Between the poster and the awesome teaser trailer, I am STOKED. I have a feeling this is it for MGS. This is the endgame, and I welcome whatever Kojima has in store for me.
And how cool is that poster? From left to right, they've got Vamp, Meryl, Raiden (plus Olga's baby?) PACKING HIS SWORD, Ocelot, Snake, Otacon, someone who looks EXCEEDINGLY like Big Boss (hope hope hope hope) and a mystery person (looks female).
Everything else can screw off this E3. THIS is the goods for me right here.
*Salivates and awaits*#
*Lets it sink in*
Wait a second, why the hell am I excitted, they brought Vamp and Big Boss back from their graves! What the hell?! Vamp is the worst damn character ever! *Torn between Tactical Espionage Action or Craptical Awful Storyline*
Teaser was hilarious. I think that's Naomi on the far right.
Quote from 1337chat, me talking about Raiden:
he looks more attractive than Meryl"
Well, they sure are bringing people back. Big Boss{90% sure} looks so damn CREEPY.
Oh, something interesting. Note the ding sound at the very end of the teaser. Looks like Raiden'll be playable too. Maybe you'll get a choice, or they'll simply share the game like MGS2...Who knows. Watching Raiden kick as much ass as Snake while holding a freaking baby would be entertaining.
Also, anyone who thinks it's Solidus like I first did, it can't be, because the eyepatch is on the wrong eye.
C'mon, you actually think Vamp was dead? He survived a bullet wound to the head already in MGS2, why's it so shocking that he survived the second one?
Well, be that as it may (and also that he magically teleports to the centre of New York, along with Snake, in the ending of MGS2) he just didn't do anything to DESERVE a sequel. He's one of the worst characters I've ever encountered in video games. He mixes so many awful traits it makes me ill. I mean blocking bullets, being a vampire, being "immortal", sleeping with a man and then his daughter (either is fine, but both is almost as sickening as Otacon's backstory), killing minors, killing FEMALE minors... Oh and SHOOTING HIM IN THE DAMN HEAD TWICE AND HIM NOT DYING!
*Twitch* What are his redeeming features? Character design or concept isn't enough to excuse the character himself being a complete pile of crap (just like the majority of MGS2. "Lady Luck" my arse)
...very nice.
The trailer, if giving away nothing about the game itself, is pretty funny. Nice interaction between Snake and Raiden. ^.^
I'm left to wonder exactly what role Vamp'll play in this game - since his main motivations were because of Dead Cell in MGS2, there's not much he needs to do...unless he's turned Ninja on us and is just out for revenge.
It's good to see the return of soem familiar faces - Meryl, potential Big Boss and potential Naomi. Returning Naomi makes sense, considering she knows the most about Foxdie...as for Big Boss, it's hinted throughout MGS2 and 3 that the American branch of the Philosophers/Patriots were revived - perhaps what's happened with Big Boss?
As for Raiden holding a baby, I would expect it to be his own, considering Rose was pregnant at the end of MGS2, and Olga's child is likely to be around 2 years old now or something like that.
I'll probably speculate more later, but for now I wanna watch the trailer again. ^^
Well, be that as it may (and also that he magically teleports to the centre of New York, along with Snake, in the ending of MGS2) he just didn't do anything to DESERVE a sequel.
Because we haven't SEEN him die yet. We still have to deliver the coup de gras to him, so that's why he's in the sequel: to officially die by our hands.
See? Win-Win situation.
And now that I think about it, what if Big Boss had never actually died? Just like the horror movie cliche, if you don't see them die they aren't dead. This explains why US didn't give Liquid Big Boss's remains. That not that they didn't want to give in to his demands, it's that there were no remains to give.
I was introduced to MGS by the Twin Snakes. I have played Sons of Liberty and am planning to nab it on the PC (as my lack of a PS2 or an X-Box hinders other options). However, I desperatly NEEEEEEED to play and complete 100% Big Boss or whatever rank on Snake Eater. But again, I'm slated with the lack of a Sony console! I hear Snake Eater is getting a Subsistence expantion, similar to MGS2 did, but apparently, this one will not be released on PC. WHY GOD WHY?!?!
