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Mega Man 10 confirm...
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Mega Man 10 confirmed for WiiWare

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lol I was just making this topic right now. XD

I am somewhat dissatisfied with this.

One the one hand, why is it 8-bit graphics... again. Could have been a real awesome opportunity to to go all out with what the WiiWare is capable of. I know that Capcom loves the "if it ain't broken don't fix it" mentality, but this looks more like milking the product just because they can.

Then there's the other Mega Man series that are still left in the cold. Legends 3, ZX3, X9 -- will you ever come to fruition?

But on the other hand ... MOAR 8-bit classic Mega Mans!! And it includes Protoman as a non-unlockable feature!

It's a tough decision, really.

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As a person who grew up knowing only the classic series, I'm totally in love with how they're going about doing this. I can understand why people would want one with modern graphics, though.

But look on the bright side! Sheep Man! SHEEP MAN!

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Sheep Man? Really? C'mon Capcom you can come up with better stuff than that.

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But--- but. NO!

Mega Man 10 should be Mega Man X. They made the saga come full circle. Why must they ruin t---

Oh who cares, it's old school NES action. Rock on Capcom!

Posts: 488
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A third playable character, huh? I sort of hope it's not a new one. We all know how much everybody loved Axl when he showed up in the X series. But it's probably just Roll.

I have mixed feelings here. I'm pleased we're getting another entry in the classic series. I'm also pleased that because of this, people will stop referring to Mega Man X as Mega Man 10 (like how people stopped referring to Rockman & Forte as Mega Man 9). I'm also pleased by the undeniably awesome Sheep Man. But the whole thing seems like too little too soon. At least the level gimmicks sound pretty creative. I desire to see more.

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- Mega Man is looking for a vaccine-making device to fight the 'Robotenza', which causes robots to overheat and go crazy

go crazy

Prototype Zero virus confirmed to be on the loose. Soon the Robot Apocalypse will begin with the awakening of the harbinger of death...

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So apparently Bass is the third character, and he'll be DLC. Keep in mind that this was included in a rumor that actually started last month, but they did get the robot sickness thing and playable Proto Man right:


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Not sure if want... this better be the last classic Mega Man.

And now they owe us SNES-style X9 AND X10.

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All tremble before... Commando Man!

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I also like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAMAN!

Oh how you have me such never ending joy with you great gameplay, colorful characters and overall awesomeness!


... Unfortunately your Twenty-Two, but I'm sure they are not >>;;

Edit: Yes I know I'm using the Legends version. Come on people, I though you know me by now...
