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Incredible moments in games

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There may be no single game moment with more impact than walking out from that canyon into the dark clouds of Chrono Trigger's 600.

Wandering around the world map in Chrono Trigger was quite an eerie experience. All of the fog surrounding you and the Wind Scene music that would play really added a realistic atmosphere to the game. Even though it didn't look real, it somehow felt real.

The silence of the level before it was essential. You just went through a portal to who knows where with no idea when or if the game would let you get back, and the atmosphere roars in like a train. I don't think I've ever gotten such a strong sense of being in danger and wondering what next (not through the game, but personalizing it) through any other media.

Posts: 889
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I have Chrono Trigger for DS, wasn't what I thought it would be, but pretty good.
Well my incredible moment in gaming would be:
Shenmue, when Nazomi has been kidnapped. To make matters worse, she was going to be killed (not entirely sure, but something bad) in a few hours if you didn't show up to fight the gang. Then you realise that the bus to take you to her doesn't run that late at night. I was pretty freaked out and really just running around with no idea what to do. It really felt as if I was trying to do this in real life. Then you finally get onto the motorcycle and just gun it. Man, that was some of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.

Edit: never mind it didn't work. Forget about it.

Posts: 2234
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Uncharted 2 is a rollercoaster of nonstop incredible setpieces that really could all be contenders for incredible moments in games.

My personal favourite one is when you're travelling through wartorn Nepal whilst being constantly hounded by an attack copter until you get into the inside of a building. As you're frantically running through it, dodging a hailstorm of bullets from it outside and no end of mercenaries on the inside, you eventually reach a room where the helicopter shoots a couple of missiles and smashes a giant hole through one of the walls. As you're trying to fight off more and more incoming mercs, the helicopter fires even more missiles, which brings the whole building down, with you IN IT. As the building collapses, you struggle against the ground giving way and have to jump through the glass of a nearby building before the collapsing building falls down completely, all in the most sumptuous and incredible graphics I have seen in a video game ever.

That's the top gaming moment I've had this year.

As for others, the first two sections of Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit were all awesome. The nuke scene in CoD4:MW. The scarecrow levels in Batman: Arkham Asylum. Psycho Mantis in MGS1 and The Sorrow in 3. Hell, all of MGS4. Being haunted and continually pursued by the Nemesis in ResiEvil 3.

Honestly, there are so many.

Posts: 980
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For now, I shall say All of Phoenix Wright 3...:3

Posts: 3756
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Hellz yeah. Oh, man, the music. In the finale of T&T, I couldn't help stopping playing and just listening to the music, like Godot's theme, playing for the last time, or rocking the heck out to the game's remix of AA's Cornered theme. Shame I can't find the damn thing. *looks under my bed* >=

Posts: 5035
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^_^ Is there anymore incredible?

Posts: 5772
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There may be no single game moment with more impact than walking out from that canyon into the dark clouds of Chrono Trigger's 600.

Wandering around the world map in Chrono Trigger was quite an eerie experience. All of the fog surrounding you and the Wind Scene music that would play really added a realistic atmosphere to the game. Even though it didn't look real, it somehow felt real.

The silence of the level before it was essential. You just went through a portal to who knows where with no idea when or if the game would let you get back, and the atmosphere roars in like a train. I don't think I've ever gotten such a strong sense of being in danger and wondering what next (not through the game, but personalizing it) through any other media.

I dare say Chrono Cross has a similar feel when you first enter the region known as the Dead Sea. Up until then, you and your merry band of misfits have been gallivanting in and around two different time lines unraveling the mystery of Serge's death in one, and after you're ambushed by Lynx and having your body stolen, trying to find a way to change yourself back in the other. Eventually, all roads lead to the Dead Sea, and after dispelling the gatekeeper to the inner sanctum, you emerge to this:


What is this place, where it's been said that no man has ever set foot in? Why does it appear that time has frozen in place as some great catastrophe was taking place? What is that building far off in the distance, and who built it? Meanwhile, the happy little tunes you've been hearing throughout the game up to this point is suddenly replaced by a very foreboding melody, looming over you like hands reaching out from the shadows, slowly gripping around your neck.

As you venture forth in and around mysterious ruins that appear to be from some unknown time, you come across a terminal. One of your party members gets the computer running, and you're greeted with this:


The destruction of the world, caused by a creature that for all intents and purposes should no longer exist. The records of a world and time that ceased to be. As you arrive at the Tower of Geddon, an amalgamation of several structures, you come across wandering spirits, who lead you to a room that appears to be the central point of the time distortion. Through a vortex in that room you come upon a terrible sight:

As someone who played and beat Chrono Trigger inside and out like it owed me money, seeing Nadia's Bell in ruins was (is!) incredibly heart-wrenching. Up until that point, Chrono Cross played very conservatively about referencing the events of Trigger, choosing instead to concentrate on the current narrative... only occasionally teasing a connection between the two games. But here in the Dead Sea, the past meets the present, and the future that was supposed to be changed for the better rears its ugly head.