Anyways, I'm having a hard time between PS3 and 360 right now. I loved the teaser trailor. If only I was filthy rich and could nab both. And a Revolution, just for kicks, and that blue LED.
Best. Trailer. Ever. <3
I've only played the Twin Snakes, so I need to buy MGS 2 & 3 sometime, as I'm really interested in the whole MGS thing. And this just draws me towards getting a PS3, well, after I get a Revolution anyway.
Well, OTB the general concensus among fans is that, at least in terms of storyline, that MGS2 was the weakest of them all.
Storywise, there is power struggle between MGS1 and MGS3 (whith a general advantage for MGS1). However MGS3 is winning the overal contents on grounds of superior cutscenes and gameplay.
Plus, some of the best jokes and references you've seen this side of the Iron Curtain. 😛 Of course, it will be pwned by Subsistence ^__^
And of course MGS4...... Well, there is not much to go. The teaser rocked if only for the sheer fun factor. 😛
So, it would apear that both Shuyo Murata AND Kojima will be directing the game. Interesting. ^__^
As for the Big Boss thingy, it is not likely he is alive. In fact the fact that he is drawn naked reminds me of a piece of artwork Shinkawa had done for one of the MGS1 artbooks. It had Big Boss' naked, dead corpse, inside a cryo-preservation chamber.
Craig mentioned something about this not being reasonable since he sould have more than just a few visible burn scars - however it has to be noted that this is nothing more than a CONCEPT artwork. And I am talking about both the MGS1 art with BB AND the MGS4 promo poster. I believe BB's presense in the poster sugests, NOT some resurection of BB (I would hate that as much as I love Jack/John/Saladin/whathaveya) but rather a story line that has even more stuff about him (his past perhaps?) or maybe even his very corpse!
Random comments:
And now that I think about it, what if Big Boss had never actually died? Just like the horror movie cliche, if you don't see them die they aren't dead. This explains why US didn't give Liquid Big Boss's remains. That not that they didn't want to give in to his demands, it's that there were no remains to give.
I have heard this theory before, but Big Boss defied death once already (he was supposedly killed in Metal Gear 1, but returned in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake).
The gov didn't give Liquid BB's remains for three reasons:
1) US Gov does not negotiate with terrorists.
2) Solidus wasn't crazy enough to give Liquid the keys to genetic Soldier supremacy. (and neither were the Patriots)
3) And MOST important - at the time they they thought FOXDIE would take care of everything so they considered it a win-win situation for them anyway.
I share Craig's extreme distaste and annoyance about Vamp as a character in general, but for partialy different reasons. I also think Craig is biased because Vamp is a vampire and Craig DESPISES Vampires with a loathing that is awe-inspiring to say the least. 😛
I blame Anne Rice for that. And neo-goth RPers or VtM. 😛
Be that as it may, Castor was right:
Because we haven't SEEN him die yet. We still have to deliver the coup de gras to him, so that's why he's in the sequel: to officially die by our hands.
Dude! Not only will he die by our hands - but it will be SNAKE who smites down the undead scum!! 😛 And not Raiden (not that I hate Raid, but I still prefer Snake).
BTW, I share your sentiments about this year's E3 ^__^
Possible Spoilers may follow...
As for Raiden holding a baby, I would expect it to be his own, considering Rose was pregnant at the end of MGS2, and Olga's child is likely to be around 2 years old now or something like that.
Ya, that's the most likely. Or it could be a new clone. Who can tell?! 😛
BTW, am I the only one who noticed that Ocelot in that poster has fully assumed Liquid's look?
Realy long trenchcaot, shirtless naked chest (not very sure about that, but it looks like that to me). And he generely has a more 'Liquidian' stance. 😛
Of couse, that too could be a concept art to reflect his duality... or it may actualy mean tha Liquid is in full control of him.
Snake's new sneaking suit looks interested. The boots especialy remind me of the exo-skeleton Solidus was wearing. Food for thought that....
