Forget Donkey Kong, Pac-Man... PAC-MAN... PAC-MAN?!? Really?
I mean does this generation actually know WHO Pac-man IS?
LOL No Zelda/Final Fantasy character means list shouldn't be taken seriously.
10. Donkey Kong
9. Altair
8. Big Daddy
7. Pac-Man
6. Kratos
5. Chris Redfield
4. Marcus Fenix
3. Sonic the Hedgehog
2. Lara Croft
1. Master Chief
Seriously the fact that there's no Square characters and the fact that the only Nintendo character they showed was DK, who was pretty much taken under Rareware's wing, means this shouldn't be taken seriously.
Sonic, Pac-Man, DK, and Lara are actually UNDERRATED, Master Chief shouldn't be that high, and how many people ACTUALLY know the others?
Is this the end of proper gaming journalism? Not even using logic or looking at facts?
Forget Sonic for a moment. Donkey Kong?! Frickin' DONKEY KONG?!?!?! It was from the Donkey Kong franchise that Mario was born. If it weren't for the Donkey Kong franchise, Mario wouldn't become the most successful video-game franchise ever. Bunch of idiots! DK should be number 1 on the list of most UNDERrated characters, with Sonic a close second! It is true though that you can't spell 'IGNORANCE' without 'ign'.
Forget Sonic for a moment. Donkey Kong?! Frickin' DONKEY KONG?!?!?! It was from the Donkey Kong franchise that Mario was born. If it weren't for the Donkey Kong franchise, Mario wouldn't become the most successful video-game franchise ever. Bunch of idiots! DK should be number 1 on the list of most UNDERrated characters, with Sonic a close second! It is true though that you can't spell 'IGNORANCE' without 'ign'.
Rishi...I love you man. We are one and the same. It's quite obvious, one of us was cloned at birth[how old are you? lol] I was super apalled at DK being on that list. Mario was jumpman in DK before he was ever what he is today. But now it seems DK is more of a Mario character than the other way around. And FF characters...just goes to show you, that list was some kind of joke. I remember when I first saw that list...I had to check if it said overreated or underrated quite a few times. But Sonic...well, as of lately...what has he really done that's anything worth talking about? Just saying...
Chris Redfield: Resident Evil, Resident Evil Code Veronica X, Resident Evil 5.
Kratos Aurion: Tales of Symphonia
Rishi...I love you man.
[how old are you? lol]
21. lol
But Sonic...well, as of lately...what has he really done that's anything worth talking about? Just saying...
Nah, I totally agree with ya man. I guess I was just thinking of the good ol' days, y'know? Not these current times when Sonic Team is too busy pissing on their Sonic franchise to make a kickass Sonic game. lol
Forget Sonic for a moment. Donkey Kong?! Frickin' DONKEY KONG?!?!?! It was from the Donkey Kong franchise that Mario was born. If it weren't for the Donkey Kong franchise, Mario wouldn't become the most successful video-game franchise ever. Bunch of idiots! DK should be number 1 on the list of most UNDERrated characters, with Sonic a close second! It is true though that you can't spell 'IGNORANCE' without 'ign'.
Technically at the time Jumpman, also perhaps the DK franchise indirectly spawned "Kirby" (in namesake at least).
Also lol internet opinions
Kratos Aurion: Tales of Symphonia
Wrong Kratos, the list features the Kratos from God of War.
While DK, Sonic, Pac-Man, and Lara are undeniably iconic characters who defined or redefined genres during their prime, the general consensus seems to be that their recent outings are not worthy of maintaining the popularity of these characters.
As for Master Chief, the fact that he is basically a nameless hero renders him unworthy of being treated as a well-round character, but I think it is not so much a case of the character being overrated as it is a case of the game being overrated.
Well of course they wouldn't put Sephiroth, Cloud, and other overrated Square Enix characters. The FANS voted for them, so of course they don't want their beloved girly men tarnished.
I mean, Donkey Kong? Come on. He's well know, but overrated? Nope, don't see it. Freakin' Tetsuya Nomura ruined everything. I used to look up to you, man! What happened? You used to be cool.