And it is here, that the three wandering spirits, who look like kid versions of Crono, Marle and Lucca, speak cryptically to you about the world coming to an end because of Serge. And then Crono calls you a murderer.

And then you're forced into the most depressing boss battle ever. 🙁

Posts: 1191
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I loved Chrono Cross, I played that game a ton growing up. Of course, I never fully understood it until I replayed years later.

Posts: 58
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The final boss's intro, fight, second form, and defeat in I Wanna Be The Guy. After the nine hells that game puts you through nothing is more satisfying than the finale of that... thing.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Yoshi's Island had an incredible, yet terrifying experience in one sequence at the last level...

Doo Doo Doo, oh look, an info box. What will they tell me this time? Hmm? "Run Away? Hurry!" Umm...okay.

Don't see why I have to runOHMYGOD! OH GOD HIM! OH GOD!

HA! I'm over a ledge! TAKE THAT, SPIKY--


Oh, and Bowser's final battle in the game. The mood, the music, the intensity, it was all there. The ending was very worth it.

There is also the 30 second sequence in the first Sonic Adventure. Way back in 1999, Sonic in 3D was a pheonomenal experience for many, including myself. However, one event struck me so much that defined his triumphant return after lackluster efforts or absence since Sonic and Knuckles: Sonic running sideways down a building as destruction ran down; the heart-pounding music emphasizing the adrenline I felt.

It was short, but it was sweet. Looking back now, it's a good memory of when time was much more favorable for the hedgehog. Back then, I thought, the man is back. The guy is back.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

1. Opera Sequence in FF6. I don't know if it really needs further explanation but if others want it, I can give it.

2. Sonic 2: Fighting the Egg Robo after killing Silver Sonic.

3. Chrono Cross: Psx listed a pretty darn epic one (And yes the music is depressing) but I also got to put in the one after you confront Lynx in Chronopolis and realize that you got used. Not that this is the first time mind you...

4. Lunar:SSSC: After you defeat Ghaleon...just the whole thing. *tear*

5. Chrono Trigger: Fighting the Tyrano and Azala while Lavos is approaching the Tyrano Lair.

Posts: 874
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Metal Gear Solid 3: everything from the first Volgin fight on is just a giant epic ball of incredible-ness.

Posts: 1827
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Seriously, no one has said the battle with Colossus 5 from Shadow of the Collossus yet?

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1827
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Yes. Is that in HD or better resolution or something? Because that looks so crisp.

And I dont think I spelled colossus right in my last post.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

1. Opera Sequence in FF6. I don't know if it really needs further explanation but if others want it, I can give it.

so true, i was totally gonna say that......okay here's the ff6 opera scene

i also love Astal's seconed into from the sega satrun game,

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Yes. Is that in HD or better resolution or something? Because that looks so crisp.

It's a screenshot of the game being played on the PCSX2 emulator, running on a high-end PC. I've been using it as a wallpaper.

Posts: 2
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Seriously, no one has said the battle with Colossus 5 from Shadow of the Collossus yet?


damn, every fight in that game was mindblowing in one form or another...

Posts: 17
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Posts: 1396
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^_^ Is there anymore incredible?


Anyway, not sure what my favourite moment would be...the ending to MGS3 is very strong, making you empathise with the young Big Boss and wish he succeeded as the villain of the future games, but that's more story that gameplay, and personally I think that story, no matter how good, cannot take the top spot.

I'm not sure, first playing Super Mario 64 comes to mind, or Ocarina of Time, but I think I have one.

Completing Link's Awakening. First Zelda I completed, all those bosses to go through, and a melancholy ending for my troubles.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

I still rememeber back to Megaman Legends 2 (shut up!) when defending the Roll as she tried to fix the island's main defense system from Glyde and his bird bots.

I made the mistake of failing that mission, and the cut scene involving the Mayor detonating the self-destruct button for the Island left me shocked and a little disturbed.

Sorry. I cannot find the exact clip at the moment. :/

(waiting for Psx to deliver his usual win) >_>

Posts: 874
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Call of Duty 1



"One of you fires the rifle, the other carries the bullets"

You vs. a hill with the German army perched at the top and only a literal handful of bullets with no gun to fire them to keep you company .


Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Oh yea I forgot another one: Super Metroid

When you first encounter Kraid, he's a good sized boss but nothing to be too worried about...

THEN you do a bit too much damage to him and he gets mad. And starts growing and growing and growing and...well you get the idea. Then he's a two screen monstrosity that you have to take down. Not easy.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sure, I'll play.

Because I'm currently playing it, the Chapter 3 finale of Radiant Dawn on the Wii is a big ball of awesome. The concept of the battle is that thanks to an idiotic dragon prince, all of the countries of Telius are involved in a single battle and the rule of the Fire Emblem is that when all the countries are at war, the dark God will be reborn.

So what makes this battle epic?

1: It is you versus you. You play as Ike's group fighting against Micciah's, and the higher your level for the inferior Dawn brigade, the more threat you face.

