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MechQuest (Houses update, see last post)

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I know that a lot of the people in this forum are more for "hardcore" gaming on consoles or PC, but this emerging Net-based flash game is based on the Adventure Quest/Dragon Fable universe, except that it's got a sci-fi feel, and you battle it out with other mechs. If you liked the quirky humor of the other games, then this will appeal to you as well.

If you're interested in joining, feel free to try to fight my mech using the arcade simulator on the newbie dropship that you start on - it's #403808. The account is free but you have to pay a one-time cost for some of the more advanced features. entirely enjoyable free though.

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New Member Guest

There better be discussion in here!

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Noble Member

I played it. It seems more grindy than dragon fable and AQ. As in the time required to level is very much more drug out. Or at least it seems to be for me. :p


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Oh heck yeah, gaining levels is rough. Though as far as I know, you only need to get to level 8 to get access to all of the weapons that they have available so far.

Money isn't too bad to get by comparison, but I'm saving up for the best mech they have available ATM (for us free account people that is) and that's 40,000 - I'm only above halfway right now. Though it's a great excuse to level up too.

Staying on the dropship seems a safer, faster and more reliable way to save up money than going ahead with the plot.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Mechs...yummy. :D

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Well, unfortunately it appears that the ID number fighting only allows you to fight the default mech in the color of the person you selected - only upgraded accounts can keep their equipment without needing to equip it all again every time they log in, so I'm guessing that only upgraded accounts can have others fight their customized mech.

In the meantime, they're going to introduce hand weapons as well; apparently you'll be able to do some missions on foot without your mech. Lightsabers and other energy weapons will be available soon.

Here's some tips for those interested and starting out:
- the N-00B missile system is a reliable shoulder-mounted weapon system that you can get fairly early on. The 2x version fires two missiles, while the 4x version fires 4 missiles at the cost of an extra round of cooldown. I relied on these until I got the Sling missile system.

- Make sure not to buy any weapons marked in red - they cannot be mounted onto your currently-equipped mech! Also be careful to make sure whether you are buying a "front" or "back" weapon for arms or shoulders, since some weapons are available for only the front or back.

- Buy a back arm weapon and a back shoulder weapon as soon as you can, since this will give you enough firepower to take on most of the early battles. If you're having trouble getting cash from mech fights, the dropship you are on at the beginning has a mini-game at the far right where you can pilot the ship and shoot asteroids. The score you get equals the amount of credits you get out of it. You get experience from it too.

- Money is a major issue in this game - you'll have to buy some good weapons, then rely on them for hours of money grinding to save up for the more advanced mech chassis. The Katana is 40,000 credits and is a much better buy than the upgraded version of the original chassis; there is only one mech better than that, and that's the upgraded Mecharoni Pizza mech, which you can only access after getting to a certain rank as a pizza delivery person, and even then you need a whopping 100,000 for it. But it has the best armor, generator regen and generator capacity of any mech so far as I've seen in the game - even the upgraded account-only mechs don't quite match up to it at this point in the development of the game.

- Balance your weapon cooldown and energy drain so you don't run out of energy too quickly, but also so you can fire as often as you can. You can do this easily by using the default machine gun with other weapons, since it doesn't have a cooldown (cooldown just means you can't use that weapon for a certain number of turns). However, the machine gun isn't very powerful and you have enough generator capacity to be able to switch to a more powerful weapon earlier on.

Hope some of these tips are useful. Feel free to share any neat things that you discover as you play the game.

EDIT: Merry Christmas! Here's a sexy screenshot of my customized Mech that is capable of taking on anyone; my ID number should work now for you to fight it if you're interested, since I got the Star Captain upgrade.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahaha! Sexy. ;)

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Besides several quests being added since my last update, the three Houses in the MechQuest GEARS University have opened, with their own unique traits and personalized mecha! And yes, this is a ripoff of Harry Potter, possibly many other things.

House Wolfblade are your honorable warrior types - they esteem battle prowess and honor above all else. They are ferocious in battle. Their mecha shines the most in armor points, and while slightly weaker than the other two in terms of energy pool and recharge, it is powerful enough to hold its own in the toughest fights. This House has an ongoing rivalry with House Runehawk. My character Mar Owens (ID # located earlier in thread) is part of this House.

House Runehawk is the "knowledge is power" type. They have been tinkering with the power of mana engines to fuel their mecha, making their mech have one of the highest regen rates in the entire game. Their mech's main front weapon is a spellbook that can cast a random effect (even healing to your mech!). They are in an ongoing rivalry with House Wolfblade.

House MystRaven are the rogues and those who prefer to strike from the dark. They actually sabotage the other two Houses because they think the rivalry is stupid, so they mischievously try to make things worse. Their mech has a higher chance of critical hits and some of the highest possible damage ratios in the game.

You can only join one House with one character, so choose wisely!