Seems I was cloned from you then Rishi. xD! But yea most definitely, Jeffery. I agree completely. And what's this about Kirby, nuke? *goes absolute geek and finds out what this is all about*
I agree with perhaps Master Chief and Kratos. Beyond that, this reads like "Characters IGN Hates for the Sake of Being Provocative", arranged on a scale of their own spite. The conspicuous lack of the Straight-Line Block from Tetris also disappoints me.
Honestly, where's all the hate for Final Fantasy? Most of Nintendo? Kingdom Hearts? Metal Gear? Megaman? If they're going to pick a hedgehog, at least get it right and choose Shadow.
Pac-Man did come in the top three of a major UK retailer's "Top characters of all time" lists a few years back, with Mario and Sonic alongside. Possibly as the particular store was an electronic's retailer with a far older demographic than your typical GAME or EB. So if a poll which was reported in all major UK newspapers claims he is the most popular, ignorant fools and younglings will think him overrated.
Quite rightly, infact.
Don't forget the flimsy "excuses" are IGN's editorial, the votes are readers. Hence why they seemed discomforted with Master Chief being #1 and only focused on recent gaming exploits (as if that covers the character and their popularity) as reasons for DK and Sonic.
Forget Donkey Kong, Pac-Man... PAC-MAN... PAC-MAN?!? Really?
I mean does this generation actually know WHO Pac-man IS?
Oh yes...we know who he is. Muhahah!
But yea...I overlooked Pac-Man. That is bogus. Pac-Man is wonderful. you've failed me. LOL
IGN is about as credible sometimes as Kotaku, lol.
aka never
Hahaha! IGN's usually where I go to get my quick gaming news too! Oops! lol
Kotaku isn't credible O.o... Since when?
They're known for fabricating stories, publishing stories where the news was obviously fake and generally aren't very professional. You sometimes have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Okay quite a bit.
They're known for fabricating stories, publishing stories where the news was obviously fake and generally aren't very professional. You sometimes have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Okay quite a bit.
I hear that too much salt can lead to diabetes...
Altair? Really? List is pretty bad, but its IGN, so there you go.
Don't forget the flimsy "excuses" are IGN's editorial, the votes are readers.
So that explains why the ENTIRE list isn't occupied by nothing but Final Fantasy characters like it should.
But still as Rishi already said, Donkey Kong practically made Mario the legend he is today.
Oh, and about Kratos being on that list. The thing about Kratos is, God Of War was one of the first times for me where I TRUELY felt like the greatest badass in all of the universe. Sure there was badassness before him, but not quite his god-like (see what I did there? ) level.
Kratos really is the God of Badass, even if that was the only he had going for him.
As for Final Fantasy characters, other than Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth, I do not recall any Final Fantasy character having mainstream popularity.
Kratos really is the God of Badass, even if that was the only he had going for him.
As for Final Fantasy characters, other than Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth, I do not recall any Final Fantasy character having mainstream popularity.
Though I take it is that the conflict is that neither theses character are on that list, in the order you mentioned them counting from 1 - 3.
[EDIT] I'd put Sephiroth and Cloud tied for first...
Solid Snake, Cloud and Mario make up the holy trinity of overrated
Sephy is a bamf, though. Not gonna lie. I've not even played the game...but heard enough and seen enough about him to know about him. LOL And Mario...well, i'm indifferent towards Mario. He's SUCH a versatile character. He's been in like...what 15+ genres of games. His sheer ability to mold into various sports, party, fighting, something worth talking about, gotta admit it. Yet at the same time...I get tired of seeing him...everywhere! My gosh! 😛 *in Jan Brady's voice* -
Mario, Mario, Mario!
...>_O Mainstream..FF?
Squall...yeah people still wear shirts with him on it. Ooh the hood never ceases to amaze me.
And that's just from after 7.
I'd argue Kefka, but It seems that came due to a resurgence.
