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Ikaruga coming to 360's Xbox Live Arcade?

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well, hello, what's this...


Ikaruga on Live Arcade?

It looks like Treasure's rather marvellous Dreamcast and GameCube shooter Ikaruga might be on its way to Xbox Live Arcade.

That's because the game is currently showing up on Partnernet, the Xbox 360's closed debug network, access to which is limited to journalists and developers.

There are two downloads listed in the Xbox Live Arcade section of Partnernet, which mirrors Xbox Live's functionality in a different setting. The titles are nondescript, but if you download the two 5.7MB files Ikaruga appears under a Japanese name in the console's Live Arcade menu.

We couldn't get it to run, but it does reach a Treasure title screen, and lists 12 achievements including one marked "Secret" and one for each of Chapters 1-4 and the Final Chapter.

Treasure has previously said it was "really interested" in working on Xbox Live Arcade, but when company president Masato Maegawa spoke about that desire recently he wasn't specific about any projects in development.

Treasure is known to be working on an original shooter for Xbox 360, but last we heard it won't be out for a while.

This interests me greatly. I'd been planning to look into the GameCube version of this ever since I first got my GC (back in April 05), but there were other things I wanted first, and then I just kinda forgot about it. If this does indeed happen, it could very well end up being the first game I purchase from the Xbox Live Arcade.

EDIT: what, no one cares? sheesh. Figured this'd be bigger news, since every time I hear Ikaruga come up (Dreamcast or GameCube version) people seem to talk about it like it's just about the bestest thing EVAR, or something. :p Having never played it myself, I have no idea if it's any good, but this would certainly be a nicer option than tracking down the GC version.

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Hahha you know I saw this at GameStop the other day on GC for like $30.00. It's a great game I hear. And I love me some space shooters. =)

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It is one of the two things on the Gamecube I do care about. (other being Eternal Darkness)
Nice to know there'll be more than one way to play it as soon as I actually join the next-gen.

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I f**king love that game.

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This game only perpetuates the stereotype that blacks and whites can't mix and postulates that segregation is a good thing.


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:lol nice.


And I love me some space shooters. =)

Woo hoo. :D I don't have very many, but I definitely like this style (vertical scrolling space shooter). RayStorm is still one of my favorite PlayStation games by far, despite how short it is. That's why I was originally planning to look into this game a while back. I guess my delays and forgetfulness may end up paying off.

...this brings to mind one other question. This game title, "Ikaruga". How is that supposed to be pronounced? That's one of the reasons why I never asked about it in store, because I didn't want to mispronounce it and look like a moron. (moreso than usual, anyway :p )

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Hmmm...I beleive i've heard "Eek-a-rooga", but you'd think "Ike-a-rooga" could work as well. As for my space shooter collection, it's not that vast either, but since the VC's launch on Wii, i've gotten Super Star Soldier(favorite SS so far), R-Type, and Gradius. R-Type III and Soldier Blade(predecessor to SSS) are available and during this summer i'm sure i'll pick these up.

Hey I resent that, Psx! lol That's hilarous dude. I'll actually probably end up getting Ikaruga as well, TBH. What space shooter type games have you played, Zero or just anyone really? There was one on the DS I wanted to get. Nanostray, I beleive. It looked really good, IMO.

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Hmmm...I beleive i've heard "Eek-a-rooga", but you'd think "Ike-a-rooga" could work as well.

That first one is about what I was guessing it was supposed to be. Either way, looks like this 360 version will save me the trouble.


I'll actually probably end up getting Ikaruga as well, TBH.

See, another reason you should get a 360! :D In addition to price and Armored Core 4 with spiffy Xbox Live online play. :cackle


What space shooter type games have you played, Zero or just anyone really?

Not all that many, really. Aside from really old things like Space Invaders (arcade & 2600 versions), Galaxian (arcade & 2600), and Galaga (arcade version), I also have RayStorm and RayCrisis for PS1, and Silpheed: The Lost Planet (which I don't really like a whole lot) for PS2. RayStorm is by far my favorite. Awesome gameplay system, interesting and fun levels, and excellent graphics and sound for a PS1 game. I just wish it was a little longer. RayCrisis is quite good as well, but I think RayStorm is definitely the better of the two. I've lost track of how many times I've played that game through. :D

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Hahaha no, NO, NO! I'm not gona get a 360. lol Nice try but I can't do it. >_> lol yea the only other ones i've played besides the ones I listed are Galaga(arcade) and I think i've played Galaxian in the arcade once. I believe i've heard of Raystorm. What i'm really hoping is some games from the Raiden series come to the VC and Xbox Live Arcade as well. =P

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but you MUUUUUST... it calls to you, saying "buy me! buy me now!


you wouldn't want to make a console beg now, would you? :p



But yeah. RayStorm's awesome stuff, well worth looking into if you get the chance.

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Raystorm...what system was that for again? I can't seem to remember.


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PS1. If I remember right, it was released for both PS1 and Saturn in Japan, but the Saturn version was pretty much crap. Which I think is why they didn't bother bringing the Saturn version over here.

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PS[3] you say. Alrighty, then. lol Speaking of the PS3 it can't play PS1 games can it?

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It can in theory, but it seems the backwards compatibility may be getting nerfed.

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PS[3] you say. Alrighty, then. lol Speaking of the PS3 it can't play PS1 games can it?

boooooooooooo! :p Yeah, it's supposed to be able to play PS1 games anyway. I've heard stuff about PS1/2 games actually looking worse on the PS3, though. A PS2 would play them exactly as intended for only $129. :D

*brick'd again*

I suppose I should stop with the "boo PS3 yay 360+PS2" rambling, as I expect I'm probably getting annoying. >_>

*resorts to pouting in a corner*


It can in theory, but it seems the backwards compatibility may be getting nerfed.

Are you referring to the recent news that the UK is getting screwed on backwards compatibility, or have you heard something else?

I do remember hearing a while back that future versions of the PS3 would eventually remove the hardware present for BC and switch to software emulation instead, but at the time they made it sound like they'd still be going for full or close to full compatibility. Certainly doesn't seem to be the case with what's happening to the UK version. That makes one wonder if the same thing will be the case with future PS3 versions in the US and Japan (which I suppose could be what you were referring to in the first place).

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Hahhaa not all all annoying my fellow Raven. I'm considering my options. A PS3 just seems/seemed so enticing, but now the 360 + PS2 route is becoming more attractive. We shall see I suppose. As for nonbackwards compatibility...Sony should atleast keep PS2 BC, I guess PS1 BC would be a bit tougher. Although I think my Wii + GC + SNES + NES + Genesis + Turbografx-16 combo should suffice for atleast a few decades. =D

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Hahhaa not all all annoying my fellow Raven. I'm considering my options. A PS3 just seems/seemed so enticing, but now the 360 + PS2 route is becoming more attractive.

woo hoo! a ray of hope! :cackle


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Awesome news!! The XBLA is my new addiction, and I doubt this will help much. After they fixed Contra my life has been swallowed.

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Are you referring to the recent news that the UK is getting screwed on backwards compatibility,

And that this will also apply to later models for the rest of the world, not just Europe.

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