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March 31st...I chal...
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March 31st...I challenge anyone to these 5 games (XBLA)

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Posts: 96
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The world of Xbox Live has gotten somewhat boring, as I've no real drive or competition. I need to feel as if I'm fighting for something =0 There are games that I'm currently really into and want to maybe get a "gameday" of sorts going for Tuesday the 31st. The exact time shall be determined over the weekend.

The games are the following (obviously 2 player games are harder to fit in):
Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
Street Fighter 4
GTA4 (Lost and the Damned applicable)
Gears of War 2

I've not many friends on my friendslist, but the few times I DID play with people I knew (at least I little) it was a lot more memorable. I'm a very confident person in each game I play so will I be put in my place? Or will I be the Samuel L. Jackson of the day?

Incase anyone needs to know, my XBLA name is "Fireblood Fox" and I'm on Pacific time.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Man...I wish I could play you, but im a PS3 user. I know what you mean though...I want to play some people in HD rEmix and IV as well. Hmmm...I think we should make this topic into an online challenge setup thread. Do we have one of those yet? *looks around*

Posts: 889
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We had one set for Christmas break, but other then getting a few people on my friends list, nothing happened. I think a few people played Brawl but that was all. This is definately pretty difucult to get going because we have a such a diverse community from all around the world.
Sadly the only game I have on your list Tails, is CoD 4, but my Xbox chewed that one up months ago. If you have anything else just tell me. I'd like to get some Halo 3 going.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea we did have one up during Xmas. You're right we are such a diverse board...but shouldn't that make it abit easier, in some ways. Someone would like...always be close to your Time Zone so setting up wouldn't be one party staying up til 4 am or one party waking up at 6 in the morning or something. *shrugs*

P.S. Hiro and I participated ni the Brawl fun.

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I USED to have Halo 3, but I gave it to a old work buddy as a Christmas gift since he was a big lover of Halo but never played the 3rd.

Well... I have Gears of War 1 and Soul Calibur 4. As well as LOTS of arcade games. The non HD Street Fighter 2, Settlers of Catan, Puzzle Quest, DOOM, Duke Nukem 3d, Puzzle Fighter, and other things you can see on my list of games/achievements on my gamer profile on Xbox. =3

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Just tell me when you're free on Tuesday. =D I'm preferably an evening guy since I sleep in as much as I can.

Posts: 2915
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I work till 9 so evening will probably work best for me too

(oh and I might have a 30 day trial from GTA IV if you want it/ can use it. I've got a 13 month subscription, so I don't really need it)

Posts: 2016
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Don't have any of the Street Fighter games, nor don't have GTA, CoD4 is FUBAR, and GoW2 is MIA.

Otherwise I would've been down for it.

Posts: 96
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Aha, I see I have Left 4 Dead. How can I forget that one?

That's applicable as well. If anything does get its game on, I'd say 6 PM PST on Tuesday works.

I should perhaps reactivate my Gold account and start training a bit online.

Posts: 841
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Aaah I was gonna say I have SC4, but 6pm PST will be just too late for me. Parents will not be too pleased to find me playing the 360 at 1am GMT.

That said, my gold sub's ran out.... hmm

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If there's a time better for you Trudi I don't mind getting on earlier. I'm off the whole day, so I can play one person at say.... 12 noon here on the PST times, and catch up with Hiro later on.

Posts: 841
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Well, I do need an excuse to play that game some more. Terrible at it mind! Haven't played it a huge amount.

Got paid today so I'll see if work has any gold subs tommorrow.

I'll give you an update if I'm successful getting the gold when I can, but noon pst sounds fine.

[edit] ok gold got

Posts: 96
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Sure! I was on gold myself for a year paying by the month for it, until my X-box RROD''d on me. When I got it back they gave me a free month of gold code, so I used that, and when it expired it didn't go back to my bank card. Since I've not been playing much online, and my brother hasn't played CoD4 again I've held it off until I felt the need to play online again. I'm gonna reactivate this weekend as I just got paid with a check that was more than I calculated, but since I'm gonna be playing my just returned Fallout, I won't need any online for a while.

I haven't played SC4 since my Canadian buddy got her own X-box, and she was whippin' me by the end of the night with Yoshimitsu style, but hey, I may be decent with my Raphael again with some practice.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

See my sig, T2k. I'll be available after 6 PM (ET) and I don't have to be at work until the next day in the afternoon (Provided my bosses don't change the schedule for that day).

Oh, almost forgot. The challenge is to Street Fighter 4.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

Alright, one day left. I'll be on at 12 PST for Trudi, and 6 PM for the rest of y'all. I'll add everyone up later, so just know that "Fireblood Fox" is yours truly.

Posts: 2915
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hmmm =( Might not be able to join you guys.

Didn't get as much done this weekend as I should have, and with a lab report due on Thursday, a take home Electromagnetic Fields test due Thursday, and paper for my History class to work on, I probably won't have the time.

That said, I might be able to make some room, but we will see.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

I just reactivated my gold now, and I'm gonna be up all the way through tomorrow soooooo.... if y'all want to party, I'll add everyone once my bro gets off CoD4 and hope to see some of ya!

Edit: Wow, this topic showed me that I apparently have 2 accounts under the same name.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

You ARE aware that only one of the games you mentioned is actually XBLA, right?

Posts: 333
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Yes, but dammit man, I can't make up for the decisions I made when I was tired!

Posts: 1044
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Needs more DooM

Posts: 333
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x____X Forgive me. Some stuff went on at home with someone apparently fixing our air conditioning (who the hell was going to tell me about that?) and I couldn't get on until just now. At least I'm playing SF4 with Dreamer. If you want to reschedule I'm totally cool with that, as I feel that this is part of why you got back on Gold. I really want to play some Soul Calibur, so if there are any days and times you are free just let me know. I refuse to let someone down. =0

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

😀 don't worry about it, real life comes before online every time. I was playing some Mirrors Edge again while I was waiting so it's no biggy.

I'm available most evenings (BST) except Wednesdays and Saturdays, although I'm not going to be around between Sunday and Tuesday next week anyway. So it's basically whenever you're not busy during the day.

Posts: 333
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Then I'm sure I'll catch you some time to make up for it. Mondays I'm nearly always off on, so perhaps the week after, or maybe even Friday. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm always booked with 10 hour school days, unfortunately. Either way, I get myself awake at the most random hours, so I'm sure some day, some time.

I'd like to thank Dreamer again for the Street Fighter 4 matches. Felt good to smash hands. =3 I hope I was understandable as I was the only person with a mic. I guess this topic is....going to soon be useless. o_0

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Since Outrun Online Arcade is coming next week; I was hoping to get some races going on. Well that is if enough people are getting it, it seems like a game that would be popular around here. If we do have enough, how about the Thursday of Friday after it comes out? So we can get some practice for a day or two.
I didn't see a need to make a new thread for some get together gaming since we have this one.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Well, since I kinda forgot about the target date...

Anyone up for some gaming over the Easter Weekend? XBL Tag: The Spiner. Add me, yo!

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I sure would Spiner!

Halo 3
Castle Crashers
Left 4 Dead
Burnout Paradise

I think that's all I have...

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I'd love to get in some Left 4 Dead online action - I've had it for a while, but haven't played it online

EDIT: Oh right, should really make a list of available games, too.

Halo Wars
Halo 3
Gears of War 2
Left 4 Dead
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero: World Tour
And that's all I can really think of right now.
