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Microsoft and the "Origen"

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I don't have any clue what this is about. But it has something to do with XBox 360, and in rememberance of, this might be big.

Just discuss. But whatever is about to go down, it's happening in about six more days.

Also, change the .com to .org and the image moves a few pixels over.

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I still am left completely clueless. Anyone else got ideas on this thing, or speculations or whatever? I'm guessing this is going to be a game for the 360 that they hope is the Killer App...

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They've already got, like, five. The 360 has one of the strongest launch lineups I've ever seen.

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The picture has changed! There's now eight apples, the large rabbit is closer to the tree, and there's some odd white thig near the base of the tree...

Posts: 3756
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Thats just screwed up.

Maybe it's not coming out 'till Easter? *shrugs*

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Since this doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, there was a Latin Phrase found on the tree. However, according to Team Xbox, it was removed as of September 15th. Hmm...

EDIT: Bah, wrong link. >> *fix*

Info on removal of said message here.

Posts: 1827
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hmmm, *noses at Xbox 360 line up* from
Project Gotham Racing 3 (X360) This will be fun.
Kameo: Elements of Power (X360) Meh really. not interested in it. And that includes when i heard about it on the Gamecube.
Need for Speed Most Wanted (X360) actually looks quite good as a cross between NfS Hot Pursuit and Underground
Call of Duty 2 (X360) Meh again
Gears of War (X360) This looks good but maybe i'm just not a huge fan of FPS's
Halo 3 (X360) This probably wont make launch day but that doesnt stop GAME from putting it on the website
Dead or Alive 4 (X360) I like this but i dont really see a huge improvement from this to Ultimate. Maybe i need to see it moving
Prey (X360) Just heard about this one
Quake 4 (X360) Not sure looks a bit grey
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (X360) this looks good if this is the game i think it is.
Perfect Dark Zero (X360) only heard bad things about this. But it does have very realistic paving stones.
Condemned: Criminal Origins (X360) This agin looks good.

Dont know really. I think the Xbox 180? had a stronger line up really. Halo, DOA3, PGR, JSR: Future amd some others were really good for launch but this seems to have a lot of good titles but they are all FPS's. Unless this isnt the full launch line up.
I'll probably get a 360 (because i'm spoilt like that) but it needs to be a bit cheaper.

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Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

Ouch. I guess it was a digital timebomb.

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I'm getting the exact same thing as before but with a dead timer. D:

Whatever it is either isn't happening on the site or hasn't been put up yet, apparently.

EDIT: Ah, it's up now...I'm checking it out as I type this. It's odd o.o...

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Apparently it boils down to a contest for Europeans to win a chance to attend some US-based launch party. Or something similar.

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Way to overhype, Microsoft.

This smells like Fable.

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This better be some event.

Posts: 1827
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Fable was brilliant. Just because trees didnt grow and the storyline was linear.
Peter Molyenuex (spelling?) always overhypes his games.

Posts: 1818
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Molyneux may be full of hype, but he always delivers with Fable being the sole exception to the rule. Besides which, that doesn't stop it from being awesome.

Dead or Alive 4 (X360) I like this but i dont really see a huge improvement from this to Ultimate. Maybe i need to see it moving
If you have a look at the previews, videos and interviews, you'll find that it isn't just DOAU with upgraded graphics and a couple new characters -- it's a completely different game with a fully revamped fighting system.

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I liked Fable, but I always liked Morrowind better. Yay, open-endedness and soultrap glitches.