2: There's a shiny emblem in the corner counting the number of fatalities since the battle started. Given that the max number is 90, there are a TON of enemies battling, as well as allies. It's an all out brawl. Also the emblem in the corner starts flaming and the atmosphere gets more ominous as the battle continues.

3: Cutscenes prevail throughout the battle, interupting the flow and explaining how dangerous the situation is.

4: The dark God is awoken (she turns out to be chaotic, so it's okay) and everyone who is not a main character is turned to stone, with Ike running through the battlefield of statues screaming if anyone is still alive.


Also, Eternal Darkness. Just. Eternal Darkness.

I'll go over my collection and find some more later.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Ace Combat 4 - the Megalith. The enemy has fallen back to their last outpost: a massive missile facility with the ability to strike anywhere in the world. The remainder of the enemy air force is charged with guarding it, but you've nearly single-handedly stripped it of it's most elite pilots. It's you and several squadrons versus the considerable remains of their armada. The odds of you surviving are pretty slim, but the best part?

You can hear the enemy crapping themselves in fear when they learn that YOUR plane in particular is in the attacking force. I LOVE IT when a game actually shows fear from your opponents after you've been tearing them to shreds all game long.

Oh, and the music. Can't forget the music.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

Ace Combat 4 - the Megalith. The enemy has fallen back to their last outpost: a massive missile facility with the ability to strike anywhere in the world. The remainder of the enemy air force is charged with guarding it, but you've nearly single-handedly stripped it of it's most elite pilots. It's you and several squadrons versus the considerable remains of their armada. The odds of you surviving are pretty slim, but the best part?

can't believe i actually agree with you. but yeah Ace combat is worth mentioning.

okay a wonderful and most possibly the best moment in a shooter game the final end boss battle in Panzer dragoon, just look at the size of that thing, you can see the generel on the giant dragon too ... it was the best boss i have ever played against and the music is perfect on this game

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Serious Sam: The First Encounter. You've spent all game fighting off giant enemies and lots of them with only your wits, a cheesy sense of humor at your side (not to mention the ungodly amount of firepower in your invisible golf bag). Naturally, the last boss should be bigger than the normies, right?

Enter Ugh Zan III, a boss who takes that advice to the extreme and then some. 'Dude be huge' is what I'm getting at., and the only hope you have is to get to the Great Pyramid. Behind you is a rampaging Ugh Zan, who topples obelisks like they're cardboard. In front of you is the pyramid and the legions of enemies hellbent on stopping you.

This level will have you saying "oh crap oh crap oh crap" all the way through it.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

hey castor troy i missed that man, i just saw the video and it's awsome.

i was judgemental about the graphics at first but when i saw the size of that thing, that was awsome, how did i miss that game? can i get it on the pc? i think the hero is the dude that looks like duke nuke'em right?
anyway, it's bad enough you got monsters in tight closed levels to fight them on the open like that is very original. and the boss reminds me of goro from mortal kombat .. i'm gonna look at the video again i think i saw bird monsters.
alright i can top that, see if this impresses you:

doom 3 final battle,
doom is always known to have cyberdemons as a mid bosses, but here he's the super final boss and man is he a surprise, when i saw him for the first time my expression looked just like the hero, i was even stupid enough to play doom in the dark as if it wasn't scary enough.
here's a video the hero was trying to find the exit but look what he found.... although unfortunetly this dude's computer isn't as strong as mine.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

The first and second time you escape from the Grand Fortress in Skies of Arcadia. The first time is pretty awesome as you leap onto a moving train and run along its length to rescue one of your friends, all while a guy you have no hope whatsoever of beating chases you like an Implacable Man.

The second time is even more awesome as you not only bust all your friends out of prison in the Grand Fortress itself, but you also acquire a new ship into the bargain and then BLAST YOUR WAY OUT WITH ITS ALL-CONSUMING DEATH RAY. It's EPIC, and such a ridiculous power rush when you first fire it.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

uh that game had so much fun element to it, good call silvershadow... and remember the best part, you get to pick your crew. you do guests and gather people, i think you can get a large number of crew members and if you do a super attack you can call them to fight with you i had a lot so my super move was pretty strong.

here's the video on the crew supermove summoning VIDEO

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

In dire need!
We call forth!
The power!
Of the Ancients!
To battle our foe!

Skies had a lot of great moments. Where's my Skies of Arcadia 2: Secret of the Black Moon sequel, Sega?

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Let's also not forget

Kneel... kneel before me!

Where there is light... there is DARKNESS.

Behold... Pirates' Wrath!

And one of my favourites:

C'mon... Dance for me!

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I have to go with an obvious choice and say the ending to Ocarina of Time. Climbing Ganon's Tower as the creepy organ music gets louder, fighting Gannondorf, escaping the falling castle, the final battle...The whole sequence was just immense.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

ramirez said that right silvershadow?
he was cool just look at his super attack here Boss.
probably the youngest final end boss in rpg history..... why couldn't he be the main character
anyway that final battle was very enjoyable... the whole game was perfect.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Yah, Ramirez's Silver Eclipse is where he says that.