About the girl with the hood, most ppl seem to think it's Naomi and I would be lying if I said I had a different opinion. Other canditates are Nastasha and Mei Ling. But aside that the face artwork (always ambiguous when it comes to Yoji's art) doesn't look a lot like either of them and more to it, she is too tall to be Mei Ling, and is she was Nastasha she would have her nessessery accessoir - her cigarettes :P.
(((EDIT ADDITION: **slaps himself** I forgot Rose... She COULD be rose... and she LOOKS like Rose... God, plz make she ISN'T Rose.... NO MORE ROSE!!!!!!!!
I am having hopes it's not herin the fact that Raiden carries a baby instead of her
Eitherway, it would apear that ALL the characters in the poster are actualy returning chars, and not a single one of them seems to be new.
BTW, I just realised, I didn't see Campbell anywhere there... Hmm...
And that's the most you can get about the game realy. The only other hints that Koj has let loose is the 'No Place to Hide' thing about the stealth - whatever that means. The production team has also been quoted on saying the following on more than one occassion: The game launches a new story (which MIGHT mean a new trilogy and not an MGS endgame, though even that is debatable).
Koj also mentioned on E3 that the game is not as much about location but also revolves around 'events' that will shape your stealth approach to things - that was followed with a promise that MGS4 will be as innovatively stealthy compared to MGS3 as MGS3 was when compared to MGS2 and so on and so forth. He also elaborated, when asked, that the basic meaning behind the 'No Place To Hide' theme is that Snake will "be placed in situations that the player will think "How do you expect me to hide here?!" but when he does manage to hide, the experience will be all the more rewarding".
Of course, what the hell all those things mean, is likely anyone's guess. Some fans have also sugested a possible revelance of the theme for the story as in "Snake being hunted down and thus constantly on the run, never finding a place to dig in an hide from The Patriots".
Since MGS4 has been known to MGS community for a few months now, a lot of theories have been heard and proposed by fans regarding the gameplay - ranging from deserts, to thick urban terains, to a full fledged unheard-of-before Infiltration on a new, highly advanced Arsenal Gear Space Station... The latter treads a thin line betwen silliness and brilliance, depending on execution and what suits your fancy (personaly, I dunno if the idea is good or not, but just for kicks I DO admit that I find the concept of Zero-gravity stealthy full 3d movement SOMEWHAT intriguing, if only for purely academic reasons).
And... that's all folks. ^__^
IGN about Kojiman in E3:
Kojima, sadly, doesn't talk too much about the game (he actually states that the game's system hasn't been confirmed yet, which means this interview was conducted some time before E3's announcement of a PS3 release). He is willing to reveal that the game is set in the future. Players will be taken to places to which the series has never before gone, Kojima states, asking that fans use this "hint" to picture what will become of the game.
I can think of a couple of ppl who claim this supports the Space theory. I will hold judgement on it, out of lack of intel. ^__^ Thought of mentioning it though.
Personally, I'll be glad if we get some closure to the storyline XD I want to know all about these god-cursed Patriots, and I want to mop the floor with them, even if it takes another few games...
BTW, what's this about the MGS3 expansion? Fill my ears with info...
Vamp?Alive?I have to kill that thing again?Why won't he die!? x_X Nothing against his character and all...But I want him to die.
Edit: BTW, what's this about Vamp and his backstory?Where'd you get this info? o.o;; I don't recall any of that from the Snake Tales....
Ocelot is teh coolest character ever in MGS. If prettyboy Liquid there took him over... Ack. Well, it was inevitable.
As for Big Boss....Perhaps the game won't revolve around his 'rebirth', but rather a new cloning? Perhaps someone gets ahold of his corpse and decides to clone him again? Or maybe the Patriots have something sinister in mind....?
I'll be anxiously awaiting this game... Oh, and am I the only one who enjoyed the plot of MGS2?I didn't like Raiden much, but I loved the whole conspiracy theory on the Patriots...Confusing, but I love it.
Reanimated corpse... A possible Naomi involvement... Sound familiar yet?
Oh crap...
Because of this ONE game, I'm now changing my ming to geting a PS3 AND Xbox 360.
Characters confirmed - the last two on the website are Big Boss and Naomi.
Source: Top news post (at time of writing)
Direct Link
Hey, guys... Online MGS on the way...
