


Posts: 104
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Mmhmm, considering that every year, the sequels to big name titles are supposed to be different, but instead are the same game every year.

Everybody wants redundancy the same ol' thing, why? How come none of the games are any different? How come it's all about rehasing the same ol' game?

Games are supposed to be about entertainment and fun, and not money, it's irrelevent to de defend the companies' tatics because there's no prefessionism, if you want a good first person title please use a different formlua instead of WWII and Viatnam, how about the Korean War, WWI, Desert Storm?

It's always important to try new things, repetitive formluas like this get old very fast, the old days of marketing were alot better because it was always something different.

Besides it was business tatics like this that led to the 1984 video game crash.

Posts: 143
Estimable Member


Besides it was business tatics like this that led to the 1984 video game crash.

No, I'm pretty sure it was the initial novelty of home consoled wearing off and people realizing the systems were never really that good to begin with.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

#1...if you really like old vg commercials, check out this link.

#2 Okay, you can pick on Capcom for recycling the Mega Man series (original, X, Zero, Battle Network...) to death...Nintendo is guilty with its Mario Party...but that's really about it...Most companies try to incorporate new ideas into their games...

#3 That water balloon commercial for the 360 is awesome (at first I thought it was for the DS's WiFi Connection). That looks like it would be a lot of fun! Especially dropping all those balloons from the top of a building! I say we organize a party and have everyone fly out to NYC or something like that and do this!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


The Sonic Adventure 2 Battle US commercial was another televised ad that managed to market the product and entertain the audience at the same time.

Posts: 1818
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Here's a thought: advertising sucks.

Posts: 5772
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Well, that says a lot.

Wait, no it doesn't.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member


I'm getting a little tired of Sony's ten year old "Live in your world play in ours" slogan since PSone, they need to try something new.

It's also WORKED for the past 10 years. I think the saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Being in the UK, gaming ads is a recent novelty, and some of them have just impressed me while others are forgettable.

Shadow's ad was just a barrage of FMV montage, thusly I shrugged and didn't care, whereas GUN's advert is cutscenes very cleverly editted together and leaves enough intrigue to have the viewer wanting to play to work out why Sean Connery (Big Boss?) lookalike is so damn cool from just saying "YOU FAILED ME?!"

I do admit FPS adverts are boring, it's always the same shaky camera into kill treatment as always wether it be on a tropical island or a WWII battlefield, the genre however is possibly the most popular area of gaming, and noting Goldeneye and Halo are the super hyped "WE LOVE THIS!" games of their time, I think it's a wee bit ignorant to say that console FPS games suck as a rule, I tend to ignore them, they don't interest me, but people buy them. Go figure.

You forget however that the difference between now and then is that every game is a graphical addition to a global wang sizing contest, every advert is going to show off the latest and greatest graphics, wether it be your in-game affair or cheating FMV way. Back in the day there was only so much you could do with 16 bit graphics, so of course there was going to be live action gimmicks to go along with the advert to generate interest, wether this be giving the viewer a Pirate TV SEGA CYBER RAZOR CUT!!!! or having that awesome CD-32 advert which Nintendo totally ripped off in it's entirety for the SNES. The point is, games now can sell themselves with teaser from the game itself. Back then they needed a push.

and if you think US/UK adverts were any good, dig out Sonic Jam and load up the Japanese Sonic CD commercial. THAT is an advert!

Posts: 1827
Noble Member


and if you think US/UK adverts were any good, dig out Sonic Jam and load up the Japanese Sonic CD commercial. THAT is an advert!

THAT IS AN ADVERT! That was so cool.

Anyway I liked the old slogan for Playstation. Do Not Underestimate the Power of the Playstation. Then they had all The Third Place crap for PS2 even though the ads set in africa were quite funny.

I liked the Nintendogs Ad. Bill Oddie and a Labrador Pup = Ahhhh. Mind you on the other side of it the Nintendo DS Paper ads are terrible: If you like thinking you'll like this - Advance Wars. If you like placing rocks in patterns you'll like this - Meteos. Then again Metroid Prime 2: Echoes ad, Attractive Lady in Digitally Imposed Samus suit.

I really cant remember any old gaming ads really.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


I really cant remember any old gaming ads really.

All I can say is



"The Legend of Zelda is pretty rad,
those creatures from Ganon are pretty bad..."

And don't get me started on the Japanese A Link to the Past advert. Rapping Link...

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Well, that says a lot. Wait, no it doesn't.
How so? I thought the general consensus was that anyone who enjoys TV advertising has something wrong with them.

Posts: 4336
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And don't get me started on the Japanese A Link to the Past advert. Rapping Link...

You mean this?

And of course, there's the Japanese Saturn ad...

Posts: 874
Prominent Member


How so? I thought the general consensus was that anyone who enjoys TV advertising has something wrong with them.

If enjoying the above advertisement is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That is SUCH a Spaced rip-off. The guy even looks like Simon Pegg!

Amusing, but no match for stoner cockney college students versus Simon "Shaun of the Dead" Pegg.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

True, but Spaced didn't have the guy falling off the second floor with a bungee line. Although it did have the 'Clever Girl' bit at the end of the episode...

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

If enjoying the above advertisement is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
Okay. There is the occasional exception, however, I think most sane people would gladly give up the few funny ads if it meant never seeing another ad again.

Posts: 403
Reputable Member


I'm also annoyed at the franchising formula, Mega man X this, Mega Man X that, Mario Party 24, Mario Party 256,Mario Hockey(No, I am not bashing Nintendo)what's next Mario Foosball?

Yes you are.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

The hell is wrong with 'Nam?
I got shipped off to some godforsaking s**thole of a forest to fight an enemy we dont even have a problem with. I kill people who probably have families and watch my closest friends get blown up right beside be.
And after all that, I go back to a country that hates me.

And what did I do all that work for? So people like you can b***h about my experience at their leisure?
Get out of my country.

Posts: 2915
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um...who's Geo?

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

A resident crackhead XD. I needed that to put a smile on a otherwise dismal day, Geo xD.