Yeah...that list is bunk. Seriously, where the hell is AKUMA?!?!? I see NO true fighting game Char in that list. Kirby's not there...Pac-Man has been can explode at that list. for weeks. MONTHS. But I wont. I'll go back to playing DDR. Thx
"Explode at that list." XDXD! Psh! Akuma...more like Ryu! That shoto punk. 😛 *hopes to start a shoto flaming war*
Sephy is a bamf, though. Not gonna lie. I've not even played the game...but heard enough and seen enough about him to know about him. LOL And Mario...well, i'm indifferent towards Mario. He's SUCH a versatile character. He's been in like...what 15+ genres of games. His sheer ability to mold into various sports, party, fighting, something worth talking about, gotta admit it. Yet at the same time...I get tired of seeing him...everywhere! My gosh! 😛 *in Jan Brady's voice* -
Mario, Mario, Mario!
Mario I'm willing to give special exception to since he practically IS the face of Video Games. If Video Games was a nation for the UN, Mario will be it. Sephy - bah, Rufus Shinra for the win. I love my Manipulative Bastards *points to such on my current avatar*.
Sephy is a bamf, though. Not gonna lie. I've not even played the game...but heard enough and seen enough about him to know about him. LOL And Mario...well, i'm indifferent towards Mario. He's SUCH a versatile character. He's been in like...what 15+ genres of games. His sheer ability to mold into various sports, party, fighting, something worth talking about, gotta admit it. Yet at the same time...I get tired of seeing him...everywhere! My gosh! 😛 *in Jan Brady's voice* -
Mario, Mario, Mario!
Mario I'm willing to give special exception to since he practically IS the face of Video Games. If Video Games was a nation for the UN, Mario will be it. Sephy - bah, Rufus Shinra for the win. I love my Manipulative Bastards *points to such on my current avatar*.
Is that so? *raises an eyebrow*
But yea...Mario as far as games are the face of them. And a good face at that.
Is that so? *raises an eyebrow*
But yea...Mario as far as games are the face of them. And a good face at that.
Vlad Masters is sex on legs.
In truth, I like Luigi better. It all stems back to childhood when my little sis was always Player One and me, Player Two. It expanded from there. Ahh, memories.
Is that so? *raises an eyebrow*
But yea...Mario as far as games are the face of them. And a good face at that.
Vlad Masters is sex on legs.
In truth, I like Luigi better. It all stems back to childhood when my little sis was always Player One and me, Player Two. It expanded from there. Ahh, memories.
Oh my gosh! Me too! We have SOOO much in common. *bats eyelashes*
Oh my gosh! Me too! We have SOOO much in common. *bats eyelashes*
Like, totally! *girlish giggle*
"Explode at that list." XDXD! Psh! Akuma...more like Ryu! That shoto punk. 😛 *hopes to start a shoto flaming war*
Hey, don't you be mouthin' off my Shotokan pal Ryu y'hear?!?!?! Ryu is badass.
"Explode at that list." XDXD! Psh! Akuma...more like Ryu! That shoto punk. 😛 *hopes to start a shoto flaming war*
Hey, don't you be mouthin' off my Shotokan pal Ryu y'hear?!?!?!
Ryu is badass.
Which reminds me...we STILL haven't played each other yet. Today's pretty much my last day too. Or until I come back home I guess. Which will be very few times this summer. Just so you know. So i'll probably be on SFIV like...the majority of the day today. If you can get all.
Oh and to Neo..."I like so think, we should be BFFs! Or maybe even...BFITWWW!!11einseleven Like...for reals."
All tournament fighting games are utterly overrated.
All tournament fighting games are utterly overrated.
I utterly disagree.
Which reminds me...we STILL haven't played each other yet. Today's pretty much my last day too. Or until I come back home I guess. Which will be very few times this summer. Just so you know. So i'll probably be on SFIV like...the majority of the day today. If you can get all.
When you said that today's your 'last day', do you mean Saturday? Because it's Saturday over here. After I've gotten some sleep (lol), I've got pretty much the whole day available to play against you. Any time between my 12 PM and my 5 PM okay with you? If not, tell me and we can make some adjustments.
Oh. Well yea Saturday for you, then. But I mean...i'll be on, I guess. So we'll see each other. I don't think we ever got our time zones down anyway. lol
Sombody please tell me the logic behind this?
Sombody please tell me the logic behind this?
You're on the Internet.
Psx wins thread, as usual.
Sombody please tell me the logic behind this?
Piss off fanboys so they post links to it and you get traffic.
It works every time some site decides to make some horrid top X list like this.