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Legend of Princess: 2D action platform Zelda parody/homage by the creator of Noitu Love 2

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Posts: 5772
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Konjak's back again, bringing the old-school 2D platformer love with his latest project: The Legend of Princess. It's what would happen if you mixed Adventure of Link with Wonder Boy in Monster Land and layered it on one of Treasure's 16-bit hyper-kinetic sprite engines. It's just a one level demo, and there's no telling if he plans to add more to it beyond that... but even if he doesn't, what he's got here is nothing short of amazing.

Well, perhaps I'm overselling it a bit... just check it out. Here's a direct link.

EDIT: video files ceased to work, so I editted in the Youtube versions.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I hate games that box you in an area to fight a load of enemies. Just feels like it's artificially extending the game and feels boring, like in Sonic Rush and Sonic Heroes' boss fights.

I like the sprites though and the end boss looked fun.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

That was amazing. I also got Noitu Love 2 the full version and strongly recommend it. And I like games with HOARD O ENEMIES bosses, though in this one the enemy rooms weren't that great. The 3 bosses are amazingly imaginative (especially considering they are clones).

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

lol that looks sweet. Might check that out later.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Where is this pot of golden awesome and why isn't this on the DS already? Because I am willing to spend BIG BUCKS on this game.

This game shall go forwards. I would LOVE to play a game like this within the VERY NEAR FUTURE!

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

High score: 1465


Also, there is still a secret I haven't figured out how to unlock: some of the unlit torches that are just there and don't do anything. I love how the game gives you variety in the equips and it plays quite uniquely with the double jump, hook shot, or chicken. And each has its advantages. The boomerang and bomb also have various advantages, but so far I've found no advantage to using the arrows other than challenge.

Don't watch it at youtube, because it's a short game and the videos spoil a lot of the discovery. Ganon is easy if you know how.

This is a surprisingly deep and balanced game, and like Noitu Love 2 it has spectacular pacing that makes most action games slow by comparison.

This game shall go forwards. I would LOVE to play a game like this within the VERY NEAR FUTURE!

Just go there and download it. But I don't think it will be developed much further because it's a fan game he made as a break from his larger projects. Personally I think he should take some of the ideas he used with thisand just make a big game he can charge money for.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I've heard of this and when I have time, I'll download it. From what the youtube clips show, this looks like something that, indeed, could work on a DS title. The music is also catchy.