(Hopefully better than what Substance did)
MGS3: Subsistance, people!
(Hopefully better than what Substance did)
Wait, what? Substance didn't even have multiplayer. O_o
The Online stuff from Subsistence looks interesting for the ppl who would like to do Multiplayer in MGS. Even though I intent to get/borrow/buy Subsistence I know for a fact I will not enjoy the Multiplayer because Online Console gaming is dead in Greece.
I'd like to try it though. ^__^
As for the Multiplayer thing, there are two modes. One is with Teams. Two teams of soldiers, using all the MGS tactics, duking it off for supremacy. This branches out with several classic selections, from Team Deathmatch, to Capture the Flag, or 'take and hold position'.
The other mode looks a bit more interesting to me. In that one, one player is Snake. And he must sneak of fight his way through HUMAN controled soldiers. THAT sounds interesting - but I dunno how well it can be implemented. The soldiers seem to operate on 3rd person view. You just CANT sneak CQC an enemy from behind if he is in 3rd person view.
Splinter Cell had the right idea with this one though, in that one, the infiltrators use 3rd person view, but the Guards use First Person view like an FPS game. SC Multiplayer looked mighty taste from what little I experienced.
Hmm...That sounds interesting. Pity I don't use internet gaming much ATM, though, so it'd suck for me x_X Ah well, as long as they throw in some new missions or some new offline content, I'll be happy to buy it, seeing as I don't own MGS3 yet (My friend had it and let me play it, and I figured I'd wait to see if they'd release an expansion a la Substance)
Edit: BTW, I've heard that Subsistence will also include the original MSX versions of Metal Gear 1 and 2
Ya, Subsistence does contain the original MSX versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.
That and the new Snake Vs. Monkey missions are the only new additions to Single Player though. No VR missions this time.
But the new 3rd person Camera in Snake Eater kinda raises the overal quality of the original Core Game.
Subsistence is a big advancement over the original US version of the game, but looses some of its uniqueness when compared to the PAL version since they share a lot of the 'new' features.
Ppl that wanted to buy MGS3, but didnt for whatever reason, SHOULD buy Subsistence. As for ppl who already have Snake Eater - I guess it all depends on how much of a hardcore freak you are.
I knew this topic was lurking down in the depths somewhere.
The first screens of MGS4 have turned up in Famitsu.
So, that old guy. I'm more inclined to say that's Big Boss rather than Snake (though it's been hinted that he ages at an accelerated rate, being a clone and all), mainly due to the eyepatch. There's also the fact that those sketches of MGS4 characters that showed up a while ago showed Solid Snake with a beard, which this guy doesn't have.
Apparently the Metal Gear from Snatcher makes an appearance, and that'd be Otacon on page 3.
Anyway, nice graphics. I hope they are at least somewhat indicative of what the final game looks like.
Liquid arm(MGS 2): "You havent age well, brother"
Holy crap
it Skynet. Wow the graphic are awesome and according to 1up.com Raiden is cool now.
I don't think that's Big Boss; Big Boss' eyepatch is on his right eye, while this guy's is on his left...that leaves the doors open to Solidus, Liquid (Yeah, i know he's got Ocelot, but you know Kojima... =P), Snake or someone new entirely (PLASMA SNAKE OMGZ).
Anyway, looks pretty good. Judging by how the damn things are walking down the street in one of those shots, I think it's safe to say that there'll be even more Metal Gears than there were in MGS2...lets just hope they still go down to the trusty stinger. =P
I hope that isn't Snake. OLD + SNAKE = NO GOOD.
The detail is nice. Everything else I could say has already been said. Props to Buzz for bothering to dig up the old topic...Which is fully intact even after the heck. o.o
Unveiling the NEW and IMPROVED Snake: Gas Snake!
Because he's an old fart, that's why.
Which eye did Solidus lose? If it was the left, then I guess he's likely. I don't think it's (Solid) Snake; the teaser drawing of him not only has a beard, but both eyes. Of course, that isn't to say we won't have multiple timelines or plot developments.
Then again, this is Kojima we're dealing with here. He could well be a complete rouse, or some kind of misleading information to knock us off the scent.
That thing on his eye might not be an eyepatch. It looks a little too...hi-tech.
It's probably just there to get us speculating about just who it is.
Edit: Two jsuts in a row? My my.
eh, my hypothesis *a dollar!* is that it's come clone/recreation of Big Boss.
Or Bruce Willis.'
Of course, if it is Snake, he should skateboard to prove hes still hip and funky.
I think it's safe to say that there'll be even more Metal Gears than there were in MGS2...lets just hope they still go down to the trusty stinger. =P
Yeah. You'd think by now that these terrorists and world superpowers would stop making mobile nuclear weapons of mass destruction with the exact same weakness to a weapon you can easily find in the back of storage areas.
And these images have humbled me. I take back most of the negative things I've said about PS3 so far.
Except the one where you can throw the controller around the TV and hit creatures on screen, ala Link's Boomerang.
It now has a subtitle: MGS4: Guns of the Patriots
I want... nay, I DEMAND to see that trailer NOW.
Dammit, I was just about to post the very same link. :p
EDIT: I'm seeing that link posted everywheres. If it goes down (and it probably will), rest assured that Konami will be hosting the trailer on the official site in a few hours.
Oh man, I pray Kojima stuck to his 'NO CGI CUTSCENES OR TRAILERS EVER' ways on this one, because if that's all real-time PS3... Wow.
Well, I originally posted mmst://cinema.gamemeca.com/cinema/mgs4.wmv, but that didn't work out too well.
"Guns of the Patriots". Yes finally we get to take on the Patriots head on . Strange I didn't saw Raiden in the trailer Kojima mention that he would appeared. maybe Kojima will release another trailer during the weekend. Also that wasn't CG but in game graphic.Remember none of Metal Gear games ever had CG in them
It looks AWESOME, but I still don't like the idea of Snake being old...Eh...I'll get used to it. I hope.
Very interesting...looks like Snake's learned CQC from somewhere...I'm not gonna bother speculating opening right now, but I've got one or two ideas who might have taught him.
The idea of old snake will take some getting used to, as has been said...perhaps that coughing fit and injection during the trailer could be Snake trying to fight back FOXDIE? That would also give more possibilities to Naomi's presence - if it is FOXDIE, perhaps Snake needs to find her in hope of a cure?
Snake always knew CQC. It was even mentioned in MGS1 (Campbell mentioned it, though he called it "CQB" - same thing).
'Sides, it's kinda hard to imagine that the members of the Unit that Big Boss designed aren't versed in CQC. CQC might've be a rarity in the 60s, but it's pretty common in Special Forces nowadays.
On another note: KONAMI japan's site, has posted a new section for MGS4, and that pic that you guys mentioned were Snake doesn't have a moustache have been edited WITH one now.
Char designs change over time. In the first trailer of MGS3, Big Boss didn't have a beard. By all means, we cant be sure if Snake will have a moustache in the final product. (I hope not - but that's mostly wishfull thinking)
And yes, it has been mentioned that Snake suffers from Accelerated Aging. Solidus had it more intense, so that's why he looked older in MGS2.
Oh, and that eyepatch is not realy an eyepatch. It's a Visual Processing unit called "Solid Eye". Some kind of military gizmo. I'll have to check it, but I think the enemy troopers in the trailer also wear similar things.
Overall I realy dig Snake's new look - including the grey hair. And the new Sneaking Suit simply kicks ass on a massive scale... I just HATE that moustache. 😛 I hope they change it to a full beard, or at least fully shaved. But that moustache... urgh, it's EVIL! 😛
finally saw the trailer in its entirity
i need a new pair of pants
The graphics are MIRACULOUS! I can count the whiskers on Otacon's stubbly face! It's insane! I'M FREAKING OUT! AAAHH!
EDIT: Got some new information on the game.
It starts out looking at the sky as two mechs fly overhead. The camera moves
down, with explosions everywhere and gunfire in the background. You can
already tell that a massive war is going on. There are a group of soldiers in
front, traveling down the streets of a war-torn city. But wait, what is this?
It turns out you are looking through the eyes of one of the soldiers. Has
Hideo Kojima forsaken stealth and gone for an action-packed first-person
shooter? One of the soldiers blows up. Three letters flash on-screen, "FPS",
that expands into "Forget Pre-rendered Stuff!" indicating that everything you
see is indeed in real-time. No gimmicks here, MGS4 will look even better than
this when it comes out in 2007, at least according to the man himself, Hideo
Kojima. The trailer continues in first-person, and then the group of soldiers
splits into two groups, and the letters "FPS" flash on-screen again, expanding
into "Format? Playstation Scenes", meaning that this trailer was done using
the PS3 hardware. The trailer goes back to the eyes of the soldier, and his
teammate has been killed. A figure in the distance runs from behind a pillar,
and darts behind a demolished wall of what used to be a building. The soldier
quickly investigates, only to find that no one is there. "FPS" flashes on-
screen again, expanding in to, "Finally a Policy Switch?".
As the soldier turns to his right, the lone figure reveals himself, grabbing
the soldier's gun and backhanding him in his throat. The trailer is no longer
in first-person view, and it reveals our hero, Solid Snake, as an old man,
probably in his late fifties or early sixties. Snake uses CQC and quickly
disposes of the soldier, taking his rifle. The words "This is no FPS. This is
MGS." appear on screen. The camera moves to a better view of our protagonist,
and he still is wearing the sneaking suit, and has a weird device over his
left eye, along with the famous bandana. "MGS4 for TGS on the PS3" flashes
across the screen.
We then see Snake creeping along the battlefield with his new weapon,
displaying amazing lighting (including self-shadowing) and detail on the
character. He moves up against a wall, and peeks around with his rifle ready,
but nothing is there. He moves to the opposite wall, and leans up against it.
He pulls out his knife (which is the first time we ever get to see Solid Snake
himself with one), and quickly looks around that corner. Again, nothing is
there but the black of shadows. Snake readies his rifle, and quickly moves
down his path, and leans up against a wall near a window. You hear the sound
of choppers ahead, and then witness explosions occurring on a couple of
buildings in the distance. More text appears saying "X years since Big
Shell..." (X not meaning 10, but an unknown number of years).
Snake relaxes a little, and sheathes his knife. He removes the clip from the
rifle, and ejects the cartridge from the chamber into the air and catches it.
This to me, seems to be very reminiscent of Big Boss, and him throwing the C3
into the air in Groznyj Grad in Metal Gear Solid 3. After looking at the
cartridge in his hand, "A battlefield you can find anywhere, anytime" appears
on screen. Snake then inserts the cartridge into the clip, and reloads the
rifle. Then, probably one of the most memorable lines in the Metal Gear Solid
series comes from Snake's mouth. He gets on one knee, and speaks. "It's Snake.
Can you hear me?", then "An old man exhausted of battle" displays on-screen.
Snake gets no response, and he places a cigarette in his mouth. Just then, a
wave of explosions occur outside of the building, and Snake stands up, running
to the other side of the window to get a better look. Snake suddenly dives out
of the way just before a huge chunk of the building is blown his way. He gets
up and starts running, when "New enemy created in battle" appears on screen.
The camera leaves Snake for an outside look at the world. There are dozens of
troops traveling down the street, and many others riding on the wave of tanks
behind them. The trailer goes back to Snake sprinting down the inside of the
building, only to stop at another window and peek outside at the troops. You
hear the wail of a mini Metal Gear walking down the street. The camera gives
you a mech's eye view in infrared, highlighting every entity in the area. You
then notice that something else is looking at Snake, unaware of the fact that
he is being watched.
Another angle is shown of the troops, and you can see multiple Metal Gears and
tanks traveling with them, searching for any nearby threat. Snake starts to
have a horrible coughing fit that brings him down on all fours. He removes
something from his belt, and injects it into his neck that quickly eliminates
the problem. This is either a hint of FOXDIE taking effect, accelerated aging
because of his genes, or both. Our hero seems to be slowly dying.
We see the troops and the Metal Gears walking down the streets, still
searching for enemies. Snake puts his cigarette back in his mouth, and the
object that was spying on him earlier returns. Snake notices it, and aims his
rifle at it. The machine hides itself, displaying the word "Caution" across
its red screen. Snake hears a wave of explosions outside the window, and
notices that the troops outside are now running towards something. The camera
zooms in on the device that is located over his left-eye; the words on it
say "Solid-Eye System". He activates it, and we are shown what Snake can see
with it.
In the upper-right corner, is a radar, displaying the outlines of nearby
buildings, and showing enemy locations. In the bottom-right, is a picture of
the rifle he is using, possibly telling him how much ammo is in it. Whenever
Snake looks at a person or machine, it gives him a description of it. This
could possibly be used to tell you what type of weapon the enemy has, or how
much of a threat they are.
We then see another Metal Gear fall out of the sky, that begins to follow the
rest of its comrades down the war-torn path. Behind it, another Metal Gear
leaps from the back and lands closer to the rest of its teammates. This
displays how mobile these new Metal Gear units can be. Snake turns off the
Solid-Eye System, and we see that the machine spying on him earlier is back
from hiding. Snake aims at it again, but the tiny machine on wheels speaks.
"Hey Snake, it's me", it says. "Who?", Snake replies. The machine responds
again "Snake, it's me!", and we now see an older Otacon on the screen. This
Otacon is much older than previous versions, but not nearly as aged as Snake.
He looks to be about in his forties. "Otacon?!", Snake is surprised. "Sorry to
keep you waiting", he says. "I'm here to help you from here on out".
"Where are you?", Snake asks. "Out of harm's way", Otacon says. "Is that
remote control?!", Snake asks, amazed. "Yup. And this mechanism is equipped
with a Cell Processor." The tiny machine spins around, hops into the air, and
falls over. It reminds me of a quirky pet from an anim.
Snake returns to look out the window. You can see great heat-wave effects, and
trash and dust blowing around. "Otacon, this is bad. We're surrounded", Snake
says, concerned. "Any ideas?", Otacon asks. "Can you lend me a hand?", Snake
asks, hoping for assistance.
"Not at the moment...Snake, you'd better get moving". The machine pulls out a
clip of ammo, and hands it to Snake. "OK, I'll take what I can get".
Snake replaces the ammo clip in the rifle, and puts the others onto his
Sneaking Suit. Snake replaces the attachment on the Rifle with a Grenade
Launcher attachment. He gets up and starts to leave, but stops.
"You coming?", he asks Otacon. "Of course, I'll be behind you all the way".
The machine does a circle around Snake, and almost loses its balance
again. "Uhh, Snake...?" Otacon asks. "What now?", Snake replies.
"Didn't you quit?", Otacon noticed the cigarette in Snake's mouth. Snake puts
the cig up against a piece of the burning building, and inhales. "Nah, just
found a light", he says. Snake inhales again, and blows the smoke in the
direction of the machine. A 'No Smoking' sign appears on the machines monitor,
and Otacon coughs, and the machine is shaking it's head, as if the smoke is
actually affecting it. "Even in the middle of a fight...", Otacon says.
Snake turns on the Solid-Eye System, and yells, "Go!". Snake runs out into the
midst of battle, with Otacon right behind him. "No Place To Hide!" flashes on-
screen, signifying the official end to the trailer. But anyone who has watched
Hideo's trailers or beaten his games before, knows that when the credits roll,
it still is not over.
The rest of the trailer consists of Otacon and Snake having a funny
conversation about the Cell Processor (used in the PS3), and how it is going
to win the console war. During their chat, it shows footage of games like
Killzone 2 and the rubber duck tech demo shown at E3. Then the words "Metal
Gear up to the PS3 Platform! Gear up to the PS3 Platform!" appear on the
screen. "Hey Snake, what do you think you about the new operation?", Otacon
says. Otacon leans forwards and says "...it'll be worth the wait!". The screen
shakes and then goes black.
I got that off IGN. It's a FAQ on the trailer. So that answers some questions about the game. I'm kind of sad that they say this is going to be the last Metal Gear Solid. What am I going to do after this one?
The GameFAQs MGS4 board has a good FAQ on what's known so far. So if anyone has any questions or just needs a refresher on the other games' events, check there. I found the speculation regarding Vamp's survival interesting.